The girl who sat alone

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I woke up to a small, light tapping on my shoulder. I sat right up and flung out my hand at the direction of the tapping involuntarily in a sharp motion. I heard a small groan. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the tapping. I saw Gee now rubbing his nose. His eyes were scrunched up.

"OW!!?" He shouted.

I guess I hit harder than I thought. I got out of bed and went up to him.

"I'm so sorry, my sister sometimes calls me Wolverine because of my sleeping fits." I apologized.

"More like sleeping fists. I think you broke my nose!"

I pushed his hands away and looked at his nose. It was red, but not broken. He

was just overreacting. He stood tall when he noticed I was looking at him. He wore a short sleeve black shirt, that showed off his long pale arms...and some muscle I didn't notice jeans and bright red converse. I didn't notice before but he wore his bright red mask again. It shaded his beautiful, haunting hazel eyes.

"What's with the mask?"

"It's to protect my identity. Plus it looks cool." He explained, smiling at me.

I winked at him.

We left the small shack of a house into the morning sunlight. Gee had grabbed his leather jacket on the way out. There was a bleak sunrise, small yellows and purples dimly illuminated the dark blues of the fading sunset. The dark trees were like a painting against the sky. They added that extra darkness. The air smelled of crisp fall leaves. I felt a soft tug on my arm and saw Gee pulling on my arm, urging me to keep up. I tried to keep up with his fast pace, my army green sneakers were scraping on the leaves of the forest. We came into a clearing and I could make out the tall black towering castle from under the awakening daylight. I didn't notice how beautiful it was until now. I turned to Gee and he smiled brightly. Then my face sunk.

"I guess this is goodbye." I sighed, looking at my feet.

He suddenly smiled.

"Nope. I'm gonna walk you to the entrance, make sure you get in unharmed."

I beamed at him.

We walked through the semidarkness, marching together in the huge green field. I swung my arms. Once again we were at my tower, looking above now, instead of my looking below. I turned to him.

"I have to climb it again?"

He laughed.

"Unless you want me to knock you out and carry you up."

I hesitated, but that was just gushing of the damsel in distress vibe. Instead I rolled my eyes, looking back to the tower.

"Psh, piece of cake."

It actually turns out I was right. I climbed the dark stone easily, grabbing at each open handhold and foothold. I guess it was because it was lighter out. I swung my hands eagerly onto the windowsill that gutted out from the closed glass window. Once my feet were secure, I glanced down at Gee, he grinned at me. I then grabbed the two hand-holds on the windows, cracking them open so slowly and quietly that no one would have known. I crawled into my room and immediately found relief while sitting on my makeshift windowsill bed. I eagerly looked out the window at Gee, who stood there loyally. It was a shame that his eyes were hidden, they would have been so nice to say goodbye to. He tossed his soft black hair over his mask and smiled at me, waving a hand. I lifted my head back at him and grinned. It was a sign of respect in my opinion. Then I watched him leave, a small black dot in the vast green field, just trying not to get caught. I laughed silently. I don't think I have ever been this happy in my life. Then I realized I had some clearing up to do. My parents were probably still asleep, and thought of me the same. I tossed pajamas around my dresser messily and grabbed a pair of dark purple pajama pants with tiny black stars. I put them on, carelessly throwing my old skinny jeans in the corner, along with my faded converse. I don't care if my rooms a mess, it's my room anyway. I slunk down into my dark red covers on my window and closed my eyes, sinking down into my many pillows.

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now