IRL 4th Of July Party Chat!

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(Eren's Perspective)

"Everyone ready?" I asked the large group of scouts who had gathered around the entrance to the headquarters. Tonight was the 4th of July and the closest village and some other officials were coming to celebrate. The area was already nicely decorated, and I had volunteered to open the doors. I held onto the handle, but I could see Gracie and Hanji smirking and stepping away.

I shrugged it off and pulled on the doors, letting the cool night air flow into the building. But sadly, I couldn't appreciate it because I was currently being trampled by people. Adults, teens and kids simply ran over me. I heard a yelp, and I was dragged out of the stampede.

"You ok?!" Mikasa asked worryingly, dusting me off. I nodded."Yeah." Was the only word I could muster as I looked over to see Hanji and Gracie high-fiving each other. I grumbled some insults and left to go to the lounge with my friends. Mikasa and Armin grinned as we entered the lounge.

"I'll go get us some soda." Armin smiled, walking over to the neon soda bar. I nodded and sat down on one of the couches with Mikasa. There were lots of children here playing games like tag, hide and seek, and never have I ever. But one child glanced at us and ran back to his friends. Then, about 4 children ran up to us.

"Are you Cadet Jaeger?" Said one large blonde. I assumed he was the leader of the group by the way the others looked at him."Um, yea." I responded, glancing at Mikasa. She just shrugged and looked at the kids."So y-you, can r-really turn i-into a t-Titan!" Said a little ginger haired girl. She seemed a little afraid of the matter."Uh, yea. I can do that." I responded, not knowing what else to say. The kids looked at each other and grinned happily."GET HIM!" Yelled the blonde haired boy. I quickly leaped up and ran out of the lounge, I turned to look back and now about 6 kids were chasing me around the headquarters.

(Jeans Perspective)

I looked around for someone to talk to. There were lots of people in the dining room, but they all seemed focused on their own conversations. I held a plate with hamburgers and fries and went to sit down at an empty table by the door.
I heard a loud scream and some high-pitched squeals coming from down the hall. Suddenly, Eren ran by the door, followed by 6 excited sugar high kids.

I smirked and hoped that they somehow caught up to him. I continued to eat alone, kinda looking pathetic. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a wealthy looking man holding a pen and notepad. "Uh, hello?" I said, swallowing my food, and looking up at him.

He straightened his tie and took a seat next to me."So, your a scout?" He asked, glancing at my jacket. I nodded and turned to face him properly. He grinned and un-capped his pen."I've got some questions to ask you for the towns weekly newspaper." He said. I brightened up. 'This could get me the fame and attention I deserve!' I thought, imagining myself rich and the leader of the scouts.

"Ok!!" I responded, smiling at the well dressed man."First, is it true that there is a Titan shifter in the scout regiment?" He asked. I rolled my eyes."Yeah, but he has severe problems and totally isn't as cool as me." I smiled. The reporter nodded and quickly wrote it down on the paper."Next question, Is it true that Corporal Levi Ackerman has a girlfriend?" He asked. I gave him an odd look."No, he's too stuck up and rude to have one. But I'm the exact opposite, I could honestly get a girlfriend anytime I want to!" I responded. The reporter grinned and continued to write."Last question, is it true that Jean Kirstein of the scouts is a horse?" He asked inquisitively. My smile immediately disappeared. The man turned to his right and sent a double thumbs up at someone. I looked to where he was facing and saw Sasha and Connie laughing and pointing at us. I rolled up my sleeves and started to chase after them. Connie looked up."OH SHOOT!" He yelled and him and Sasha ran out of the dining room, me quickly chasing them.

(No specific perspective)

It was almost time for the fireworks to begin, so Gracie, Hanji and Levi made their way towards the stairs. As they approached the end of the hall, there heard loud scream coming from behind them. Thy all turned to see Eren being trampled by a group of children. Gracie rolled her eyes and walked towards them."Hey kids, there's cake and fireworks up on the roof, you don't wanna miss it!" She smiled. A large blonde child looked up at her."Ok! Come on guys!" He waved towards his friends and they all happily ran up the stairs."T-thanks." Eren sighed as he stood up and joined them.

"Brats." Levi muttered and walked alongside the others. They heard more screams from behind them. "Seriously?!" Hanji rolled her eyes and turned."Oh, it's just Jean." She shrugged. The others nodded and continued up the stairs. They all got to the roof and stood against the railing. Everyone was either dancing, drinking, making out or singing really badly.

"This is gross." Eren muttered, looking around at all the people. Levi and Gracie nodded in agreement, then giving Hanji an odd look for not doing the same."What, I think it's sweet! And I know all of you have someone in mind when you see all this!" She laughed.

Gracie blushed elbowed Hanji hard in the stomach. She flinched but just started laughing."You say one more thing and I'll through you off the roof." Gracie threatened. Although, she probably wouldn't be able to do that even if she tried.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! YAY!" Screamed the crowd. The group smiled and turned to face the sky. Fireworks in all shapes, color and sizes burst into the dark sky. People cheered and stared in awe at the beautiful scenery."Come here friends!" Hanji grinned putting Gracie and Levi in two separate headlocks. Eren was just quick enough to avoid it and awkwardly left to find his friends. Armin and Mikasa were standing only a couple groups away, looking at the sky.

"Hey guys!" He smiled. They both jumped up in surprise and smiled to see their friend safe and sound."We thought those kids had killed you!" Armin laughed."And you didn't come looking?" Eren asked, joining them. The both glanced at each other awkwardly."Wait, you can brutally kill more then 20 titans, but you can't get yourself away from 6 kids?" Mikasa asked, giving Eren a funny look.

"Well I, um, don't have to explain myself!" He crossed his arms and the other two started to laugh.


"Oh my, is that the commander singing?" Gracie laughed, pointing at the tall blonde who stood next to the karaoke machine. Levi grunted and Hanji dragged them along to go watch. "Now, we need a volunteer to come and sing with the commander!" The person who was running the stand said. Sadly, no one raised their hands.

Levi glanced over at Gracie and nodded. Gracie smirked and nodded as well. Levi roughly poked Hanji in her shoulder blade and her hand shot up in surprise. Gracie laughed as she was called to join the commander in stage. The two of them continued to stand there and watch Hanji and Erwin sing ridiculous songs.


"Alright, get out." Levi shooed the guests out of the building. Everyone made there way back to their dorms and Eren, Mikasa, Gracie and Hanji stopped in front of Levi's dorm."Alright brats, we have to clean all this stuff up tomorrow." He said opening the door to his room and immediately shutting it.

"What's wrong?" Eren asked. Levi glanced at the slightly older cadets and then back at the door. Sudden realization appeared on their faces."UM, GO TO BED!" Gracie shouted, pushing them all down the hall. The gave each other odd looks and continued down to their dorms.

"Good night readers!" Hanji smiled and ended the chapter as they began to sort some minor issues.


*Hanji Zoë has logged on*

Hanji: Gracie is currently helping Levi clean some, um, stuff up. I hope you guys had a happy forth of July! I don't know how she honestly ends these things... so um. BYE.

*Hanji Zoë has logged off*

(Shout out to lil_lioness ! Thanks for being my 100th follower!)

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