New Writer Chat

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*Gracie has logged on*

*Eren Jaeger has logged on*

*Mikasa Ackerman has logged on*

*Armin Arlert has logged on*

*Corporal Levi has logged on*

*Hanji Zoë has logged on*

*Jean Kirstein has logged on *

Eren: So, what's up.

Gracie: Going Pokémon hunting!

Armin: Ooh! What team are you on?

Gracie: Mystic, what about you guys?

Mikasa: Valor, there red like my scarf.

Eren: Mystic! Like the wings of freedom!

Hanji: Valor, they make me feel some what powerful.

Armin: Mystic, there like to study and stuff.

Levi: Mystic too, and I'm the second highest level player on the team. First is Erwin. -_-

Jean: Um. Instinct.

Eren: Wow.

Gracie: My whole family is on team mystic, so we go in a huge car together and drive around the city helping each other catch Pokémon and stuff. We going tonight.

Armin: Aww, that sounds like fun.

Gracie: But if you choose a different team, you can't come. And we don't talk to you at all.

Hanji: Yikes! What's your favorite Pokémon?

Levi: Umbreon. It's dark and strong like my soul.

Eren: Any Pokémon that could kill a Titan. There my favorite.

Mikasa: I like the weedle. I want one.

Gracie: Well then, I gotta go! Who wants to take over the writing for today?

Eren: ME!

Armin: I don't know if that's a good idea....

Gracie: Eh, it'll make the book slightly more interesting. Eren's to all powerful writer until I get back. C'ya!

*Gracie has logged off*

Eren: WOW. I FEEL POWERFUL! And I got the emoji's! 💚😋👑🦄

Jean: So what are you gonna do Eren? NEIGH. Wait— I didn't type that. NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!

Levi: Oh so that's how your gonna do it. You do one thing to me and I swear I'll make you do 50 laps— I'm really short and I like to make lots and lots of messes. EREN YOUR SCREWED.

Mikasa: I'm not as cool or as powerful as Eren and I'll do whatever he says and stop treating him like a toddler.

Eren: Being the writer is the best! I wonder why Gracie doesn't do this stuff.

Armin: Maybe because she has some respect towards others. I'm Eren's best friends and would probably die if he was kid napped again. Because that's what I do.


Mikasa: Yikes, he got to all of us.

Hanji: Nope, I just had the sudden urge to say that.

Eren: Well, I'm bored now, what should we do! Oh, never mind, I kinda got an idea.

Levi: Kirstein?! What the hell are you doing with a horse inside?!

Jean: It's not me! It's fricken Eren! Get him to stop!

Hanji: All my experiments are blowing up! Stop it's FOR MY TITANS.

Mikasa: Captain?! Are you mopping the floor with mud??!!?!?


Armin: Is that Erwin in his underwear at the top of the castle?! And why do they have dancing titan designs all over them...?

Hanji: Oh shit! Sonny and Bean escaped! And are doing the worm while trying to escape.

Mikasa: Eren, you gotta stop. This stuff isn't right.

Eren: But it's super fun! Look! Every time Sasha reaches for her food, it moves away! 😂😂

*Gracie has logged on*

Gracie: Hey guys, I got some good Pokémon, what's up with you— OH GOD.

Levi: So you saw what that brat did to us?!

Gracie: Nope, just saw Erwin. But I'll be taking my writer controls back anyway.

Eren: Aw, I'm in trouble aren't I?

Hanji: Oh, way to much for a 15 year old to handle.


Eren: Wait—I thought we were friends!!!!!

*Eren Janet has logged off*

*Armin Arlert has logged off*

*Mikasa Ackerman had logged off*

*Jean Kirstein has logged off *

*Hanji Zoë has logged off*

*Corporal Levi has logged off*

Gracie: Well, Eren's never getting the writer privileges again. Maybe I'll give them to Hanji next time.

*Gracie has logged off*


*Gracie has logged on*

Gracie: Super sorry for the wait, I'll try and update more frequently if that's what you'd like. Bye people!

*Gracie has logged off*

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