Impending Disaster

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Matthew was awoken by a loud bang and a thud to the floor. He sat up rubbing his eyes to find a cluster of blurry objects. He put on his glasses seeing it was Alfred laying on the floor with his foot caught in the handle of his suitcase. He sighed slipping out of bed only for Alfred to jump in front of him.
"Dude, read this! I found it on our door when I went to see if breakfast was ready!" He shoved a flyer into Matthew's hands giddily bouncing in excitement. Matthew looked down at the colorful piece of paper reading the brief message.

Reminder for tonight's party in the ball room! 7:30pm to midnight! Glow sticks and laser pointers provided! Don't be late!

Matthew gasped looking up from the paper to hug his brother. The two cheered hurrying to get dressed in party clothes. Alfred changed into a muscle shirt, ripped pants, and sneakers along with his NYC hat. Matthew wore his white hoodie with a maple leaf, black jeans, and converse. They high fived before heading to the breakfast hall. Alfred awed at the amount of food there was to offer. He grabbed a large plate filling it with scrambled eggs, toast, home fries, sausages, and slices of bacon. He also got a bowl of cereal along with butter for his toast. Matthew stuck with a bowl of fruit, bacon, and pancakes. They found a large, empty table with enough room to share. Matthew went back to grab a bottle of syrup when he bumped into Feliciano.
"Sorry." They both said. Although, Feliciano's was slurred and a bit delayed due to tiredness. His eyes were shut as he sipped his creamy coffee from a mug. Lovino came over carrying a tray of food with anger written all over his face. He sipped his pitch black coffee glaring at his younger brother. He smacked him in the back of the head making the omega whine.
"If you kept your fucking eyes open, you wouldn't bump into people, shithead." Feliciano shoved his arm weakly too tired to do much. Matthew nervously chuckled getting Alfred and him cups of coffee as well. Lovino finished his cup before going to get a second to keep him awake. He set it on the tray searching for an open table to sit at.
"Do you want to sit with my brother and I? Our table is really big." Matthew offered feeling bad for them. It wouldn't be fair if they had nowhere to sit while he had a huge table. Lovino nodded following Matthew while trying to avoid interacting with people. He had to drag his brother so he wouldn't crash into anything since he kept his eyes shut. They sat down seeing Alfred was just finishing his first plate. He took the coffee from Matthew chugging the whole cup before standing.
"I'm going for seconds." He said then got back in line with others. While the three ate, they noticed Francis was walking around searching for a seat. Feliciano finally opened his eyes spotting the Frenchman. He stood to catch his attention lazily waving his arm around. Francis spotted the teen out of the corner of his eye and hurried over to him. He gave all of them a hug before sitting down with his food. Alfred came back with more on his plate than his first serving. He sat down in his seat glancing around the table at the strangers he had yet to meet.
"Alfred, these are my friends Francis, Lovino, and Feliciano." The American happily waved at them as he stuffed his face with a biscuit covered in gravy. Many omegas around them stared in disgust at Alfred's eating habits. They began to whisper and tease him, for omegas were supposed to be slim. Alfred looked down trying not to be influenced by the crowd as he ate a slice of ham. He had been picked on numerous times for his broad size and bottomless stomach.
"You do realize no alpha wants a fat pig of an omega, right?" One person asked hitting a nerve. Alfred gulped looking down at his stomach fearing he was getting chubby. It had taken him years to work off his baby fat and gain muscles. He set his fork down pushing the plate away from him. Lovino turned to the person growling at them. Although he had met Alfred only minutes ago, he was still pissed at the rude comment.
"Fuck off. He can eat as much as he wants." Being a beta meant he had some authority over omegas. The heckler gulped going back to his meal afraid to upset the beta any further. Lovino turned back to his plate of waffles angrily eating them. Alfred smiled leaning over the table to hug Lovino. The Italian groaned trying to wriggle out of the tight embrace. He wasn't one for excessive amounts of affection since he got plenty from Feliciano everyday.
"You're the best dude ever." Alfred said before sitting back down. He picked up his fork diving into his breakfast once more. Matthew quietly thanked Lovino for helping boost Alfred's confidence. Anything to make his brother happy, even if it wasn't extraordinary.  He stood up throwing away his trash and placing the syrup bottle with the others. Once everyone finished, the five went to the bowling alley. Alfred was first to get a strike cheering at the achievement. Feliciano went next grabbing his green ball from the return. Francis looked at the scores seeing Lovino was in last place. His gaze landed on the aggressive Italian who was grumbling about an unfair game. Francis smiled putting an arm around his neck hoping to calm him. The beta stared at Francis' arm raising his brow.
"If you want to start winning, pretend the pins are your worst enemies." Lovino hummed standing up to take his turn. He grabbed his black ball thinking of the things he hated most. His neighbor, his neighbor's annoying dog, annoying children, and people who talk during movies. He swung at the pins knocking all of them down earning a strike. He smirked going back to his seat next to Francis. They high fived before Francis went to take his turn.

After the scores were tallied, with Alfred as the winner, the five went to get lunch. Matthew was thrilled to see they had boxes of Timbits. He got his lunch before grabbing a box for himself. Even though he wasn't a fan, Alfred got a box so Matthew could have more. They sat down at a free table picking at their lunches, for they were too busy talking.
"This macaroni better be good or I'm gonna fucking fight someone." Lovino said staring down at the mac & cheese on his plate. Feliciano waited for his brother's approval in case the macaroni tasted awful. The two were used to making it themselves with their grandfather. Lovino hesitated before taking a bite of the questionable lunch. He felt indifferent about the flavor, for it was alright given it was made on a boat. Feliciano began to eat his serving feeling rather the same as his older brother. Matthew tried not to laugh at the interaction with his face full of Timbits. He had already finished the first box not caring if they weren't freshly made. Alfred patted his back as he did the same with French fries. He suddenly paused before glancing at Francis who was eating a sandwich.
"Yo, Frenchie. Thanks for inventing fries and poutine." Francis raised his brow looking down at the mess of fries on Alfred's plate. He shook his head setting his sandwich down. It wasn't the first time someone made a comment about the French creating fries. However, it was usually done to spite Francis for being French.
"We did not make those. The fries were from Belgium, and Canada made poutine." He explained before eating a handful of chips. Alfred whined finishing his fries and hotdog with a question bubbling in his head. Why are they French fries if they're from Belgium? He repeatedly asked himself. He would have to look up the answer when he got home from the trip.

Everyone was in the midst of eating dinner when another announcement was made. They turned their heads to the speakers awaiting for the captain's words.
"We are experiencing another storm. This one is much larger than the previous one. Due to the storm surrounding us, turning around is not an option. We will have to push through and hope for the best. The party is not cancelled. Thank you." A few groaned hearing another rainstorm was going to interfere with the trip. It had been perfectly sunny all day until the sun went down. Matthew looked down to his fish, but he quickly moved his head away since the steam fogged his glasses. He took the off to wipe away the precipitation with his sleeve. Once they were cleaned, he glanced over to his brother with a bit of worry.
"I hope Mom and Dad are okay. If they knew about this, they would freak out." He sighed taking a bite of the striper the fishermen caught earlier that evening. Alfred put a hand on his shoulder smiling weakly. He hated seeing his brother distressed and upset. He scooted closer to give him a full hug causing Matthew to giggle.
"Don't worry, brosif. I'm sure we'll be fine." Alfred reassured before sliding back to his burger and fries. He doused them in ketchup before stuffing his face with the greasy meal. Matthew relaxed himself before continuing eating. There was no point in worrying, right? The ship was completely safe.

"This party is crazy, dude!" Alfred shouted to Feliciano trying to speak over the blasting music. The Italian giggled waving his glow sticks in the air. He danced and laughed searching for his brother in the crowd of people. He spotted the grumpy beta quietly dancing by himself avoiding the crowds. Feliciano ran over to him, grabbed his hands, and began swinging them.
"Isn't this so super cool?!" He asked with a bright smile. Lovino groaned dragging his little brother to a secluded area. The omega whined wanting to rejoin the mass of people partying. He leaned against the wall waiting for what Lovino had to say.
"It would be better if I wasn't one of the fuckers who has to clean this up." Feliciano pouted taking one of his glow sticks off of his neck. He put it around Lovino's hoping to brighten his mood like the stick brightened the dark room. He began dancing once more putting his shutter glasses on. He had colored them to look like the Italian flag with paint Lovino smuggled from the storage room. Everything was fun and happy until a loud crack in the sky erupted. However, it wasn't heard by the guest due to the loud music. They were unaware of the worsening storm outside the ball room.

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