Chapter 22

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This might be
The lowest place on Earth
Gone too deep
But for what it's worth
I have been to the bottom
I've drilled through the rock
And I know how it feels to just fall from the top
Might be
The lowest place on Earth - Song up there ⬆ (btw I have been addicted to him all week, check him out)

(Tyler's p.o.v.)

tomorrow is my birthday.

i kind of despise my birthday.

there's a good reason for it, besides the fact that i hate the thought of getting older.

my grandpa died on my birthday. it was one of the last things he told me. "i hope you have a happy birthday, son. soon you're gonna be old like me," he laughed.

i remember hugging him just hours before he died, completely unaware of what was coming.

he also said something like, "don't let anybody get you down, okay? including yourself. especially yourself."

i was mostly confused by what he meant by that. i didn't understand his words or how inportant they were.

but fast-forward a few years and painful birthdays later, and i realized exactly what he meant. sadly, i don't think i could've avoided it.

i know one thing for sure, though; blurryface is bound to come back.

he always does on my birthday, reminding me about my grandfather, and how much of a disappointment i would be to him if he was still alive, and how i should've died instead him, and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

i'm tired, really. of blurryface and of everything. the only thing keeping me going is Josh.


(Josh's p.o.v.)

tomorrow is Tyler's birthday!

the gay squad and i (that was Carl's name, according to him we were NOT being called the eight​ musketeers) were thinking of planning a party for him, but i figured he wouldn't want that.

instead, i suggested that the eight of us could all just hang out at Carl's house because a) he has the biggest house, and b) his parents are rarely even home. i think they're like in africa, or something.

we also decided not to surprise him because i feel like he would be too embarrassed about that (although that would be the cutest thing EVER) so were just going to invite him to hang out, maybe buy a cake, do some fun stuff, just have a good time i guess.

i hope he's up for it. he seemed kind of down yesterday. i asked him what was wrong and he just shook it off, saying that it was no big deal. but i could tell that he was sad, or something along those lines. i wonder if i has something to do with his birthday.

anyway, he's sleeping over at my house today, and i can't wait to see him again. sure, it's been like, 18 hours since i last saw him, but that's a long time, okay?

i just hope he's alright. i want to make it my ultimate goal to make him feel better.


(third person p.o.v.) (aHA once again!!!)

Tyler arrived at josh's house late that afternoon before december 1st, knocking on the door with his stuff and being greeted by an excited looking Josh, who kissed him on the cheek and then ushered him inside.

the first thing they did when they got to Josh's room was kiss some more, because, let's be real, it was probably their favorite thing to do. Josh liked the feeling of Tyler's lips and body. he was small and warm. he was like a fire on a cold day.

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