Stressful Day

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Matthew strode down the hallways of his high school keeping his head down. Proper omegas never look up. His lessons since birth reminded him. He clutched his history book to his chest trying to avoid a group of alphas crowding together. Sadly, one had picked up his scent.
"Hey, slut! Cover up for once!" He shouted throwing trash at Matthew's head. The blond gulped trying to ignore him as he quickened his pace. The rest of his group laughed joining in on the taunting.
"Bitch!" One shouted even as Matthew continued walking away. Was going to his locker too much to ask for? His grip tightened on the book as he left the group to their corner.
"Whore!" Another called until they were out of earshot. Matthew sighed softly looking down at his clothing. Black converse, dark blue jeans, a T-shirt, and a red flannel. He was clothed head to toe, so why did they demand he get dressed?
"What's left to cover?" He mumbled to himself. Matthew reached his locker only to see it had been vandalized like always. Drawings of him sucking dicks, dancing on poles, and even a few threats were taped to the metal door. He opened one reading the first paragraph.

To, Matthew W.

You are a filthy slut who doesn't deserve to learn. Go back home and make yourself useful by cooking a meal for us alphas. You mean nothing in this world. I-
Matthew stopped reading at that point. He took a photo of his locker and the note for evidence before taking them down. He looked down the hall to see other omegas photographing the things put on their lockers. He put in the combination opening it to see more notes fall to the ground. Another photo to show the world. He opened a few not bothering to read a single word. Sliding the history book into its space, Matthew collected every paper in his locker. He slammed it shut surprised it hadn't broken yet. He was a sophomore, which meant he and the locker had suffered two years of shit. He marched to the principal's office passing the secretary Mrs. Donali. The beta had always been kind to students no matter their classification. She saw the papers in Matthew's hands and sighed.
"They'll never learn at this rate. If I ran this world, those little papers would turn into love letters in a heartbeat. Nobody would worry about nothing." Matthew smiled taking the hall pass slip from her. No matter what, everyone trusted Mrs. Donali. She had a heart of gold in a world of stone. He went to the principal's desk handing him the papers. The man read over the notes and grimaced at the pictures drawn on them. He sighed going over to the filing cabinet adding them to the overstuffed file for Matthew.
"Do you have any names? Did you see them?" Matthew shook his head sadly. The man ran his fingers through his greying hair staring at the stack of papers piling on his desk. Just what he needed. Another report to write. He went on the computer clicking the icon for the security cameras. He went to Matthew's locker going over he tapes in the past hour. Since the teen was a regular, he knew the hallway with his locker by heart. They watched as the same group that had bullied Matthew minutes ago run up to his locker and tape things to it. He even saw them slide countless notes into the small vent on the door.
"I'll fill out the paperwork tomorrow. It's the end of the day, so go home." Matthew nodded leaving the principal's office. He decided to sit with Mrs. Donali at the front desk texting his mother. While he waited, his twin brother was called to the front as well. The two hugged before sitting back down behind the front desk. It took their mother a few minutes to arrive to the school, for she had to leave work unexpectedly. On the contrary, omegas being sent home from being bullied is quite common.
"Hi, Mom." Matthew whispered feeling a bit shameful. Alfred merely waved as she signed them out. They said their goodbyes to Mrs. Donali before leaving the school with their mother. It was a silent car drive back home since everyone refused to speak. Alfred read his book, their mom drove, and Matthew stared out the window. The same city with the same buildings with the same people. Nothing ever changed. Not even the feeling of remorse when the garage door opened revealing their upset father. The twins could hear the argument already. They got their bags quietly making their way to their father. He grabbed their shirt collars dragging them inside the house.
"You worthless idiots!" He shouted throwing them into the kitchen. They stumbled and crashed to the tile floor with a yelp. Their father marched in picking the twins up by their shirt collars once more. Matthew looked over to his mother silently begging her to help. Her hands shook as she tried to reach out to her children. Their father noticed her actions and growled sending chills down her spine. She put hands down and backed into the corner of the kitchen. Matthew used his father's distraction as a chance to push him away. He took Alfred's hand and ran to their room. He shut and locked the door second before his father banged against it.
"Open this door right now! I will not have my sons be pathetic embarrassments!" Matthew threw his bag onto his bed digging inside of it. He pulled out his headphones, slipped them on, and plugged the auxiliary cord into his phone. Alfred did the same blasting loud music to block out their father's ranting. Matthew didn't want to deal with the world he lived in. He climbed into bed curling up under the covers. Alfred sat on the floor with his laptop going on random websites to pass the time. Matthew did the same on his phone hoping to wait out the shouting. As he scrolled through his account, an ad caught his attention. He clicked on it and was taken to a small website. A paragraph was written under a collage of photos. The pictures were of the ocean, happy people, and delicious food making Matthew's mouth water.

The Riptide Cruise Line has returned with an outstanding offer! For three full weeks, omegas are allowed to relax and enjoy themselves on our ship. They will be entertained, fed, and cared for their entire stay. The cruise ship will be stationed at Charleston Port, South Carolina and sail across the Atlantic before returning. Our top of the line spa guarantees your omega will come home ready to mate and birth healthy pups!

The passage went on to talk about how the masseuses were certified to rejuvenate any omega that came aboard. Matthew skimmed the paragraphs before he found the prices for tickets.

Omegas under the age of 18 are charged $55 per person. Anyone above said age will pay $75 dollars each. Ticket prices include all provided meals and entertainment. They do not cover room service meals or trips to the spa. No alphas will be on board at anytime. Dates and times are 8/22/18 7:30am- 9/12/18 9:30pm.

An office address along with a phone number was given at the end of the webpage. Matthew turned his music off relieved to hear total silence. He got off the bed walking over to where Alfred was seated. He tapped his shoulder pulling his attention away from the chat he was having with a friend. Alfred turned off his music whilst taking Matthew's phone into his hands. His eyes widened as he read through the paragraphs.
"Dude, this is perfect. We should bring it up tomorrow." Matthew agreed taking a screenshot of the page once his phone was handed back. He turned it off heading back to bed. Sleeping would help him relax for now. He watched his brother play a video game before closing his eyes to slumber.

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