Disaster Strikes Like Lightening

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The party in the ball room had only intensified as the clock struck 10:00pm. The ten bongs in the hallways and dinning room were unheard by anyone. People danced, sang, and laughed until a lightening bolt struck the ship. The shock blew out the breakers shutting the lights off. Many screamed in fear as they were plunged into darkness with only their glow sticks for illumination. Thankfully, the emergency lights came on relaxing a few. The omegas hurried to find each other in case of any sign of danger. Matthew had been with his twin when the lights turned off. They ran around the room collecting their friends for safety. Francis did a headcount relieved to see their group was complete.
"What happened? The lights just we-ah!" Feliciano was cut off mid-sentence when the boat heavily tilted starboard. The drastic shift sent everyone and everything tumbling backwards. Lovino grabbed his brother's hand before grabbing onto the bar. The others clung to the bar as well trying to stay planted on their feet. A blaring alarm sounded throughout the ship with red lights flashing as a sign of danger. A loud explosion erupted from beneath their feet. The engines couldn't handle the intense electric shock from lightening. The pipes burst open busting a hole straight through the hull. The ship shook as large, broken pieces of the engines tumbled across the floor hitting walls and engineers trying to help.
"We have to get out of here! The boat will sink!" Francis shouted before making a dash towards the doors. He gripped onto walls and railings to keep himself upright. The group followed along with everyone else trying to get to the lifeboats. The boat tilted to its port side causing everything to slide across the floors. Everyone clung to railings lining the walls trying to get to the door. Alfred ran ahead kicking it down when the ship tilted once again. He lost his balanced and stumbled backwards into Matthew's arms. Matthew set him upright before running onto the soaked deck. The lifeboats dangled off the sides of the boat rocking violently in the wind. Another bolt of lightening struck hitting the straw roof of the outdoor bar. Flames erupted turning the bar into a pile of blackened wood. The fire spread across the deck as the omegas raced to get onto the lifeboats. Matthew was about to climb on when someone knocked him out of the way. He felt into the freezing water gasping for air as he struggled to keep his head above the crashing waves. He clawed at the water trying to fight the currents. Once the lifeboats were lowered into the water, Matthew tried to climb onto one. Nothing but inky blackness surrounded him. The freezing water pricked his skin like countless needles. There was no doubt a shark would come by to drag him farther into the murky tomb.
"P-Please." He choked out feeling his lungs fill with water. He reached out one last time hoping someone would see him. Was this it? Were these the final moments of Matthew Williams? He shut his eyes accepting his fate when his arm was yanked. He was pulled out of the water and onto a lifeboat by a panicking Alfred. Matthew coughed throwing up the saltwater he swallowed. He heaved before collapsing onto the boat seat to see his friends were also in the boat with him.
"Mattie! Are you okay?!" Alfred asked bringing his brother's head into his lap. He brushed his soaked hair out of his face to look at him. Matthew quickly nodded still panting to catch his lost breath. Francis took Alfred's place, for the American was the only one with enough strength to row the boat. Matthew watched as the raging fires on the cruise engulfed the bow even as the waves crashed onto the deck. The ship slowly sank into the Atlantic Ocean disappearing beneath the waves. Feliciano's faint crying could hardly be heard over the rain pounding against the water. Lovino busied himself by grabbing whatever food was floating in the water. He brought in fruits and vegetables before finding a pan stuck on driftwood from the crates in the kitchen. He took what he could until the were too far from the wreckage. Matthew reached out to hold Francis' hand as his eyes closed from exhaustion. His breathing slowed to a normal pace whilst he grew sleepy. The party and near drowning had drained him of any energy for now. Matthew tried to stay awake, but Francis shook his head. He cupped Matthew's face to stroke his cheeks lulling him to sleep.
"You need to rest. I'll watch over you." Francis whispered looking up to see the storm was stopping. Alfred had rowed them away from the rainclouds to open skies. Lovino laid his sleeping brother on a seat to crawl to the bow opening the survival compartment. He found large blankets draping them over everyone for warmth. As he rummaged through the box, he found a survival book and first aid kit. He set them aside in the boat to continue searching through the compartment. He counted the cans of food, and how many people they served per can. Lovino did the math in his head finding they had enough food to last them awhile.
"Each can serves two people. We've got at least three months worth of food." He pulled out the desalinator and began setting it up. Once it was ready, he tied the rope to the boat as the device floated in the water. Matthew gave one last look to his twin before he passed out.

Hours of endless rocking in the ocean finally awoke Matthew from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes shielding them from the bright sun. He sat up to see everyone else was still sleeping in various places. His dry throats was quite agitating, so he went to the desalinator. Matthew pulled it into the boat taking the bag off of the top. At least half a gallon of water laid inside. He drank what he needed before setting the trough back onto the plastic pipe. He laid the desalinator in the water before heading to the cans of food. Matthew took one out reading the label to see what there was.

EatOut brings you beef! No cooking required!

He cracked open the lid staring down at the brown mush inside the tin. He pulled out a chunk of meat taking a bite. It tasted awful, but it was the only food they had. He shuddered trying to choke down the bland meat covered in who knows what. Matthew was halfway finished with his meal when he saw shifting beneath a blanket. Feliciano arose from his corner rubbing his tired eyes. He crawled over to Matthew looking inside the canned beef.
"Hey. You hungry?" Matthew asked holding out the can for him. Feliciano nodded taking the tin into his hands to eat. He covered his mouth trying to force the beef down his throat. Matt rubbed his back for encouragement until the can was emptied. Feliciano set it down before noticing the desalinator. He took the outer trough off drinking what Matthew hadn't.
"I've never had food that bad." He muttered putting the trough back. Feliciano placed the empty can in a bucket that had been pulled into the lifeboat by his brother. As the other three gradually woke up, they began searching for any sign of land. Alfred continued rowing hoping to find land or at least another ship. The horizon was nothing but blue water with the occasional whitecap from the waves. Matthew opened a can of chicken for his brother since the teen was hungry from rowing for so long.
"Thanks, bro." Alfred set the ores down to eat the bits of chicken covered in gravy. He crossed his legs unaffected by the awful taste of soggy meat. The five splayed themselves across the boat scanning the waves for land. Matthew tried staying under the seats, for his pale complexion would burn easily. The immense boredom with nothing but the nauseating waves was torture. Side to side for hours on end until the sun retreated behind the taunting waters. Matthew had busied himself by staring across the waves hoping to see anything but water. Anything but the sickening color of turquoise. He moved away from the edge feeling hungry once again. He grabbed one of the oranges Lovino managed to take from the water. He peeled away the skin tossing it into the water wishing it could leave a trail. However, the currents were too unpredictable to have any chance of leading rescuers to them. As the stars plotted themselves in the sky, the five took their time to admire them. Alfred carefully stood reciting the constellations by heart and pointing them out. He softly sighed staring at the brightest one sitting in the sky. He laid down next to his twin using his arms as a pillow.
"This is the most stars I've ever seen. Too many lights in the city." He muttered laughing when he saw they reflected in his glasses. Matthew grabbed the blankets laying them over everyone for warmth. He curled up shivering from the cold winds blowing against his reddening cheeks. He felt an arm shyly wrap around him instantly bringing warmth to his back. He turned his head seeing Lovino was hiding his face in Matthew's back. The Canadian chuckled before laying his head on his arms. He shut his eyes drifting off into a wonderful dream with a handsome, unknown man.

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