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It was a calm morning for the omegas laying in their nests. They had moved them closer to talk about their mates while they were away for a briefing. The four were acting much like little girls, for they teased and gossiped about anything that came to mind.
"Honestly, Arthur is sweet. He just...needs time to show his true self around others." Francis explained to his three friends laying around him. The three looked at each other like housewives about to rant, which they were at this point. Seeing they weren't believing him, Francis reached into his nest pulling out a small box.
"Yesterday, he gave me this. He said it was so I could keep what was most important inside. I told him he wouldn't fit, and his face turned so red!" The omegas awed in unison setting the box in the center to look at the carvings. It depicted various roses surrounding a large one in the middle of the lid. Feliciano opened the wooden box seeing some jewelry and coins inside. Matthew giggled like a school girl twirling his long hair with his finger.
"Gilbert might not look it, but he is such a sweetheart. I told him about pancakes the other day, and he made me a batch instantly." The omegas laughed cuddling their nests since they lacked their alphas to hold. As they continued to gossip and talk about others, their alphas returned home bearing food.
"We're back!" Gilbert declared as he went to his omega and gave him the meal. Matthew cheered jumping up to hug his boyfriend. The other alphas greeted their mates with hugs and kisses.
"You should have come. Meeting was nice." Ivan said setting his armfuls of food in front of Alfred. The blond kissed his mate before diving into the breakfast. Arthur shyly delivered his portion of dinner seeing it was much smaller than the alphas around. He put his head down in shame, but he was given a kiss instead. Francis patted Arthur's cheek to reassure him then spoke to the others.
"Oh, we need one big day off. All of us should take a break." Francis chimed noticing how tired the alphas looked from working so much. Being foreign and unfamiliar with their work, the omegas were unable to help them. The alphas looked at each other with unsure faces. The idea was nice, but what would they do?
"Yeah, dudes! We could like...have...a fishing trip...or something." Alfred's words were muffled due to him eating as he spoke. Arthur chided the teen for being rude by giving his mouth a light tap to close it. Alfred rolled his eyes stuffing his face with the remainder of the food to finish it. Ivan clapped as his boyfriend devoured the meal in record time. Matthew giggled at his messy brother seeing the food stains all over his face. He watched Francis, his new father, move over to clean Alfred's face.
"I don't know." Ludwig said running his fingers through his slicked back hair. He hadn't heard of a fishing trip, and it sounded too strange. Feliciano pouted wrapping his arms around Ludwig's shoulders. He laid his head against the blond kissing his cheek gently.
"Come on, they're fun! You catch fish and eat them afterwards." He promised trying to convince the hardworking, stoic man to take a break. Ludwig humming thinking for a moment. He looked to his brother, who was eagerly nodding in approval. The blond let out a sigh also giving a nod.
"Alright. How do you do a fishing trip?" Matthew hastily stood up to answer the question. Having years of going camping in the woods, he was perfect for the job.
"Simple! You tie string to a stick with a hook attached at the end. You put some bait on the hook and toss it in the water, then pull it in when there's a fish on your hook." He explained jovially. Camping and fishing had always been his favorite hobbies growing up. The Canadian won multiple competitions at campgrounds even as a small child. Gilbert hummed thinking about what Matthew had described. The thought of spending the day and night out of the hut with his friends and family did seem promising.
"We'll do it! Let's tell the metallicers what hooks and poles are." The natives moved to leave the hut when they noticed their mates and Lovino hadn't budged. They simply stared with questionable looks on their faces.
"What do you call man who makes things from metal?" Ivan asked his partner. It clicked inside Alfred's head what he was talking about causing a loud "Oh" to come out of him. The blond looked over to the rest of the group putting his arm around Ivan's hip.
"We call them blacksmiths." The foreigners made similar sounds to Alfred understanding what their mates had meant. It hasn't occurred to anyone that there was a small language barrier between the groups.

Matthew stepped onto the now familiar beach gazing upon the horizon. It was the perfect day for them to enjoy the outside. He was relaxed until he heard his brother throwing everything onto the ground.
"Be careful, Al! That stuff took forever to make by hand." He marched over to the pile of branches and cloths sitting next to his twin. Alfred rolled his eyes mocking his brother's bossiness.
"Whatever, man! Let's get the tents up so Ivan can put me on my knees and-"
"Pray that the Lord can forgive those sins." Francis cut in sending a glare at Alfred knowing what he was about to say. The teen nervously chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. Alfred hurried to set up his tent slightly secluded from the others. However, Arthur made him put it near the others.
"You won't be away from everyone. This is a family gathering." Arthur nagged helping Francis make their tent. Alfred groaned setting his tent with Ivan's help. Matthew stuck his tongue out as Gilbert confusedly tried to assemble their tent. Matt came to the rescues and had his expertly made causing the others to groan. Arthur angrily tried to fit the pieces together groaning when they didn't work.
"Sweetheart, relax." Francis soothingly ran his hands over Arthur's back allowing the man to begin to calm down. His aggression washed away as Francis kissed his cheeks and gave him a small back rub. As the rest of the tents began to rise, the sun was slowly setting.
"We better start catching fish for dinner." Matthew said as he went to grab the long poles with string tied at the end. He handed out each one wish wriggling worms on the hook for bait. Francis cringed at the slimy bug on his hook before tossing it in the water. He sat down in the sand next to Arthur waiting for a bite.
"You just throw it in?" Gilbert asked questionably. He was used to diving into the water and hunting with a spear. He watched the bait spin around on the string loosing focus for a moment.
"Yep! Toss it in and wait." Matthew said leaning against a log that had washed up. He kept the pole between his legs using his hands as a headrest. Gilbert followed the instructions before sitting down with crossed legs. As time passed, the tide slowly came in forcing the campers to move their things back.

Nearly two hours went by before the group called it quits. They had successfully caught enough fish for a filling dinner along with some fruits they snagged from nearby trees. Matthew started the fire while Alfred prepared the slimy fish. He had to pluck out the scales by hand and carefully remove each bone. It was messy, but it brought in fish to feed the guts to. Along with them came wild gulls the foreigners had never seen before. They swooped down at lightning speed then leveled themselves moments before hitting the water. Alfred put the fish on sticks above the fire to cook evenly. Lovino slowly rotated them on the occasion making sure they didn't burn.
"This is fun. I feel quite relaxed." Ludwig admitted biting into some fruit afterwards. The islanders all agreed having enjoyed the outside world's tradition. Matthew smiled leaning against Gilbert as he watched the fire flicker.
"I won almost every camping competition until some showoff named Malvor joined. He was a prick." Mattie muttered causing a few to chuckle. The foul language from his innocent mouth made it even funnier. Alfred seconded his twin's opinion as he took a bite into his freshly cooked fish.
"Malvor was a douchebag. He cheated in like every game and always lied." The five shared their gossip to each other before it was time for bed. They let the fire go out then went inside their tents. Some stayed up longer for more exciting activities while others soundlessly slept in cots made of straw.

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