Chapter XV

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Dedicated to @voltswagon

"Don't worry, everything will be alright now." - Ghost

Chapter XV

Holding up the large black feather, I absently twirled it around between my fingers while I tried to comprehend everything that happened to my life so far.

The creatures from folklore and mythologies are all real, there are truly beings that go bump in the night. Angels are real too – even though many believe this to be differently. Ghost is my Guardian Angel and I have met the Archangel Metatron and a fallen angel who calls himself Lucas, which is probably not even his real name – nor is Daniel. I have encountered dragons and the Alpha of New York, who I am pretty sure is actually Lucas. My ancestor is a freaking Nephilim and the son of the Seraphim Cassiel. I also have a faerie ancestor and my grandparents are hunters – and so am I those days. And I can't forget the fact that my co-worker is a werewolf.

And apparently, I don't just have to save the world, but the entire fucking universe from utter destruction, together with the fallen angel who might or might not have tried to kill me not too long ago.

"This is crazy," I sighed, my fingers gently stroking over the soft feather. I watched the light of my lamp reflect off it for a while, mesmerized by how it has a beautiful blue glow in direct light.

If Lucas is indeed the Alpha, he sure has beautiful wings, I thought in amazement. Gently placing the feather on my bureau, I wrapped the blankets around myself and closed my eyes. Falling in a deep slumber.


My eyes opened and I looked at my surroundings in bewilderment. I appeared to be on a small rowboat in the middle of the ocean. My heart beat loudly in my throat and I gripped the sides of the boat tightly in my hands, my nails digging in the wood and my fingers growing pale from how tight I held it.

Thousands of stars twinkled down at me, almost in mockery.

The small boat rocked from my sudden movement and I froze completely, hoping that I wouldn't fall in the deep and unknown ocean. "I am dreaming. This is just a dream," I squeaked in a high voice, yet I wasn't so sure of it myself anymore.

Large waves crashing against the sides of the boat, I shrieked when the boat went almost sideways. I leaned in opposite direction and – somehow – managed not to fall and drown in the dangerous waves just below me.

Seawater splashed up into my face and I could taste salt on my lips. My heartrate sped up. I've had some rather realistic dreams before – like the vision Ghost send me – but not something like this. And it felt so different too... in Ghost's vision I knew that I was safe, that nothing would ever happen to me. Now I did not felt so sure.

Feeling a piercing gaze on me, I looked up and saw Lucas standing in the distance.

The fallen angel stood on the surface of the water, unhindered by the tall waves; on the contrary, he seemed to be the one who controlled them for the waves moved away from him. His black hair was styled up slightly at the front and his dark unnerving eyes stared straight at me, unblinking. The tips of his ears appeared slightly pointed as well.

Whatever little doubt I had of him being a fallen angel was gone when I saw the grand black wings sprouting out of his upper-back, neatly folded on his back. His wings were large enough that the tips of his wings almost touched the water he was standing on.

Lucas grinned, revealing his sharp fangs and he held his hand out my way, palm forward. I watched on in both awe and horror how black lines crept out from underneath the sleeve of the black trench coat he was wearing. The eerie lines curled over his arm like furious snakes and eventually his finger-tips became black as well, the same light-absorbing shade as the black swirling lines.

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