Dinner Party

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Alfred gave out a hearty laugh as he ran to the river. He jumped into the water creating a splash covering anything around him in water. He surfaced and slicked back his soaking hair to keep it out of his eyes. He looked back to the shoreline to see his friends racing to join him. Mathias dived into the water with Kiku behind him. However, the beta slid into the river with more interest in relaxing than playing. Mathias splashed water onto Alfred before sinking into the water to hide himself. As the two enjoyed their playtime, one of the foreigners approached. He was dressed in heavy clothes that looked suitable for winter weather. His large coat reached to his knees, and his baggy pants would have hit the ground had it not been for his boots giving him a few inches. He also wore some sort of mask that covered from the top of his lip to the very tip of his chin. He used his gloved hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead from nearly overheating. The only thing keeping him somewhat cool was his long, white hair tied in a ponytail. Alfred looked up to the man and swam to the shore. The mute omega looked down in surprise at the approach.
"Hey, you wanna come in? You look like you're about to pass out." He hastily shook his head afraid to show what was underneath the cloth. Alfred persisted, and the omega let out a small hum. If he didn't cool off soon, he was sure to faint or worse. He looked around the forest making sure his alpha wasn't around before nodding. He hesitantly took off his coat then his black gloves. With a shaky breath, he removed his shirt revealing a scar riddled body. The most prominent feature was his metallic right arm. The three in the water looked up to the omega's body in slight surprise.
"Woah, dude! You're like a cyborg! That's amazing!" Alfred awed moving to look at the robotic arm. The omega froze for a moment in shock. He looked himself over before tugging his mask down to smile. Usually, people pointed out his arm in a rude way. He had been picked on his whole life for the disability. It had almost been ripped off of him once in high school by bullies, but his younger brother saved him. A small scar on his back was evidence of the attack. He jumped up and down letting out squeaking noises that sounded almost like words. Although he was mute, he could still be vocal with sounds.
"Get in here!" Mathias shouted clearing a spot for their companion to dive into. The omega removed to rest of his clothes along with his arm to prevent rust. He jumped in with a bright smile forgetting about his shyness for the moment. He surfaced with a grin continuing his squeaks and squawks as he swam in the river.
"What's your name, silent one?" Kiku asked as he inspected the intricate parts of the bionic arm. The German raised his good hand and signed the letters of his name. Alfred managed to catch the first two in his first name and maybe three in the last, but the man was too fast for him.
The three stared at Klaus unable to understand sign language. Seeing they didn't catch his name, Klaus went to the shoreline and wrote his name in the dirt. He watched them read the neat letters with a smile.
"Klaus B-Bell...Be-ill-schmidt?" Alfred read aloud unable to understand the Germanic pronunciation. Klaus shook his head wishing he could say his name. Alfred looked back to the name and gave it another go.
"Klaus Beilschmidt?" He tried again hoping it was right. Klaus eagerly nodded giving a thumbs up to Alfred.
"Cool. Alfred Jones at your service." He held out his hand for Klaus to shake. He held out the wrong hand however, and Klaus was left to stare at it.
"My bad." Alfred muttered switching his hands so the German could shake it properly. Mathias swam to them and held out his hand for their new friend.
"Mathias Køhler is the name! You can call me bro if you want." Kiku joined the three and introduced himself properly. The four began to converse when bushes behind them rustled with heavy footsteps following. There was a sharp gasp that started the islanders and their friend.
"Klaus!" The angry voice shouted with venom in the name. Klaus felt his jaw drop when he recognized the voice. The owner of the shout reached in and yanked the snowy haired man right out of the water. He squealed and flailed in fear of what his alpha, James, would do.
"Get dressed! No one wants to see you!" James ordered as he forced Klaus to hide near a bush to cover himself. The omega shakily grabbed his things struggling slightly do to not having his other arm. Tears ran down his face from the harsh grab and from being yelled at. James went to the three making sure he blocked them from seeing his nude mate.
"I'm so sorry if he disturbed you. Klaus is disabled and doesn't know right from wrong." He explained apologizing for his boyfriend. Klaus let out raspy sounds to show how upset he was from James pulling him out of the water. However, the blond saw it as something else and didn't bother asking Klaus what he meant.
"See? I-I've been training him." Mathias let out a scoff towards James glaring at him. Aggravated, he stepped out of the water showing his anger...and other things. James made sure to keep his eyes up to avoid Mathias' lower area.
"He isn't a pet. You can't 'train' a human. We invited Klaus to swim with us to prevent a heatstroke. Can't you see how miserable he is dressed like that?" He pointed out the saddened look on Klaus' face along with his burning cheeks. Having hurried to get dressed made him break a sweat in the weighing clothes. Klaus tugged down the mask to wipe away more sweat off of his face. James crossed his arms sending a harsh glare back to Mathias.
"Don't fucking talk to me like that, omega. If I want Klaus to cover his ugly body, he will. I'm the alpha here." He turned away and grabbed Klaus' metal arm. James reattached it before taking his omega by the wrist and pulling him away from the group.
"What a penis." Kiku stated getting dressed as well. Alfred and Mathias laughed as they got their hides down from a tree branch. They put them on and left to help prepare for the feast that night.

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