Chapter. 3

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   "Now you all stay with me, ya hear! Devil's Gate may be small, but we have our share of trouble and we don't need you causing anymore!", Trudy Ross commanded. 

  They were all following her down the boardwalk of the small town near the station. As they walked past the Roan Pony Saloon, a crash was heard and 3 men came flying out. The trio hit the dirt and lay there groaning.

   "Quit your whining! Serves you right getting whipped for busting up the bar. Next time you might get more than just the fists!", this came from a broad shouldered, dark haired man in his 20's wearing a tin star with the word Marshal on it.

   "Hi Sand.", Trudy said with a smile.  The man tipped​ his hat and returned the smile.

   "Trudy, Bellamy, nice to see you! Hey Rocky look who's here!", the last part was directed back into the saloon. 

  A younger version of Sand stopped out into the light. His face was slightly thinner than his brother's, but just as nice to look at. A large smile showed on his face as he saw who his brother was speaking to.

   "Hello everyone! Long time no see!", he spoke cheerfully.

   "Rocky, you you were out at the house two weeks ago!", Bellamy exclaimed as she gave her friend a hug. Had anyone looked at Zack they would have seen a flash of something close to jealousy in his eyes as he watched them, followed by anger at his train of thought.

   "Rocky, Sand these are my riders. Introduce yourselves.", Trudy said, with an unreadable look on her face. The marshal and his brother looked in confusion at her, before facing the riders for introductions.

"I'm Jay Halliday."

"Billy S. Korliss."

"Kyle Ierland."

"Lance MaClellan."

"Ivan Jackson."

"Zack Griffith."

"Sorrel Walker."

"Beck Donovan."

   "Pleased to meet you boys, I'm Sanden Cable and this is my brother and deputy, Rocklin Cable.", the dark haired marshal said. 

  He didn't see the smirk Billy wore at being called a boy, but Rocky had. The young deputy looked curiously at Billy and Jenny, who also wore a smirk until she noticed Rocky's gaze. She dropped her eyes to the dusty boards underfoot. Just as he was about to say something Trudy spoke, "Well, you boys come out to supper tomorrow night. We'll be glad to have you."

  They exchanged goodbyes and headed back down the street, leaving Rocky and Sand in front of the Roan Pony.

   "Did you notice anything strange about a couple of the riders?", Rocky asked.

   "Why?", His older brother wanted to know.

   "Just got a funny feeling is all.  Somethin's not right about 'em."

  Sand looked at his sibling thoughtfully, "Anything we should be concerned about?"

   "It's not that kind of feeling.  Just didn't seem right with a couple of them."

      "Ah come on!" a familiar male voice spoke from behind the barn

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      "Ah come on!" a familiar male voice spoke from behind the barn.  

  Bellamy walked around the building to see Zack trying to swing up on Queen bareback.  That afternoon Elson had shown them how to do it, having them do it bareback first to make it easier.  The red head had obviously been trying to practice - his performance earlier having not gone well.

   "You know if you wanted some extra lessons all you had to do was ask."

  Zack whipped around to face the girl who stood watching him with a kind look on her face.   

   "It must be hard not having that much experience in the first place.  I grew up on a horse so it comes naturally to me." Bellamy spoke again.

   "Would...would you be able to help me?  There's no point in me keeping this job if I can't even ride." the boy's face showed an uncharacteristic look of vulnerability.

   "Of course I'll help you.  You have a natural seat and soft hands - something that can't be learned easily.  Let's start from the beginning: learning to sit and rider properly."

  He grinned at her, something she thought he should do more often as it lit up his whole face giving him a boyish charm.  Smiling back she approached him to stand at his side.

   "I'm gonna give you a boost up at first, then we'll move work on getting on on your own." She gestured for him to turn and face over the horse's back, "Now bend your left leg at the knee and get ready to bounce on the other one."

  The girl reached down and grabbed the boy's leg at the shin, "I'm going to count to three and on each count you jump - on three give it your biggest push."

  He did as asked, surprised by the strength she had as she threw him up on the horse.

   "See that wasn't so hard was it?", Bellamy grinned up at him as he easily found his seat.

  Zack shrugged, but did look a little more comfortable.  The brown haired girl walked around him and his horse, eyeing them to make sure he was sitting properly.

   "Okay, now ask her to walk off."

  Gently he nudged his mare's sides with his legs.  The gentle buckskin walked forward following his cues.  Bellamy watched as he guided the buckskin around in a circle.

  They worked for an hour or more on basic seat and cues to get her to do what he wanted.  Finally Bellamy told him to swing off.

   "You want to give swinging on a shot?  I can show your step-by-step first."

  Shaking his head Zack said he'd try it on his own if she coached him through it.

   "All right then, first put your left had on her withers keeping a hold of the reins as you go.  Then step so you are shoulder to shoulder with her - you facing her rear."  Bellamy instructed,  "Now take one step back, then step forward, jump and swing.  That's about as easy as I can make it."

  Taking a deep breath Zack did as she'd said, swinging on as if he'd never had a problem.  He tipped his head back in laughter as he smiled in relief.  Maybe this Pony Express business wasn't so bad after all.  Quickly he dismounted, grabbing Bellamy around the waist to spin her around in happiness.

   "Thank you!  I can't believe it!",  they came to a halt both breathing heavily from laughing, "I'm mean it, really, thank you."  Zack's eyes stared into Bellamy's.

  The moment was interrupted by the sound of Trudy calling them for dinner.

  "Umm, I'll just go tell her that you'll be right in then."  Bellamy was a pretty shade of red as she backed away.

   "Yeah, be right in." Zack murmured as he watched her go, "Well Queen, looks like I'll be staying after all."

  The horse nudged him with her nose.


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