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A full year went by since the disappearance of a group of omegas and beta called, "The Missing Mates". Countless search parties were sent out to find them, but they turned up empty handed. All that was discovered was an empty life raft from the sunken cruise ship. There was no cans of food, water, or any items from the survival kit. All gave up hope on finding the group in the Atlantic Ocean. Most presumed them dead while others believed they washed up on the shores of South America.

Gilbert looked at himself in the water's reflection letting out a sigh. He splashed his face and fixed his hair before standing up.
"You can do this, Gilbert. You are a strong alpha who isn't helpless." He took a deep breath and left the river. He went to Matthew, who was talking to a nursing Alfred. The two looked up to the alpha noticing how awkward he appeared.
"Matthew, you're amazing. I can't stop thinking about how great you are." Gilbert began. He went to continue speaking, but he forgot the rest of his speech.
"You're very good at things." He lifted his arms trying to read the slightly smeared handwriting.
"Things like cooking and Fighting! You're great at fighting. I'm sure you're pretty good at fishing, too! I-I Where am I going with this?" He asked himself before reaching into his hides. He pulled out a bracelet made of cowry shells and wooden beads. He slipped it onto Matthew's wrist much to the omega's amazement.
"I offer you the remainder of my life. I will give you the clothes off my back
and the food from my plate. I shall give you my soul, my heart, my blood, and anything you ask. My only request is that you give me the same. Do you accept?" It was a proposal, but it meant more than the cheesy 'I love you. Marry me' proposals. The words weren't a copy of what was in a book or heard from another. The words weren't just spoken. They meant everything Matthew could dream of. The omega covered his face, for he began to cry.
"I do! I do accept! Oh, Gilbert!" He shouted jumping up to cling to his fiancé. The two kissed, hugged, and chanted together. Alfred clapped and squealed happy for the engaged couple. He would join in the jumping, but the baby breastfeeding off of him would begin to fuss.
A month went by before the wedding was hosted. Everyone attended to watch Matthew, the gift from the sun and earth, marry Gilbert the albino. Ivan was rocking their daughter to sleep while Alfred was the best man for Matthew. The Canadian stood before his groom smiling happily. Gilbert returned the grin leaning in to kiss Matthew's cheek. Francis sat in the crowd clinging to Arthur's side.
"Arthur, my little putain, isn't love beautiful?" He asked with a giggle. Arthur rolled his eyes kissing the Frenchman's cheek.
"What does putain mean again?" Arthur asked turning to his husband. They had been married for quite some time, but they always had a disagreement here and there.
"Lover." Francis answered trying not to laugh. The beating of the drums signaled the beginning of the ceremony. Yao stepped up to the alter with a basket of flowers, seeds, and the prized items of the grooms.
"Today, we gather to unite these lovers in the strongest bond of all. They each have given their beloved items to those above to prove themselves worthy of unity." Yao picked up the first item. It was from Matthew, and it was the toy bird Gilbert had given him.
"A wooden bird from Matthew." Yao went back into the basket to retrieve Gilbert's item. He pulled out a withered flower necklace from Matthew's first festival.
"Flowers from the festival worn by Matthew." He then set them both carefully on top of tiny firecrackers. The marriage's ploy was to see how strong of a will the two had. If they truly saw only each other as the most important thing to them, they would not take back the items. However, whoever grabs their treasure before the firecrackers can blast them out of the basket, will be shamed for valuing items over a person.
"Those above and below. Left and right. Take away these meaningless toys with all your might!" Yao got rocks and smacked them together creating a spark. The flowers caught fire first. The flames spread to the prizes and firecrackers, yet neither Matthew or Gilbert moved to grab them. The fireworks lit with a hiss and shot the bird and flower necklace into the air with colors trailing behind them.
"No longer will these materials mean everything. Your hearts have matched! Your souls have connected! Tie this string with a kiss!" Matthew leaned in capturing Gilbert's mouth in a passionate kiss. The crowd cheered and applaud blessing the marriage personally. The fires died down and the unharmed seeds were tossed to the ground to sprout new life that would blossom like the love.

The End

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