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* Anna's P.O.V *

I was in my room when I heard...

Bong, bong, bong, bong, bong...

It was the warning bells, something big was coming. I ran out of my room and into the hall, I was soon met by two guards. They stopped and looked at me with worry in their eyes.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"The watch tower said that something big is heading this way," the first guard said and we started to walk, I walked in between them.

"Do they know what it is?"

"He said he couldn't make it out, it was transparent and it reflected the sun's rays," the second guard said.

"Is it coming by land or sea?"

"Neither, it comes by air," The first guard said.

"Air?! Do you know if it's going to land?"

"Yes, it looks like it was aiming to land in the court yard."

"Then we got to get to the court yard and quick. Is their anything I should knew about this...things."



"There are two...passengers or two people on it," the second guard.


"Yes, my lady."

I paused, two passengers, two people?

"My lady?" The second guard asked, snapping me out of my question.

"Come on, we need to get to the court yard," I said starting to run with the guards following behind me.

I soon got to the throne room, the entry doors were right in front of me. I ran to the doors and I used all my strengths to pry them open, letting the cool air into the room. I stepped onto the front steps of the castle, the court yard laid empty in front of me. I heard the guards foot steps soon catch up to me and they stood behind me, waiting. Our eyes were searching the sky to see any glimpse of this mysterious figure and it's two passengers. It was silent as we searched, looked, we held our breathes. As minutes went by, our eyes stopped searching and we exhaled, I smiled and looked at one of the guards.

"Looks like the watch tower was-" I was cut off.


"...wrong," I said finishing my sentence as I watched a ice dragon fly above the court yard. It's roar was ground breaking, it flew in circles around the court yard, looking for a spot to land. Once it found it's target, it tucked it's wings in and dived to the ground. As it got closer, I saw two cloaked figures on it's back, One was cloaked in dark purple, the other a dark shade of navy blue. The dragon got closer and closer to the ground, I was afraid it wasn't going to pull up and crash into the ground and shatter, that was how close it was getting. But then it spread it's wings, stopping it's speed and it slowly landing on the cement, making a clink sound as it's ice feet touched the ground. It lowered it's wings and looked at us, the dragon looked oddly familiar, I could see the guards point their swords at the beast, getting ready to attack.

My attention was soon drawn to the two figures on this creatures back. The figure with the navy blue color cloak had a wooden staff in their hand. That figure got down from off the dragon, then it turned around and helped the figure in the purple cloak get down. This told me that the person in the blue cloak was a boy and the one in the purple was a girl. Their faces were hidden by the hoods they wore on the heads, I took a step forward trying to get a good look at them, but I couldn't, they were facing each other making it impossible to identify them. The boy's face was directed in my direction so I could see parts of his face as he whispered something to his partner, he had white hair and dark blue eyes, I didn't recognize him at all. I couldn't see the girls face for she was turned away from me, looking at the boy. Finally I decided to ask who they are and what they want.

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