a/n *audible groan*

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I uploaded chapter 8, yey.
But I took a weird picture, maybe aesthetically pleasing, but y'know.
A 'wasper' scared me, one of the red ones.
It was also pretty dark in there.
I can't go and look for my Cats collar, my dead Cats collar.
I'd been promised to go and look for it, and I don't know what to do.
It was all I had left of him.
And now..
It's gone,
It's completely lost.
I can't.
I miss him so much,
I miss his soft fur which I used to use as a comforting mechanism,
I miss the ways he would lay on my sketch book, begging me to pay attention to him.
I ignored him this whole time.
And I regret it.
I regret everything I'd done to him, and honestly, I'll never be the same without him.
I thought I seen him earlier, alive, laying on the steps like he used to.
But when i turned around,
He wasn't there.
Nothing was there.
Not even my other cat, Cassie.
I just need to hold him, and love him, and take care of him, and sneak him in through the window at night, and cuddle him and give him kisses and watch stuff with him.
My entire being can't do this,
It can't handle stuff like this.
I'm going to grieve myself to death,
Wether I end up starving to death or just mourn.
I've had chest pains so bad,
And I can't even grip his collar to remember what wore it.
I've been told that I could have multiple cats that look like him,
And the adult one is named George,
Yet he's skittish and afraid of new people.
But enough of that, I hoe you enjoy that chapter.

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