Chapter 16

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I'm hypnotised, when I look in your eyes. I'm hypnotised and mesmerized - Song up there ⬆

about a month had passed since the halloween party, and things been going pretty well for Tyler. he had been with Josh constantly, and Josh honestly couldn't get enough of it.

he just loved everything about Tyler so much, like the adorable way he would giggle whenever Josh said something funny, or how his face got all red when he was embarrassed. he loved how he would bite his bottom lip self consciously, or he how always hummed to himself when listening to music without even realizing it.

Tyler had been really happy lately, he was smiling and laughing more, making jokes and teasing Josh alot. it made Josh feel over the moon. he remembered that closed up, shy boy that had tripped over him in math class who would barely talk to him. Josh was so glad that Tyler was being himself more, the happy, energetic, quirky boy that he really had deep inside of him all along.

it pained him to think about that one time when he showed Josh his wrists, all cut up and scarred. he never wanted Tyler to feel like that ever again.

Tyler's family was slightly confused but happy at how much Tyler had changed, how he was interacting with them more and how he seemed to talk alot.

and of course, there was also that moment where Tyler came out to the rest of his family at thanksgiving. he hadn't planned on doing it, but some things couldn't be helped.

at first, Tyler's thanksgiving with his family hadn't been as painfully morbid as he'd thought it'd be, considering that all the previous thanksgivings were spent with his grandfather as well. at the dinner table while they were eating, Zack, much to Tyler's dismay, asked about Josh. in front of the rest of his family, who barely knew who he was.

Zack had asked, "so Tyler, how's Josh? you've been spending alot of time with him lately."

Maddie, Jay and Tyler's father all stared at him. his mother just smiled and Zack smirked. damn you, Zack. how was he going to play this off?

Tyler cleared his throat awkwardly and looked down at his hands. "uhm, he's good," he answered.

"cool," Zack hummed, and reached to get more mashed potatoes.

Maddie almost dropped her fork. "who's Josh?" she inquired, staring at her brother in a confused manner.

"he's a friend," Tyler said quickly, refusing to meet her eyes.

"you've never said anything about him before."

"never came up." Tyler took a sip of his sparkling grape juice.

"okay..." Maddie looked disbelieving, but let it go.

"where did you meet him?" his father asked curiously.

"at school."

"what class?"


"oh." his father just said.

Maddie started her interrogation again. "is that why you've been going out so often? to see Josh?"

Tyler shrugged. "yeah, i guess. he's my friend, so..."

"that's not my point," Maddie said. "you should be here more often, we barely see you anymore."

"you didn't seem to care when i was here all the time." Tyler stared angrily at his green beans.

"Tyler," his mom looked at him with a tired warning.

"i did care!" Maddie shot back.

"no you didn't! you guys barely talked to me!" Tyler didn't actually mind that much, but he felt like it needed to be addressed.

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