Chapter 14

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"holy shit, Tyler, you look hot."

"shut up Josh. so do you," Tyler said with a sly grin.

Tyler and Josh stood in front of Josh's mirror, admiring their identical skeleton costumes. they had done each other's faces to look like skulls and for some reason Josh was wearing a top hat (because according to him, truly spooky skeletons wear top hats.)

one perk of being Tyler's boyfriend was that Josh could constantly tell him how hot he was without feeling awkward about it. so he did. alot.

"are we about ready to go?" Tyler asked, fluffing his hair.

"yeah, i think so," Josh started. "wait!" he screamed when Tyler grabbed his phone.


"we have to take a selfie," Josh said excitedly.

"you're kidding, right?"

"nope. smile!" Josh held up his own phone and they both looked into the camera. Josh made a peace sign and Tyler closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

"aw, this is cute." Josh smiled at his phone once he had taken the picture. "you're so cute, Ty."

Tyler ducked his head to hide his blush. "nuh uh. you're cuter."

"nah, you're definitely the cutest," Josh said, wrapping him in a tight bear hug and kissing him on the nose.

Tyler wrinkled his nose and looked in the mirror again. "you're lucky that didn't mess up my makeup you dork, or else i'd have to mess up yours."

Josh smirked at him. "i'd have no problem with that."

"screw you, you know that's not what i meant."

"whatever you say, cutie."

"shut up. let's go."


Josh and Tyler's eyes both widened when they arrived at Carl's house. or rather, 3  houses away from Carl's house, considering there were so many cars parked in front of it.

it was indeed a mansion, decorated with spiderwebs and spooky things in honor of halloween. even from the car, music could be heard blasting from inside the house, as well as cheering and hollering from the guests, who were everywhere from the balconies to the front lawn.

Tyler stared at it all in awe. he hadn't been to a party in ages, let alone anything as big as this. his stomach started to churn, he was suddenly nervous. what if he didn't belong? what if no one payed any attention to him?

"hey babe, what's wrong?" Tyler turned from the car window to a concerned looking Josh.

"n-nothing." Tyler turned back to the window.

"Ty," Josh gently put his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "don't be afraid. i'll be right there with you the whole night. i won't even drink if you don't want me to."

even though that wasn't exactly the problem, Josh's words made Tyler feel alot better. he smiled at his boyfriend.

"okay," he took a deep breath. "i'm okay."

"good." Josh returned the smile. "now come on, cutie. let's have fun, okay?"

Tyler nodded excitedly and  gave Josh a kiss on the cheek, then he got out of the car. Josh got out as well and held Tyler's hand. then they both walked towards the mansion together.

as they approached the lawn, they were met by a wild looking brendon, who giggled when he saw them.

"hey Joshie! hey Tylenol!" he greeted them. Adam was dressed really Kawaii, like a anime girl with teal hair.

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