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Matthew woke up in the middle of the afternoon letting out a yawn as he moved to sit up only to be pulled back down by his boyfriend.
"Mm. Warm me." Mattie giggled looking over to the albino. He brushed aside his white hair with a grin staring at his peaceful face.
"We're on the beach. Warmth is everywhere." Gilbert let out a grunt turning to the other side with his boyfriend in his arms. Matt let out a sigh and moved closer to cuddle the man.
"I want your warmth." The alpha muttered kissing his omega's neck. The blond giggled closing his eyes to relax. A few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. He could hear the shuffling of the rest of his friends moving to take the tents down and leave the beach. Matthew hummed softly as he fell asleep once again.

Hours went by before Gilbert was willing to wake up. However, it wasn't a natural wake up. It was a sound. A loud, prolonged noise in the distance.
Gilbert gave a groan as the sound grew louder. He realized he had never heard such a noise and shot upright with a gasp. He shook Matthew await hoping he could answer the question.
"Mattie, wake up. What is that?" He hastily asked flinching when the blaring drew closer. Matt sat up listening to the constant sound echoing around the island. He felt his body freeze in shock as sudden fear filled him to the brim.
"My people." He whispered with a shaky voice. The two sprinted out of the tent searching the horizon for the boat. Other islanders crowded on the beach with spears and weapons in case of an attack. Hushed murmurs went about the group as the large boat neared the island.
"Matthew, what is it?" One omega asked hiding his son behind him for protection. The natives looked to the foreigner, for he held all known things about the outside world.
"It's called a boat. My people use them for trading across waters and travel. From the looks of it, they don't seem friendly." The metal hull of the ship was tattered with scratches and sea life growing on it. The rusted sides and unkept appearance gave an unsettling vibe to the islanders. The omegas sent their children to Francis knowing he could protect them. He was the guardian of youth after all. Another blast from the horn had the natives quivering in fear of the loudness. Gilbert hid his face in Matthew's chest whimpering lightly.
"It's okay. Let me talk to them." He whispered earning a small nod from Gilbert. The ship stopped in shallow water to prevent running aground. Small lifeboats fell to the ocean waves with men aboard them. Even from a distance, Matthew could smell they reeked of alpha scent. Wanting to take a precaution, he asked Gilbert to mark him, which the albino gladly did so. The albino took a deep breath and faced the strange men approaching the island. The foreigners landed with a gruff looking man in a black and red captain's uniform in the first boat. He glanced around scanning the faces of the crowd. He looked similar to Ivan, but his hair was black. His eyes were also a maroon color, and he showed menace in his facial expressions.
"My friends." He began with a heavy voice. The islanders backed away whispering amongst themselves.
"I bring you no harm. I wish to speak to your leader and request supplies." When he finished, the people were silent at first. Ludwig took a shaky breath and stepped forward ignoring Feliciano's pleads. The captain raised a brow looking down at the shorter man.
"I am the leader. I suppose you posses the title as well with your men?" The sailor nodded as his crew stepped onto the beach behind him.
"Yes. I am Captain Viktor Braginsky. My ship lost its way in the ocean, and I landed here in dire need of necessities." Gilbert carefully watched his younger brother speak to Viktor. Something about the man made the albino feel uneasy. He thickly swallowed when Ludwig invited them to the village feeling shivers run down his spine.
"We welcome you on one condition. You must take what you need and leave immediately afterwards." The captain agreed, and brought his most trusted crew into the village. The rest was sent to return to the boat and wait.

Matthew hurried to the nest hoping Francis was there. He made his way up the vines landing softly onto the porch. He brushed aside the hide curtain on the door and gasped at the sight. Francis and Kiku were in the middle of helping an omega recover from labor. Francis softly rocked the newborn smiling down at his face with children surrounding him. They all greeted the baby welcoming him to the world. The Frenchman looked up surprised to see Matthew was at the door staring at them
"Matthieu, I was hoping you'd come by. Sit down, sweetie. Tino here is sleeping from the delivery." Matthew looked to the slightly chubby omega passed out on the cot. A warm blanket had been laid on top of him as the baby was watched by other children. Mattie sat down crossing his legs next to Francis.
"Francis, there's people from our world here. Ludwig is letting them stay, and they might-" Matt cut himself off realizing all the children were focusing on him. He gulped seeing they were too young to understand. Too young to know what laid out beyond the sea.
"They might what, Matthew?" Asked Peter tugging the blond's shirt. The Canadian gave a sigh running his fingers through his long, messy hair. He
"They might find our culture different, and we may feel the same about theirs. Let's try to get along." Peter softly nodded then went over to Tino, his father. He laid down next to him watching his peaceful face hoping he would wake up soon. Francis gave a smile at the child before looking to Matthew.
"I know what you're thinking. I was the first to warn everyone when I heard the horn go off. I tried to convince Ludwig they were dangerous, but he said he could handle it." He sighed brushing his slightly messy hair out of his face. Matt pulled his knees to his chest laying his head in them. He watched Francis tenderly rock the baby in his arms cooing softly to keep him calm. There was a small groan from behind them. Francis turned to see Tino had finally woken up from his slumber. He sat up with another groan looking up to the two.
"What happened?" He asked softly. When in labor, his main focus was his child, and everything else was forgotten. Tino smiled when he saw his baby in Francis' arms. The child had reddish orange hair making Tino giggle. He took the boy from Francis' arms with a weak yet genuine smile on his face. There was a shaking in the tree they sat in from below. Matthew moved to peer outside while Francis spoke to Tino. He saw one of the foreigners trying to scale the tree using a rock climbing method with the vines. Matthew backed away from the door with a panicked look one his face.
"One is coming up." He hastily whispered. Francis put the children and Tino near the back of the room for some safety. He watched as the vine tugged each time the man took another step up the tree. A hand reach out scaring the Frenchman for a second. Soon, a head followed by the rest of the body was standing on the porch. The foreigner had ginger hair with endless freckles across his body. He wore a typical explorer outfit with a pastel pink bow around his collar. He gasped when his gaze landed on multiple children standing behind Francis and Matthew.
"Goodness! You really are a protector of children." He said in a rather heavy English accent that made him sound like a sissy. Francis and Matthew began to relax seeing the Englishman was scrawny and didn't appear to be a threat.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Oliver. Oliver Kirkland to be exact, and I just love your island." He stepped inside the hut looking around. There were small holes carved in the top of the walls to let in soft lighting from the sun. A large, plush bed in the center of the room was adorned with pillows for comfort. Other things like small desks and drawers filled the empty spaces in the room.
"Oh, goodness. This is a beautiful home you have, Mr. ..." Francis gave a soft smile and stepped forward. Matt sat down and allowed the children to also come forward.
"Francis Bonnefoy. Please, excuse the mess. I just helped Tino deliver his baby." Oliver gasped peering behind Francis to see the omega. There was small bundle of cloth in his arms causing Oliver to squeal. Tino allowed the foreigner to hold the baby seeing he would bring no harm. As the two talked, Matthew let out a small sigh. Francis sat down next to him running his fingers through Matt's hair.
"I know you're still worried, but I'm sure things will work out. You're Papa's little soldier." Francis gave Mattie's cheek a small pinch causing him to giggle. Matt sighed looking out the door to see everyone moving about their lives. He watched Viktor and the rest of his crew speak to the natives. They were given a spare hut to sleep in seeing sending them out at sunset might get them lost once more.

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