An Adventure with Gilbert

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Matthew laid in his nest sleeping soundly until the glimmering sunlight landed on his face. He shifted in his sleep before opening his weary eyes. He rubbed his violet eyes before crawling over to the entrance of the nest. He looked down to see many were actively setting up tents, tables, and decorations for the festival. He stepped out of the hut onto the small porch-like structure in the front. It was made up of planks sticking out from underneath the hut, and Matthew liked it. He swung his legs trying to think of a way to the ground without plummeting to his death.
"Okay, Mattie. You can do this. Think of gym class with the rope." He stood searching for a vine close enough for him to reach. Once he spotted it he took a deep breath and jumped. He clung to the vine shaking like a leaf when he realized how high up he was. Think of the rope. Think of the rope. He reminded himself as he slowly climbed down. Matthew felt sick to his stomach each time he glanced down to the ground beneath him.
"Need a hand?" The unannounced voice startled him. His hands slipped when he jolted causing him to let go of the vine. He screamed trying to grab onto it as he neared the ground. Loose branches scraped against his skin before the vine ended. There was nothing to grab onto at this point. Any second now, Matthew would hit the earth with a loud bang! He saw he was merely ten feet away from his doom. He shut his eyes and covered his face waiting for the impact. Seconds go by with nothing. The seconds turn into a minute before Matthew's trembling arms pull away from his face. He opened an eye to see he was gliding with an arm around his waist. It was Gilbert, and he was heading toward sturdy branches away from the village. Matt sighed seeing how useless he was compared to the natives. He nearly killed himself moments ago! Once they were situated on a branch, Matt awaited the lecture. He waited for Gilbert to say how he isn't allowed to leave the hut without an alpha. He waited for Gilbert to say he needed to learn his place. However, the albino stayed silent and only reached out to him. The Canadian saw it as a hit, so he covered his face. A gentle pat to his head along with a hug surprised the teen.
"I'm sorry I scared you. Are you ok?" Gilbert cupped Matthew's face searching for any cuts or bruises. He noticed a scratch on his neck from one of the twigs hitting him during the fall. Blood as red as his eyes beaded at the surface making him panic. Gilbert frantically looked around before spotting the river ahead of them.
"Let's get you cleaned. May I?" He held his arms out for Matthew to climb into. The teen blushed shyly nodding before he was scooped up like a bride. Gilbert jumped down from the fork in the tree branches landing perfectly on the floor. He carried the omega to the water sitting him down on a flat rock. Matthew found the warm surface rather cozy on his skin. He lifted his shirt allowing his stomach to absorb the heat. A soft purr came from him and he curled up on the stone with a lazy smile. Gilbert grinned seeing how adorable Matthew looked. The strawberry blond hair shined in the sunlight with his cute face squished against the rock. Gilbert instantly smacked himself in the face trying to wipe away the thoughts. He's way too good for you, Gilbert! Don't even try! He mentally shouted as he plucked a leaf from a tree. It was the size and shape of a bowl making it perfect for holding water. He carefully carried the water back to Matthew setting the strong leaf on the rock.
"I need to wipe the blood." He glanced around the forest trying to find something sanitary to clean the now dripping blood. He was going to tear a piece of his clothing off when Matthew removed his t-shirt. Gilbert gulped averting his gaze away from the lean body in front of him. He focused the shirt in Matthew's hands inspecting the fabric. It was far different from the hides he wore. The fur wasn't very soft, and it was tightly packed together.
"What animal did this come from?" He asked tearing the hem off. The fabric was much easier to rip than any animal skin he had torn before. Once the hem was removed, he dipped a corner into the water. Matthew chuckled at the question ruffling Gilbert's white hair.
"It's not an animal. It's cotton." He stated turning Gilbert's cheeks pink. He covered his face groaning into his hands. Matthew softly laughed before pulling the albino's hands away from his face. He nervously laughed as he went to clean the cut. Matthew smiled tilting his head giving the alpha room to move his hands. Gilbert carefully wrapped the cotton gauze around Matthew's neck. He wanted to be extra cautious knowing the kind of diseases the teen could catch if it was left open.
"I should have know that." He muttered tying a small bow to hold the gauze before patting the teen's back. Matthew moved his head once the gauze was finished to look at the scenery around them. He awed at the birds above them nesting in the tall trees. The colorful fish lazily swimming in the streams shined their scales in the sunlight. It was like he had been placed in the middle of a fairytale his mother once read to him. Thoughts of returning home began to fill his mind. Where was home? How would he ever find it? Matthew shut his eyes trying to clear his head. He had to look on the bright side of the situation. He was on a gorgeous island with very generous inhabitants. There was plenty of food, water, and shelter for his friends and him. He also had his friend Gilbert to help him.
"Want to go swimming?" Matt asked turning his attention back to the albino. Gilbert was still inspecting the shirt when he looked up to the omega. A bright smiled quickly came to his face as he eagerly stood. He had been dying to spend time with the omega. It was the perfect way to get to know him without it getting awkward like yesterday.
"Of course! Shall we walk?" He held his hand out for Matthew to take. Matthew gladly held it as he stood from the warm rock. They walked along the river as Gilbert talked about his home. Matt stared down at the stream watching a frog hop onto a lily pad gliding across the water. He subconsciously inched his way closer to Gilbert while reaching to loosely hold hands. The action was innocent enough, but it still made the two blush. Gilbert cleared his throat continuing his walk to the pond.
"We use the river for bathing and drinking. Check before you take a sip." He warned making Matthew giggle. The alpha was quite comical, which Matthew found cute. Gilbert rambled on about everything around them as Matt happily listened. They came upon a large waterfall that was beautiful in every way. Matthew gasped racing over to touch the cascading water. It glistened in the sunlight reflecting a rainbow with its mist. Gilbert watched in adoration as the teen excitedly threw handfuls of clear water into the air. He hurried over to join in on the fun by splashing Matthew. The omega squealed throwing water in retaliation. He threw off his shirt and removed his pants before jumping in to the river beneath the waterfall. Gilbert laughed when Matthew resurfaced with his soaking hair covering his eyes. Matthew chuckled brushing away the strands to see his friend above him. Gilbert removed the rope around his waist letting it limply hang from him. He then went to the shoulder straps unhooking the shark tooth that pinned them together without hesitation. The animal hides slid down his body right before Matthew's eyes making him blush. Gilbert was rather... impressive in certain areas. He couldn't help following the abdominal hairs down Gilbert's stomach right where his pubes began. Matthew wanted to stare all day, but the alpha suddenly jumped into the water. He cheered on his way down drawing Matthew out of his perversive thoughts. Gilbert landed near the omega splashing him with water. Matt quickly got rid of his blush and began giggling lightly. He splashed the man once he resurfaced, and they continued their water fight. Matthew dove down swimming away from the albino in hopes of finding a hiding spot. Although, Gilbert mesmerized the entire island giving him an advantage. He followed the omega knowing the river would split. One way went to the ocean while the other was shallow and muddy. Matthew went left feeling it was the right decision, but Gilbert knew better. It wasn't until the ground grew swampy that Matthew realized he was nearing a dead end. He hurried out of the water only to have his ankle grabbed causing him to trip. He let out a scream in surprise clawing at the dirt.
"I got you! I got you!" Gilbert boasted racing to sit on Matthew's back. Feeling triumphant, he crossed his legs not having any worries. Matt smirked doing a push-up without struggling to flip himself on top of Gilbert. The alpha scrambled to get up as Matthew ran towards the waterfall. The two happily cheered and laughed as they ran to grab their clothes. Matthew fumbled with his trying to put them on in time. He was a second to late causing Gilbert to tackle him to the floor.
"Aw man." Matthew whined crossing his arms at his defeat. The alpha had him trapped beneath over 100 pounds of muscle. However, Matthew took the time to admire the size and defined shape. He lowered his hand from Gilbert's shoulder to his forearm biting his lip. They were as solid as a rock, yet they felt soft against his hand. Strong arms that could keep him pinned down like now while being ravished-
"Matthew? Are you okay?" He blinked rapidly to see Gilbert's hand was waving in front of his face. He also saw the alpha's face was close to his own. The teen nervously laughed tilting his head to the side to look away. He didn't understand why he was thinking about such perverted things. His heat wasn't due for another week unless he miscalculated how long he had been out at sea. The teen nodded running his fingers through his hair.
"I-I'm fine. I guess I just got lost in thought." He wriggled out from underneath Gilbert seeing and feeling he was still nude. Matthew looked away coughing lightly trying to avoid staring. The albino was completely oblivious to the fact that he had yet to put his clothes back on. Matthew pointed downward hoping to send the message. Gilbert gazed down before instantly covering himself with his hands when he noticed his indecency. He closed his legs as well trying to hide his flaccid cock from the omega.
"I'll be right back." He hurried over to his discarded animal hides slipping them on. He tied the rope around his waist before walking back to Matt. He sat down making sure he wasn't exposing himself to Matthew. After all, the teen was a rather important person to the entire society. Matthew turned back to Gilbert once it was safe softly smiling at him. The atmosphere around them was awkward yet again. Matthew wanted to speak, but he couldn't find anything interesting to talk about.
"Why don't we go back to the village? I'm getting hungry." Gilbert gave a thumbs up trying to act cool for the omega. Matthew chuckled jumping onto his back and holding him tight. He shut his eyes when Gilbert began hopping through the trees escalating to the vines. Matthew opened them once they were jumping from vine-to-vine. He knew he had to learn how to survive on the island until rescuers came. If they even know I'm alive. Matt thought feeling tears begin to fill his eyes. He sighed wiping them away with his forearm not wanting to worry his friend. They were almost to the village when a loud argument caught their attention.
"Oh, you slimy cretin! This is your fault!" One voice shouted. The two hung from a vine whilst Gilbert tried to figure out where the voice came from. He automatically knew it was Arthur, but he didn't know who he was fighting with. The second voice came in making obscene suggestions to Arthur. Matthew sighed knowing it was Francis who was trying to seduce the native.
"Asshole, why are you complaining? We're alone in the woods with nothing but our clothes between us~." Gilbert snickered jumping through the trees to find the two. He burst into laughter seeing the predicament they had gotten themselves into. The blonds were pressed together with a multitude of vines holding them upside down. The vines were tangled in the most unusual ways making Matthew roll his eyes. He slid off of Gilbert's back carefully climbing his way to the two. They paused their argument to glare at the laughing albino who was about to fall off his vine. Matthew wearily climbed up a vine and tied it around his waist.
"How did this happen?" Matthew asked, although Arthur didn't notice his presence. Francis sighed trying to wiggle his way to face Matthew and explain their situation. Arthur groaned shifting himself to loosen the constricting vines. Matthew giggled lightly at their struggle to free themselves. He took the time to play with Francis' dangling hair while waiting. The man teasing backed into Arthur earning a knee to his backside.
"I was almost attacked by a bird! I jumped over to him for safety, and vines went everywhere." Francis mumbled smiling weakly at his hair being twirled. He did his best to lean closer wanting more affection from the teen. Arthur scoffed kneeing Francis in the thigh causing him to pout. They shoved at each other before Arthur spoke. Matthew began to work with the vines trying to untie the two from each other.
"Liar! He wanted to pet birds, but the mother got pissed." He explained. Francis rolled his eyes elbowing Arthur in the ribs with a pout. Their fighting resumed even if Francis wasn't facing the alpha. They kicked and smacked until the vines began to give away. Francis screamed moving closer to Arthur for protection as they dangled closer to the ground. Gilbert stopped laughing to help Matthew get the fighting blonds down from the trees. The albino held them as the vines were pulled apart by Matthew.

It took nearly 15 minutes to get the blonds out of the mess of vines. Matthew had to work with the tight knots and writhing of the trapped men. Even as they walked home, Francis and Arthur continued teasing each other. It was a more joking than insulting compared to the argument before. Matthew could see the faint smiles on their faces and hear the hints of flirting in their words. He smiled leaning over to whisper to Gilbert.
"I think they like each other." Gilbert glanced at the two carefully watching them. The way their hands subtly brushed against each other, and how they stood very close. Gilbert nudged Matthew smiling at him whilst nodding. The omega giggled shyly linking his arm with Gilbert's. The four arrived to the village seeing the decorations for the party were nearly ready. Gilbert suddenly picked up Matthew and threw him over his shoulder.
"No peeking! You're going straight to bed or else the party is spoiled!" Matthew sighed, but he wasn't complaining. He had a wonderful view of Gilbert's backside making him smirk. His thighs were as muscular as his arms, and his back was well toned. Matthew could stare all day without a care, which he planned to do eventually. He didn't realize they were in the nest until he was laid down in bed. He blushed leaning up to hug the albino tightly.
"Goodnight, Gilbert." Matthew whispered burying his face in the crook of Gilbert's neck. The alpha smiled returning the hug as well as leaving a small kiss on Matthew's cheek.
"Goodnight, Mattie." He mumbled before scurrying away in embarrassment. Matthew lifted his hand to brush against the spot where he had been kissed. A small smile formed on his face with his reddening cheeks. He laid down curling up to fall asleep whilst thinking of Gilbert.

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