Chapter. 4

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   "Rider coming!!", Elson shouted as hooves a boy bent low over his horse's neck appeared on the road.

   Jenny stood next to Dollars, making final adjustments. Nervously she checked her pistol, which Elson had given her permission to carry, before taking her stance standing shoulder to shoulder with her horse. The other rider threw her the mochila as he flew past, and with a whistle she sent Dollars into motion. Her feet hit the dirt once, bringing them up in front of her, then bouncing again to swing on. It was one of her favorite tricks, they had been taught, and she had actually become pretty good at it. Once on she settled deeply into the saddle and allowed Dollars to run at full speed.

  Two days later she reined her lathered up mount from a station ago, up in front of the run down log cabin that served as one of the switching stations. There was no noise, barring that of the horses, as she called out.

   "Mr. Hanley? Do you have my mount ready?"

  Not a soul answered back. Pulling her pistol out she cocked it as she looked around. The horses seemed stirred up as she rode around the back of the corral. Suddenly she spotted a figure stretched out and unmoving behind a rain barrel.

  "Mr. Hanley?", she called again. The door to the cabin slammed open as a large man in a dirty, torn coat and a scarred face stepped out. Others poured out from the cabin, behind the wagon, and the boxes lined along the log structure. All held guns as they leered up at her.

   "What's in the bag sonny?", the first man she'd seen called.               

   "What's wrong with Mr. Hanley?"

   "Oh he's takin' a little nap.",  Scar Face chuckled nastily.

   "Well if that's the case I'll just be on my way then.  Wouldn't want to bother him then.", Jenny replied back sarcastically.

   "I don't think so boy.  Why don't you just get down off that horse and stay awhile."

  Smirking at him she fired one shot, spinning her horse as she did so.  The bullet thudded into the boards at the stranger's feet causing him to jump for cover.  A quick squeeze of her legs sent the horse bounding away from the building.  Jenny bent low over the horn praying that her shot distracted them long enough for her to get away - unfortunately she wasn't in luck.  A burning pain shot up her shoulder as the sound of a guns hot echoed.  Trying desperately to hang on she managed to make it another few yards before the wound made her lose her grip.  The impact of hitting the ground knocked her senseless, the sound of hooves fading into the distance.

  The impact of hitting the ground knocked her senseless, the sound of hooves fading into the distance

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  Elson Ross looked up from the saddle he was repairing when he heard horse hooves come in the yard. The dark haired man stepped out of the barn to greet Rocky and Sand Cable, stepping off their horses. Kylie, Lance, Ivy, Beck, Zack, and Bellamy came out of the bunkhouse to see who had arrived.

   "Nice to see you boys! What can I do for you?", the station master greeted them. 

  Both of the lawmen wore hard looks on their faces as they returned the greeting.

   "It's good to see you too Elson, but unfortunately we aren't here on pleasure. A band of renegades has been reported 25 miles from here. They've hit several ranches and stations in about a 50 mile radius. Their leader is called Black Jack Travers. We wanted you to warn your riders of the threat, before any more went out on runs. A warning has been sent to all of the stations within our jurisdiction, so hopefully those that are out will know to be careful.", Sand explained.

   "Damn.", the older man exclaimed softly.

  The other men nodded in agreement, then glanced up as the riders approached. Kylie and Ivy wore concerned looks upon their faces, but neither said anything.

   "What would you like us to do Marshal?", Beck asked the man.

   "Unfortunately, carrying a gun is going to have to become necessary. I know you need to stay light, but you need the protection. Use the biggest horses you have on your runs and keep a constant eye out."

  Trudy walked up as he finished his statement. "Will you boys be staying for dinner?", she asked

   "I suppose we can. That way we can answer any questions you might have on this gang.", he agreed.

   "I'll take care of the horses for you.", Beck said. Ivy quietly took one as well, then followed the dark haired boy to the barn.

   "Trudy that was another fine meal.", Rocky complimented the woman as they sat around the large table in the bunkhouse.

   "Thank you Rocklin.", she said, causing a blush to appear on the young man's cheeks. 

  His older brother laughed at his discomfort at the use of his full name. Rocky flicked a glob of potato at him, missing when he dodged, only to have it hit Bellamy in the face. She let out a squawk as the potatoes splatted on her. Quick as lighting she grabbed a handful of greens and flung them at the laughing deputy. They landed in his hair, dribbling down the back of his shirt, causing him to wiggle and dance about hilariously as he tried to get them out. Zack snatched up a roll and flung it at the dancing Rocky.

   "Oy, what was that for!", the boy exclaimed.

"A gentleman shouldn't hit a lady.", the red head stated with a dead serious tone. Everyone burst into laughter as Rocky looked bewildered at this statement. Sand snickered at his brother's face, triggering another roll to go flying through the air, this time from Trudy. The big Marshal reciprocated, until food was flying everywhere. When it was all said and done, Rocky had a giant hand full of gravy in his hair, Sand had carrots up his nose, though no one knew how, Kylie had potato on her face, Lance had green stains down his shirt, and Beck and Ivy wore matching butter stains.  Trudy was trying to get potatoes out of her braid, while Elson brushed biscuit off of his shirt.  Bellamy had potatoes all over her face, Zack had some on his cheek from the splatters off of Bellamy.

   "Oh, that was funny!", Elson chuckled. He stood and pulled out his wife's chair, then asked for volunteers to help clean up. Ivy, Kylie, Lance, and Rocky all agreed to help, allowing Beck and Zack to get some sleep for their rides in the morning. Sand and Elson went to get the horses ready for the Cable brothers' departure.

   "Jenny isn't back yet, and I'm getting worried.", Kylie muttered to Lance under her breath as they washed dishes.

   "Don't worry too much. Maybe her horse came up lame and she's coming in late tonight.", he reassured the golden-blonde. She nodded, but still looked worried.  All of the girls were worried about Jenny.  They knew she could take care of herself, but with the news of the renegades it put them one edge.   Finally the clean up was done and the Cables were on their way back to town. As Elson watched them go, Trudy approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.

   "Jenny's not back yet and the others are starting to get worried. I'm worried too Elson. She may be a tough talker, but that girl needs someone to look after her. They may have only been here a few weeks, but those kids are just about the closest thing we'll ever have to more children.", she whispered hoarsely as her eyes teared up. Elson turned around and gathered her in his arms, wiping away rears as he did so.

   "Chin up Tru, she'll be all right. She's smart, and can handle herself. If she isn't here by the morning, I'm going to go get Rocky and Sand and we'll go find her.", he reassured his wife. Smiling gratefully she linked arms with him and they walked to the house.

The next morning brought bad news: Jenny hadn't made it in during the night. Elson was saddling up to head to town when Kylie, Ivy, and Bellamy came up leading already saddled horses.

"We're coming too Dad. Don't try and stop us.", his daughter stated seriously. He nodded once, pulled the cinch tight and stepped on.

"Let's go."

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