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Matthew woke up from his dream to the smell of fruits and freshly baked bread. He opened his violet eyes to see a basket filled with food sat next to him. Along side it was a pitcher of water and clean clothes for him to wear. He took a bite of pineapple slice before downing the entire fruit. He grabbed the loaf of bread smearing jelly from a jar onto it as he stuffed his face. He sighed in content enjoying every bite of the fresh food.
"Fuck, that's good." He ate everything in the basket before chugging the water. Matthew ate quite similarly to his brother while only gaining a few pounds. He sat up to see he was the only one, and every nest had a similar basket and pitcher near it. They were empty most likely because his brother had eaten the rest of everyone else's. Matthew finished the bread before taking gulps of water. He eagerly ate a dragonfruit as if he hadn't eaten in years. However, he was fairly starved from being out at sea with nothing but cans of water and meat. Once finished with eating, he laid in his nest glancing around the room to take note of the details. It sort of reminded him of a meditation room. The walls were a relaxing color with plenty of space to stretch out on the floor. There was a small table near a window with a plant sitting near the door. Other than that, the room was rather empty. He got dressed in the clothes laid out for him at the end of his nest. He lifted the grey shirt seeing it barely reached past his knees. It was made of cotton, but the seams were loose and stretchable. Leather straps secured the top half from revealing his chest to anyone. Sheep's fur lined the hood for warmth tickling his neck each time it brushed against him. He stretched out with a groan before peering outside of the hut to see the party was ready. He whistled hoping to catch someone's attention, for he was too afraid to jump on the vines himself. Alphas and omegas alike raced to climb their way to the teen when Gilbert swooped in. He hung from the vine holding his pale hand out and smirking at the defeated sighs from the men below him.
"Come. I'll take you to the party." Matthew felt a wave of embarrassment hit him when he saw Gilbert. The man he had fantasized about was going to hold him close. He nervously stood with shaky legs taking Gilbert's hand into his own. He squeaked when he was pulled into Gilbert's chest colliding with muscle. He shyly wrapped himself around Gilbert burying his face in his shoulder. He used this as an excuse to feel Gilbert's strength. He waited until they were on the ground to lift his head and look around. Everyone was bustling to get food, play games, or dance to the music. Matthew awed at the party trying to take everything in at once. An entire society worshiped him and his friends. They threw a party for them. A quiet outcast and his friends he knew for only a few weeks were Gods to the islanders.
"It's wonderful. Where do I even begin?" Gilbert chuckled leading Matthew towards the table of food. He pulled out a seat for the teen before taking one himself. Matthew looked across the table at the piles of food filling each tray. He had only seen such a feast in buffets or on the cruise that now laid at the bottom of the ocean. The cruise that had destined to return him to his family. Gilbert was oblivious to the growing feeling Matthew had about wanting to go home. He filled a plate with food before sitting back down to face Matthew.
"What do you like to do for fun?" He asked before taking a bite of lamb chop. Matthew thought for a moment tapping his fingers against the wooden table. He wanted to sound interesting for Gilbert, but his brother was the exciting one. Matt normally sat in his room watching movies or reading on his bed.
"I like hiking and reading. I normally stay at home and help though." Gilbert grinned when he heard Matthew enjoyed hiking. He was quite athletic himself, for he often exercised and practiced tree climbing. He used a knife to slice a pear in half before eating one side.
"I love hiking. It's the best when you follow the trail to the top of the waterfall." Matthew smiled nibbling on a strawberry from the fruit basket. He was mostly full from breakfast, but another bite or two wouldn't hurt. He heard a cheer and looked up to the trees to see his brother was swinging in them with Ivan. He pouted wishing he could learn, but he nearly killed himself last time.
"Want to play games when you finish?" He asked Gilbert pointing the rows of games lined together. They appeared to be simplified versions of the game he used to play as a child. There was horseshoe, but with a curved stick in the shape of a 'U'. He also saw ring toss with clam shells that had large holes in them.
"Sure! Do you have similar games from where you're from?" Gilbert questioned smearing one of the various jellies onto his bread slice. The world outside the island was unknown to the natives. They only knew of vast oceans and sea life as their neighbors. Matthew nodded thinking of the games he played with his friends.
"We have ring toss with metal rings, and horseshoe with a horse's shoe." Gilbert raised his pale brow blinking in surprise. He had never heard of a horse. They had sheep and goats on the island, but no horses. He looked toward the beach questioning the mystic animals that could be out there in other countries.
"I've never heard of a horse. Describe it, please." Matthew nodded thinking for a moment. He pictured the wild animal in his mind trying to get an idea on how to explain it. The body would be easy, but the head would be weird to describe.
"Think of a sheep. Now, give it short fur that's brown. Shorten the ears and make them stand. Make the snout and neck longer with a mane on the neck. Give it a long tail with lots of hair that's black. The hooves are kinda wide 'v's. They have really long legs too." Gilbert tried to picture such an animal in his head. He got a very vague and literal idea of a horse before giving up. The animal he imagined wasn't too far from an actual horse. It just wasn't quite right. He shrugged concluding his feast by eating a grilled fish on a stick. The albino stood from his seat finishing what was on his plate before placing it on a separate table.
"Let's take a walk on the beach." He offered munching on the grilled carp. Matthew nodded taking Gilbert's free hand so he could lead the way. The albino pushed aside branches and leaves as they walked through the thick forest.

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