Set Sail

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"Mom! For the last time, my hair is fine!" Matthew whined trying to run away from his mother. She grabbed his shirt collar pulling him back into his seat. Matthew groaned as his mother added more bobby pins to his hair to keep it separate. She grabbed the flatiron straightening Matthew's strawberry blond hair.
"Don't argue with me, Matthew. I want you to look nice for your first day." She took out another pin to straighten the next set of curls. She then ran a brush through the curls trying to untangle any knots. Matt checked the time squirming in his seat in anticipation. His mother grabbed his shoulders holding him still. Mattie gave up choosing to stare at his reflection while his mother worked.

It took nearly half an hour before she set the iron down. She got sunblock to coat his face, arms, and legs to keep him safe. She brushed Matthew's hair before pinching her son's cheek.
"All done! You look so handsome, my little sweetie pie." Matt pushed her hand away whining at the pinches. He stood from the chair hurrying to get his luggage. His mother came over spraying his hair to keep it from getting messy.
"Mom! It's fine!" He whined coughing slightly from the smell. She brushed it one last time before patting his head. She gave his cheek a kiss not wanting him to leave for the trip just yet. She had always been quite clingy with her family. Mattie went downstairs to see his brother had been waiting in the kitchen. He grabbed their tickets before giving their parents a final hug. Omegas always struggled with parting from their loved ones. However, their alpha father was quite soft for his sons. He hugged them for another moment before pulling away. The twins smiled heading to the garage door.
"Bye, guys. We love you! We'll call when we get on the ship!" Alfred shouted as he dragged his bags to the car. He tossed them in the back along with Matthew's hoping they didn't pack too much. Matt took the keys from Alfred not trusting him with driving. Alfred played on his phone during the ride to the port. He took a photo of the large cruise ship commenting, "Hope this isn't the Titanic all over again!" Matthew parked the car close to the ticket booths. They got their bags out of the trunk carrying them to be searched. Once they were dropped off, the twins got in line to hand over their tickets. Standing under the hot, summer sun was brutal for the omegas in line. It was even worse for those nearing their heats, for the sun made them uncomfortable.
"Dude, I'm gonna pass out." Alfred whined as they stepped closer to the booths. The line gradually shrank as more people handed over their tickets. The twins gave theirs and were handed a slip with their room number. They went to get their bags after they had been searched. They carried them into the boat sighing in union once they felt the A/C hit them. They raced to the deck to wave at everyone with the other omegas. The ship blew its horn whilst it left port. Matthew made a quick call to his parents thankful there was a cell tower near the docks.
"Hey! We're leaving right now! We'll miss you!" He shouted into the phone over all the screaming. He stepped away from the railing to a secluded area near the pool. He repeated what he said since his parents had trouble hearing him the first time.
"We'll miss you, too! Please come home safe." His mother requested. Matthew chuckled glancing at the shrinking tower. He had to hurry before the line could go dead. He cleared his throat trying to summarize everything.
"We will, Mom! I have to go. The cell tower is getting too far. We love you!" He said moments before getting cut off. The cheers died down now that the port was out of sight. Alfred joined his twin patting his back softly. He looked down at the slip seeing their room was in the upper level. They left the deck heading to the hallways that led to the sleeping quarters. During their walk to their room, Matthew admired the architecture and design inside the ship. His hand trailed along the gray walls with white trims. The carpet was black with white patters lined with gold. The ceiling held many lights and chandeliers illuminating the path to the rooms.
"Here we are! 115." Alfred slid the keycard into the lock waiting for the light to turn green. He opened the door once it changed taking a good look at the room. He ran inside jumping onto a white bed snuggling into the soft fabric. Matthew laughed setting his things down next to Alfred's. He got on his bed rolling around to get used to the bedding.
"This place is amazing! The interior design is so modern and stylish." He commented glancing around the room. Matthew curled against the mountain of pillows on his bed sighing softly. He had always been one for designs, for he grew up decorating parties and his house as a child. Alfred chuckled rolling his eyes. He turned to his side to face his twin brother.
"Who cares about design? Can you imagine the engine?! The amount of horsepower that thing has must be incredible! What I would give to get my hands on it!" Unlike his brother, Alfred had been raised in an alpha-like way. Instead of learning proper omega etiquette, he learned about engineering. He grew up being looked down upon wherever he went. Many made comments about him never finding a mate, or saying there was something wrong with him. Although, that didn't stop the teen from learning how to work on cars and various other things. Matthew giggled at his brother's nerdy behavior. He sat up grabbing their brochure to find the list of activities for them.
"I'm going to check out the pool. You stay here and think about the stars." Matthew felt a nudge on the back from his twin who stuck his tongue out. He giggled as he got his swim trunks out of his bag. He went to the bathroom stripping himself of his clothes. A tall mirror mounted to the wall caught Matthew's eye. He stood in front of it before turning to see his backside. He ran his hand down from his ribs to his hips admiring himself.
"Cute as fuck." Matt mumbled before slipping his trunks on. He stepped out throwing his dirtied clothes into a hamper by the door. He got a towel wrapping his phone and wallet inside it. After a quick goodbye, he left with his spare keycard. He walked up to the deck heading towards the blue pool. Matthew abruptly stopped when pink gloves covered his eyes. He was shocked at first unsure who was blocking his sight.
"Guess who?" The person asked with a small giggle. Matthew's shock vanished when he recognized the voice. It was Francis. The Frenchman stepped closer pressing his chest against Matthew's back to look over his shoulder. He smiled seeing the faint grin on the Canadian's face.
"I'm gonna say... Francis?" The man cheered taking his hands away to hug Matthew. The two laughed turning to face each other. Matt smiled noticing the bows in Francis' hair, and his pink dress. The two walked to the pool together chatting to catch up with what happened in the past month.
"I love your hair, Francis. It looks adorable." Francis gave a high pitched giggle as he twirled his hair with a bright smile. He lifted the sides of his dress to show off the frills and laces to Matthew. He spun around with a cheer stumbling backwards, for he had spent quite some time at the bar. Matthew reached out to catch the bubbly man before he could hit the deck. He held him close as he led him to one of the lounge chairs next to the pool. Francis sat down with a groan rubbing his eyes.
"Thank you. I think I had too many martinis." Matthew grabbed an umbrella to keep the sun away from Francis. He made sure to angle it so the shade would stay on the Frenchman. He then went to get him some water from the bar to help clear his head. He even went out of his way to get a fan for Francis. The blond hummed sitting up to hug Matthew tightly.
"You are such an angel! I wish you were my son; I've yet to have any children." Francis pouted looking over the railing to scan the ocean's waves. He had his 26th birthday back in July, but he couldn't find himself a mate. Normally, omegas found their mates by 18 durning festivals and celebrations. The longer it took, the more shame it brought upon said omega. He brought his legs to his chest trying to comfort himself.
"Sad, isn't it? I'm 26, but I still don't have an alpha. My parents are ready to arrange a marriage." He ran his fingers through his long hair sighing softly. Matthew sat down next to him feeling worried about his own future. His 18th birthday had just passed a month ago, which meant he was bait for any alpha to take. A sitting duck at this point. The two collectively sighed before stealing glances at one another. Francis fixed his hair then moved over to the pool ledge. He grabbed his dress pulling it over his head to reveal a bathing suit. He removed his gloves laying them on top of the discarded dress tossed onto his lounge chair. Matthew stood joining him in the almost empty pool. Most of the omegas were in their rooms or doing indoor activities. They were relaxing against the wall when a conversation caught their attention.
"I don't want to put my drink on the deck! Someone might knock it over!" A young omega whined to an older beta. The beta must work for the ship, for he had Lifeguard printed on the back of his swim trunks. He was also holding a megaphone and whistle. He groaned turning the omega around to face the wall of the pool. However, the omega pouted and turned away holding his drink over the pool water. He sipped the blue liquid from his yellow, twisty straw glaring at the beta behind him.
"Feliciano Vargas, if it spills in the pool, I have to clean it. I don't want to clean the water because you can't hold a drink." The beta explained with a small growl. Francis covered his mouth hiding a giggle finding the interaction funny. The beta glared at him drawing Feliciano's attention away from the argument. He smiled waving at the two before swimming over to them. The lifeguard followed with agitation written all over his face. He lifted his sunglasses to fully glare at the Frenchman.
"Can I help you?" He spat not caring how rude it sounded. Feliciano pouted looking up at the lifeguard. He sat down with the two trying to ignore the beta next to him. He sipped his fruity drink holding it above the water in spite of the previous argument. The beta growled staring at the young male.
"Hi, I'm Feliciano. The lifeguard is my older brother Lovino." Lovino groaned snatching the drink from his little brother's hands. He slammed it onto the wooden deck spilling a few drops of its contents. Feliciano crossed his arms turning to angrily sip his alcoholic drink. The lifeguard sat down on the edge of a lounge chair sighing heavily. He put his head in his hand and began to question his life choices.
"Why so stressed, mon cher? Bad day?" Francis asked Lovino. The beta rubbed his eyes ignoring the small bags underneath them. He was not one to work with the ship's schedule. Especially since it meant he had to wake up at five in the morning to prepare to pool for guests. He groaned shaking his head lightly in response.
"More like bad existence." Lovino mumbled before joining the three in the pool. He glowered at the men who were trying to hug him. The omegas wrapped their arms around Lovino in a tight embrace nuzzling him. He writhed in their arms hoping to free himself. When it failed due to them not giving up and Lovino being tired, he groaned slumping against the tile wall in defeat. He noticed one of his supervisors was walking along the deck making him panic.
"Shit! He's gonna report me!" He pushed the three off of him before scrambling to get out of the water. He threw himself onto a lounge chair casually sitting back in it. He grabbed a towel laying it on his lap to cover the water on him. The man came over looking down at Lovino with a raised brow. The man was wearing a sailor uniform with a small, black cat stitched on the breast pocket. He shrugged feeling too lazy to report anything at the moment. He went to the chair next to Lovino laying down to take a quick cat nap. Lovino sighed moving to sit in the pool once again. He rested his head in his hand staring at the multiplying clouds in the sky.
"And he complains that I don't do my job." He muttered bringing his knees to his chest. Matthew frowned swimming over to give him a small massage. He kneaded his palm against the tense muscles trying to relax them, but they didn't budge. He pressed harder against his chest hoping to soften the muscles. However, they stayed the way they were.
"Can you try relaxing?" He asked giving his triceps another squeeze. They were rock solid with little movement. Lovino groaned looking down at his submerged feet. He tried to relax, but his muscles tensed at any contact. It was a natural reaction from dealing with stressful days and too much physical contact.
"I'm a depressed 20 year old on the verge of menopause due to stress. I am relaxing." He blurted out not caring anymore. Matthew sighed sitting down next to the Italians. A sudden breeze came making them shudder, for the water was already chilly. An announcement made by the captain caught everyone's attention.
"Everyone, a small storm will hit us soon. I advise you all to head inside for safety. This will not effect our trip in anyway. That is all." Everyone on the deck murmured to each other before heading to either their room or the indoor activities. Matthew climbed out of the water with the others grabbing his towel. They dried off just as a few droplets began to fall. Feliciano grabbed his drink trying to finish it before it was ruined by rain. They hurried inside heading towards the casino for shelter. Matthew ran his fingers through his hair feeling the curls coming back from the pool water. He looked around the casino spotting an empty pool table.
"Anyone up for pool?" He asked pointing to it. The three looked at each other nodding in agreement. They went over to it taking the cue sticks off the wall. Feliciano set the balls in the triangle before hanging it on a hook attached to the light fixture. They went from oldest to youngest starting with Francis. He managed to pocket the one and six. He took another shot but failed to pocket any of the balls. Lovino went next pocketing the four. With a smirk, he shot again pocketing the five. One his third turn, the cue ball was pocketed making him groan. Feliciano went next placing the cue ball back on the table. He cheered when the two rolled into a pocket.

The four finished playing an hour later with three wins for Lovino, two for Francis, three for Matthew, and one for Feliciano. They left the casino heading to the spa. While Francis and Feliciano gladly tossed their clothes aside, Lovino and Matthew were a bit shy.
"No way in hell am I getting naked for these assholes." Lovino complained clutching his uniform. Matthew took a deep breath before removing his trunks switching it for a towel. He looked over to Lovino who had shut his eyes when he changed. The Italian groaned taking his swim trunks off with hesitation. He wrapped a towel around himself stomping over to the others. The two went to the hot tub seeing Francis and Feliciano were already sitting in it. Their towels hung on racks not far from the tub as they played with the water.
"Come on in, mes petits amis. It's so relaxing." Francis called sinking into the heat to relax himself. He grabbed one of the bottles of oils reading what was on the labels. He poured some into the water watching as the bubbles appeared. Lovino grumbled as he took his towel off and stepped in the water. Matthew shyly removed his before hurrying into the water to cover himself.
"This is nice. What did you pour in, Francis?" He asked seeing Feliciano play with the bubbles floating in the water. Francis grabbed the bottle handing it over for Matthew to read off of. Lovino peered over his shoulder to read as well.
"It's soap that helps clear your skin and keeps it looking young." Francis explained giggling when he was splashed by Feliciano. The two childishly hit each other with water laughing lightly. Matthew set the plastic bottle back down walking over to the settings. He made the water a bit warmer and turned on the color hanging lights. Feliciano stopped his game to admire the bright colors in the water.
"Wow! Can I try?" He raced over to the settings scrolling through the options. He turned the left lights green, the middle lights white, and the right lights red. It was now the Italian flag making him and his brother cheer. Francis rolled his eyes changing the left lights to blue.
"Hey, asshole! Put it back!" Lovino shouted turning them green once again. Francis switched them back to blue crossing his arms. The two continued flipping the colors trying to keep their flag on. Lovino pulled on Francis' hair to change light. Francis glowered twisting his body to grab Lovino's hand. He pried it out of his hair turning the green into blue.
"The country of love is better!" They continued fighting until one of the workers kicked the four out. Matthew sighed saying goodbye to his friends before heading back to his room. He opened the door seeing Alfred was passed out on the bed. He chuckled taking a quick shower before climbing into bed.

Hi everyone! Sorry about the confusion with the missing chapter. What happened was, there was a glitch and it published this chapter when it wasn't finished. Btw, my account is acting weird so I can't reply to any messages unless they're in the book

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