Sunset Paradise

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"Keep your eyes closed!" Gilbert exclaimed with a small laugh. Matthew groaned putting a hand over his eyes to prevent himself from seeing the surprise. He allowed Gilbert to drag him by the hand through the thick forest. His heat had ended earlier with the help of his mate, so he was free to leave the hut. Although, he would have to check on his brother soon. Their shared heats were usually dealt in their house, but now that they had mates, he hadn't gotten the chance. Matt continued racing along Gilbert's side stumbling when he tripped over a log. After a hasty apology from his alpha, they stopped running.
"Wait here. No looking." Gilbert said before letting go of Matthew's hand. His foot steps faded for a moment as he walked away from the blond. Mattie was tempted to take a quick peek, but he had promised earlier not to. There was a faint rustling of leaves when Gilbert spoke again.
"Open them." Matthew pulled his hand away and gasped at the sight before him. A lovely dinner had been laid out on an animal rug at the top of the waterfall. Ahead laid a gorgeous sun setting below the horizon with calm waves and swaying trees beside it. Matthew turned to Gilbert and pulled him close with a small giggle. Gilbert grinned lifting Matthew into the air to spin him around. They briefly kissed before the omega was set down in front of the meal.
"This is wonderful! How did you even find this place?" Matthew grabbed a lamb chop taking a bite out of it with a hum. Gilbert had cooked them to perfection much to Matt's delight. The albino plopped down in front of his lover picking up a lamb chop as well.
"My grandfather used to train me here. He had me do almost everything! It worked, though." Gilbert lifted his arm flexing to show off the pale muscles lining his forearm. Matthew giggled reaching out to run his hand across it. The two happily ate lightly chatting during their meal as they watched day turn to night. Gilbert was amazed to see how much Matt was able to eat with his figure. With full stomachs, Matthew and Gilbert laid down staring at the stars.
"You ate more than half of the food I cooked. I'm officially in love with you." The omega laughed rolling over to face his lover. Gilbert did the same leaning forward to peck Matthew's soft lips. Ever since their unexpected mating, the two had grown closer. Each day spent together was more meaningful then the last.
"You should see me on Thanksgiving. I once ate two batches of biscuits and had room for turkey legs and mashed potatoes." The Canadian thought back to the upset face of his brother when he saw the empty bread basket. The picture alone made him giggle. Gilbert was unaware of such a holiday. He was interested, though. A full day of food was similar to the Ictan Festival his people held to celebrate what the Earth gave them.
"What is 'Thanksgiving'?" Gilbert was curious to learn about the outside world. The mere thought of other lands beyond the vast ocean was hard to comprehend. Worlds and people he would never see. Matthew laid on his back once against repeating the lesson his favorite teacher had given his class about the holiday.
"People spend a whole day cooking and saying what they're thankful for with their friends and family. For me, I'm thankful I came here and met you." Gilbert blushed shyly looking away from his boyfriend. He covered his burning cheek trying to calm himself. Matthew however was giggling at the brightness of Gilbert's face. He had never seen such a flustered alpha before. Usually, it was a sign of weakness, but Gilbert was far from that.
"I'm thankful you fell in love with me." He chimed curling up against Matt. The omega raised a brow at suddenly becoming the big spoon. He took the albino's arms and wrapped them around his frame smiling softly. The man pouted taking Matthew's arms and putting them around his body.
"I want to be the little spoon tonight." He mumbled burying his face in the omega's chest. Matthew shrugged holding his boyfriend like he asked. Gilbert cheered wrapping around Matt for comfort as he snuggled against his chest.
"I've never met such a submissive alpha." Matthew said aloud without realizing it until it was too late. It was Gilbert's turn to seem confused and raise a brow. The albino turned over to to lay on his stomach facing Matt with a pout.
"Darling, if I was submissive, I would have your penis in me right now." He bluntly stated confused as to why Matthew began blushing. The omega groaned laying back down to stare at the sky littered with stars and Milky Way clouds. It looked as if someone had taken old scissors and poorly cut through fabric.
"Alphas from my home would be laughed at for wanting their mate to cuddle them. In fact, it's humiliating to even let your omega do alpha things." Gilbert blinked slowly trying to let the information process inside him. Alpha things? What could be defined as alpha only and omega only besides ruts and heats? He sat back in the sand shaking his head after a moment.
"What divides things between alpha and omega? Who made you so unable to do these things?" The genuine question made Matthew finally understand how alienated the island was from the rest of the world. He and his friends were the only ones to have ever visited this island. The blond covered his face avoiding his cracked glasses. Oh, yeah. He needed those fixed if he wanted to see.
"I honestly can't answer the first part. The second part however is easy. Alphas did it long ago." Gilbert leaned in wanting to hear the story from his mate. He needed to hear the story as to what gave alphas the right to limit an omega's entire life.
"For a long time it was believed that having an omega child was shameful. Unless an alpha, or at least a beta, was born into the family, they would be shunned or even killed." Matthew began referring to his history lessons in high school. The countless kings and commoner alphas killing their mates because they failed to become pregnant or birth an alpha.
"Because of this, we had nothing. If our alpha died, we did not get his home or money. If there was an election, we would be dragged away from it." Gilbert sat staring in shock at what Matthew said to him. His jaw hung when he heard an omega could be killed for failing to carry an alpha. He shuddered at the thought of bringing any harm to his mate. It was so... unsettling. He knew it was punishable for anyone to hurt their mate, but why weren't the alphas prosecuted?
"As time went on, anyone who went against the laws would be killed. I've read stories of omegas who had their children cut out-"
"Stop! Stop! I can't!" Gilbert covered his mouth backing away from Matthew. He vigorously shook his head on the verge of tears from what he had just heard. Matthew hurriedly stood up racing to Gilbert's side to comfort him. The pale man shivered just imagining the pain the omegas had gone through.
"Your world is so awful. Please, don't ever take me there." He practically begged clutching Matthew's hand. The teen nodded bringing him into a brief kiss to help relax him. Gilbert sniffled wiping his eyes of any tears. His whole life had been filled with appreciating who and what was around him. The thought alone of laying a hand on your mate was disturbing to the islanders.
"I won't, baby. You and I can stay here till the end of time." Matt reassured helping Gilbert stand up. The alpha leaned in to hold his boyfriend with a soft smile. The two finished their picnic and went to Matthew's hut to spend the night. When they arrived, the other omegas had their mates over while Lovino made sure no one got too frisky. He spotted Francis' hand going beneath the covers slithering over to Arthur's backside.
"Keep that hand where I can see it, Bonnefoy." Francis rolled his eyes pulling his hand out of the covers to tangle it in Arthur's hair. Matthew chuckled walking over to his nest with Gilbert following him. The alpha stepped inside draping a cover over Matt and him for warmth. The two cuddled seeing Ivan and Alfred weren't far from them. Matthew noticed something off about his brother, but he couldn't place his finger on it. What was different? He had the same blue eyes, the same hair, the same vitiligo... Matthew gasped realizing Alfred's skin had reverted back to its condition.
"Alfie, you never got the last surgery, did you?" Alfred turned his head to Matthew before looking down to his skin. There had been a appointment for pigment surgery after the cruise, but there was no way to get to it now. Normally, Alfred would be hiding in a closet or under the blankets. However, he seemed to be flaunting his skin condition by going without the top part of his animal hides.
"Nah. I freaked out at first, but Ivan here said it looked beautiful, and that I had nothing to worry about." The large alpha eagerly nodded kissing his mate on the cheek. Lovino raised a brow keeping an eye on where Ivan's lips went after that. His attention was quickly pulled away when he heard his brother giggle and whisper to Ludwig. Matthew let out a relived sigh proud to see his brother wasn't ashamed of the way he looked.
"Thanks, Ivan." Ivan smiled leaning against Alfred's shoulder. The two went back to the map of stars they had graphed hoping to find their position on Earth. Gilbert turned to Matthew giving him a brief kiss on the lips before laying down. Matt smiled laying as well to spoon Gilbert. The alpha softly gasped and made sure he was pressed against Matthew as close as possible before shutting his eyes. The Canadian giggled wrapping an arm around Gilbert. He closed his eyes quickly falling asleep as well.

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