New Family

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Mattie soundlessly slept in his nest with Gilbert holding him in his pale arms. The two nuzzled each other as they slumbered through the tranquil morning. It was rather relaxing seeing they were worn out from Matthew's training. However, a loud wail from Alfred startled them nearly giving the Canadian a heart attack. Matthew wheezed sitting up in bed clutching his chest. Gilbert sat up as well raising his fists to defend his boyfriend, but a crying Alfred in the corner was no threat. The sobs awoke everyone else in the hut, which left Lovino agitated.
"What's wrong, Alfred?" Matthew asked crawling over to his brother. Alfred tried to speak, but his crying got in the way. He wiped away his tears, but more fell down his cheeks. Matt turned his head to Ivan who had been trying to comfort Alfred the entire time. Ivan saw the glare from the teen and raised his hand in defense.
"All I said was, 'my mother and father were very caring of my sisters and I'." The reminder of what Ivan said made Alfred cry even harder. He hiccuped trying to calm himself down but failed. Matthew sighed bringing his brother into his arms so he could cry on his shoulder. The other omegas came to Matthew's aid comforting the crying teen.
"Why are you so upset?" Matt asked making Alfred whine. It took him a few moments to compose himself enough to speak. Alfred sniffled taking deep breaths.
"He m-mentioned his mom and dad. I miss ours!" He explained before starting to cry once more. Matthew let out a small hum patting his younger brother on the back. Ivan frowned brushing his fingers through Alfred's golden hair.
"I-I miss our parents. I tried to stay c-calm, but I'm too sensitive." He whimpered pulling back to lean against the wall. His face was a mess of tears and snot from wailing so much. Francis pouted wrapping his arms around Alfred.
"It's okay, sweetie. It's hard coping with the loss of something." Alfred hiccuped leaning into Francis' arms. Ivan began to panic feeling as though he had done something terribly wrong. He held the omega's side whispering reassuring words and apologies. Alfred took a deep breath then sighed finally calming himself.
"All better, honey?" Francis asked lifting Alfred's chin to clean his face. The teen nodded giving a faint smile to Francis. The Frenchman giggled grabbing sugarberries to feed to the teen. As Francis continued to sooth Alfred, Matthew lightly chuckled.
"You know what? Let's all make one huge family." He proposed causing a few heads to turn. Alfred was about to let out a cry, but he held it back thanks to Ivan cradling him.
"I call mom! Arthur, we have kids!" Francis exclaimed turning to his boyfriend with a grin. Arthur let out a groan from where he laid next to Francis hiding under the blanket. He was trying to stay asleep since he couldn't sleep well last night.
"We can be the cool cousins!" Feliciano stated giving his older brother a hug. Matthew smiled looking around at everyone in the hut. It felt right to have them as family members. Francis truly acted like a mother, and Arthur fit the role as a father. Meanwhile, Feliciano and Lovino would make delightful cousins. The happiness mixing with sass was a perfect blend of personality.
"This is perfect. Just wait till one of us has a baby!" Alfred cheered looking down at his stomach. He hadn't noticed any changes in behavior recently, but his appetite did change. He had an odd craving for beets and radishes, which had never been a favorite of him before.
"I think someone is dropping hints." Francis cooed moving over to Alfred. Matthew laughed as he watched Francis try to listen in on his brother's stomach. The Canadian let out a small huff thinking for a moment. Was he ready for kids? He was only 18.
"Hey, Gil, I want to wait on having kids." He stated turning around to face his boyfriend. The alpha seemed slightly surprised, but he didn't oppose the choice. Gilbert simply ran a hand through Matthew's bedhead trying to smoothen what he could.
"That's fine. I think this family is big enough as it is." The two briefly kissed before going to get their breakfast basket. The others, including Lovino, soon joined in munching on delicious fruits and vegetables. With or without children, they had everything they could ever ask for.

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