Don't Take Us

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Matthew and his friends stood behind Ludwig on the beach as the foreigners packed the last of their supplies. Ludwig was speaking to Viktor as his crew finished the loading.
"Tell no one of your stay here. Privacy is what keeps us alive." Viktor nodded swearing to secrecy about the location of the island. He had already removed any and all coordinates from the maps along with anything from the island.
"If they ask, we were stranded on an uninhabited island with food. Our maps show no-" A gun went off sending the natives running into the woods in fear of the loud echo. The blast pulled the attention of the remaining people on the beach to one of the lifeboats in the water. It was Luciano who held up a revolver pointing into the sky. He cocked it and pointed it at Viktor shooting him in the arm. The Russian froze as the bullet neared his forearm digging into his body. He let out a shriek falling to the sand clutching his bloody arm. The dense wine poured from the bottles of veins onto the white flooring of sand staining it. Ludwig got to his knee taking the scarf from Viktor's neck to wrap the wound.
"Listen up!" Luciano shouted looking across the beach. Matthew's group turned to the Italian as Viktor was ushered to Kiku and Yao to get the wound treated.
"We're taking the omegas with us. They will be sold to wealthy buyers for sex and slavery. The beta will be my personal playmate." He announced looking directly at the group. The five gasped looking at each other in worry. Lovino gave a frown refusing to submit to the redhead.
"As if! There's five of us, and one of you!" Lovino retorted glaring at Luciano. The man looked to the lifeboats as his new crew arose from them. The members held weapons aiming towards the island as a threat.
"Make that 30 to five." Luciano smugly stated stepping off his boat to grab the five. The omegas ran for the forest splitting to make the search more difficult. Lovino raced into the cave hoping to hide amongst the stalagmites deep inside the cavern. Matthew ran for the nests hoping he could hide in one and jump to others avoiding the captors. Alfred went to the other side of the island trying to outrun the men and have them lose track of him. Francis and Feliciano went for the trees. They lathered themselves in mud and went into the branches blending in with the bark. The search began for the omegas, and Luciano refused to leave empty handed.

Francis was the first to be caught. He had misjudged the strength of an old vine and sent it crashing down to the floor. The men shot at the branch he stood on sending him into their greedy arms. He was carried back to the beach and tossed into the jail cell on the ship.

Next was Feliciano. He had coated himself in so much mud, it dripped from his body hitting one beta on the arm. They scaled the tree as the omega raced away. In his rush, he failed to grab onto a vine until the very last second. His head hit the ground first sending him into a daze. The men dragged his confused self to the boat chaining him right next to Francis.

The third was Matthew. The men had climbed his tree silently, and he didn't realize until he heard the creaking floorboards. He was yanked out of a wardrobe screaming for help. He shouted for Gilbert, Alfred, anyone. However, his cries fell upon deaf ears as he was forced to the beach. Matt kicked and flailed even as he was locked in the cell.

Finally, it was Alfred. He raced around the forest trying to lose the men. He zipped past nests, beaches, and trees hoping they would grow tired. In his hurry, he himself got lost in the island's heart. He raced around trying to find his way back, but everything looked the same. Alfred wanted to scream for help, but he would give himself away. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he searched for a path to take. That was when he was captured. The crew tackled him to the ground when he had his back turned. Alfred cried harder trying to free himself. He was thrown next to Matthew and cuffed to the wall.

Luciano came into the cell counting the group and noticed he was one short.
"Where is the beta?" He asked glaring at the handful of his crew. They glanced at each other before one bravely spoke up. He stepped up to Luciano who continued to scowl.
"We searched, but we couldn't find him. He went missing after the group split." Luciano gave a scoff looking down to the four omegas. It was better than going home with nothing in his hands. He walked to the cell peering inside with a smirk.
"You said you would give us to our parents." Mattie couldn't leave the island. He couldn't leave everything he had grown to love. Where was Gilbert? Where were the rest of the alphas? He knew they wouldn't be taken away. Not with their protective alphas who would die for them. Luciano gave a laugh reaching in to pet Matthew's head.
"That was my plan originally. Then, I realized alphas would pay triple to own you. Four omegas who are presumed dead and have no one looking for them. Who would pass up that opportunity?" Luciano stood straight and made his way to leave the jail room. The crew with him followed behind unit their new leader paused. He turned his head glancing at the stranded omegas.
"By the way, we're killing all the alphas on this island. The omegas and a few betas are going with us. Have fun in here~." He cooed before walking out the cabin door. The omegas protested not wanting their mates to die. Francis sobbed into his knees crying Arthur's name. Feliciano said a quick pray for Ludwig wanting him to be kept safe while Alfred cried on Matthew's shoulder. They would get their alphas back, but how?

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