Staying or Leaving

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The night had been restless for Matthew. He couldn't decide what to do. Should he stay on the island or go home? He wanted to be with his parents, but did that outweigh the evil that came with the rest of his life? He eventually gave up on thinking to get some sleep. However, morning came not long after he closed his eyes. A rough start to his day began when Alfred refused to speak. He mumbled out "morning" to everyone except for his twin. Matthew frowned watching his brother leave the hut with his breakfast. Alfred didn't even glance at his brother that day. Matthew sighed looking down at his half eaten meal. Francis noticed the upset teen and instantly moved to sit next to him.
"What's bothering you?" He asked gently patting Matthew's shoulder. The teen frowned resting his head on Francis' shoulder. He bit into a pineapple slice nibbling on it softly. Francis patiently waited for Matthew to speak as he ran his fingers through the blond hair. It wasn't long before the omega cracked and spilled his issues.
"Have you ever gone somewhere wonderful, and you couldn't decide if you wanted to leave it?" He asked looking up to Francis. The man nodded turning to lay Matthew against his chest like a mother. The Canadian sighed glancing at the wooden ceiling above him. He sat the basket on his stomach as he ate away his struggles.
"That's how I felt when I learned I was leaving France for America. With time, I learned to accept change and be happy. Now I'm here, and I'm learning. Do you understand, sweetie?" Francis brushed stray hairs out of Matthew's face to get a better look at his expression. It was blank, but better than the dejected look he had before. Matt softly huffed setting aside his wicker basket to hug Francis. The Frenchman smiled giving his back a gentle rub for comfort. It took Matthew a few moments before he was willing to let go. In that time, a certain albino had climbed a vine to check on the upset omega. He sniffed the air whining at the scent of distraught coming from Matthew.
"Matthieu, you have a visitor." Francis muttered when he noticed Gilbert and the bird on his head. The blond turned his head to face the alpha, but he ducked down to hide himself. Matt smiled watching the white tuff of hair with a nesting bird stick out from underneath the small porch. Gilbert slowly raised his head to peek before climbing inside the hut. The yellow canary didn't budge from his spot in Gilbert's hair, for it was quite cozy.
"You were sad so I brought my bird to cheer you up. His name is Gilbird." Matthew giggled crawling away from Francis to sit with his friend. He took the yellow canary out of the white hair and grinned. Gilbird tilted his head before chirping curiously at the Canadian. He walked across his arm then flew to his shoulder. He made a clicking noise trying to speak.
"Click. Kiss? Click click." Gilbird pressed his beak against Matthew's jaw as he imitated a kissing noise. The omega awed at the cuteness of the small bird. The two stood leaving the nest to spend some time together. Matt wanted to clear things up with the alpha about his outburst from last night. Matthew climbed down the vine Gilbert had taken landing on the ground with a thud. Gilbird flew onto Mattie's head using his feet to make a small nest. The two walked in silence trying to think of what to say.
"The party was fun last night. Do you still have that bird?" Matt nodded hearing a jealous click from Gilbird. Gilbert chuckled picking him up to place a kiss on his small head. Gilbird cooed looking up to his owner. The canary then looked over to Matthew tilting his head.
"Yeah, I put him in my nest." Gilbert's eyes widened as a smile spread across his face. An omega's nest was valued greatly in the islander's society. Anything near or inside it showed acceptance by the omega whether it be friendship or love.
"That's wonderful!" He shouted jumping up and down. Gilbird disliked the motion, so he flew back to Matthew's shoulder. Matthew was surprised to see how amazed Gilbert was learning that the bird stayed with to him.
"It's just a nest." He muttered shyly. Omega nests were mainly used for heats and held little value amongst non-omegas. Gilbert raised his brow seeing Matthew was completely serious. He then glanced to Gilbird who merely chirped as he nestled in the crook of Matt's neck for warmth.
"Are you kidding me? Nests are everything! They're where we're born and cared for." Gilbert explained bringing back memories of his father's nest. He missed the comfort and relaxation it brought to him as a child. Matthew was shocked to hear how important a nest was. In his society, nests were sex beds that had to be hidden in closets or spare rooms. He only saw one other nest in his whole life, and it was his brother's.
"Where I'm from, nests aren't much. I've only seen my brother's on accident, and my mom gave him a lecture about better hiding places." Gilbert gasped surprised to hear how shameful nests were. He had seen countless nests and even watched his friends make them. He couldn't understand the amount of secrecy Matt had to put into it. The two found a small hill and decided to lay against it staring at the sky.
"That doesn't sound right. Pups are supposed to be introduced to their family when they're born. How can they do that in a dark room?" Gilbert remembered seeing the blurry faces of his parents and grandfather when he opened his crimson eyes. The scent of food cooking and the soft nest he curled up in was the best welcoming he had ever received. Matthew raised a brow confused about the statement. Were their pups birthed in the nest?
"Pups back home aren't born in a nest. They-" Matthew was cut off by loud gasp from Gilbert followed by a pale face inches from his own. The islander hovered about him with his hands holding Matthew's shoulders.
"What?! Where are they born?!" He hastily asked with a dumbfounding look on his face. Matthew pushed Gilbert back a bit, for he grew shy when his personal space was invaded. Gilbert quietly apologized and sat down in front of Matthew to give him room.
"They're born in a hospital, which has bright lights and is kinda sad. Doctors take you to a room where they help you give birth. They then make you pay a lot of money for the work they did." Gilbert put his head in his hands trying to process the information, but his mind turned up a blank. Pay to go through pain and create life? Bright lights and depression? He sat back pulling his knees to his chest. He constantly hit a road block each time he tried to understand. Gilbert eventually shook his head looking over to Matthew.
"I don't get it." After that, it was rather quiet. The only sound was the softly swaying trees and the occasional chirp of Gilbird along with other birds. Matthew watched as the canary turned Gilbert's hair into a nest for himself and sit down in it. He looked up to the sky thinking of his parents and few friends back home. His mother was likely grieving while his father drank away the pain. Everything he had ever known and loved was far away. His friends and own brother didn't want to leave the island to return to their lives. He wanted to take Francis' advice, but it was difficult to accept his new home.
"Hey, are you okay?" Mattie snapped out of his thoughts to see Gilbert was hovering over him once again. He wasn't as close as last time, so it was easier on Matt. The Canadian put on a smile trying to seem alright. Gilbert quirked his brow taking a hard look at Matthew's expression.
"I'm fine." Matthew said laying down on the rocks covered in moss. He looked up to Gilbert hoping to convince the native nothing was wrong with him. The albino leaned down to Matt's scent glands sniffing them to pick up his true emotions. He sat back up with a stone cold face.
"Yeah, right." Gilbert muttered watching the smile on Matthew's face falter. The blond went to explain himself, but nothing came out. He slowly closed his mouth looking away from Gilbert. The albino frowned laying the back of his hand on Matt's cheek. The two looked into each other's eyes leaning closer to each other. Matthew let his violets wilt for the moment pressing a kiss to Gilbert's pale lips.

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