Chapter 27

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"So what's this I hear about you pulling a gun on the governor?", Sand asked as he and Billy walked from the barn at Devil's Gate.

"That's for me to know and you to find out!", the girl laughed.

"Well, other than that and the parts stating that you were a bossy young lady, the governor said he was impressed with your dedication to your friends", the Marshal commented.

"I'm glad I made it back in time", Billy said, her face now serious, "I wasn't sure if I was going to."

"You have my thanks, Billy. Even if the governor did call you a bossy, overbearing woman who needed to be reminded of her place occasionally."

"Wait he said that?! Let me see.", the blonde demanded, reaching for the letter Sand was carrying.

"I don't think so", the big Marshal held it just out of her reach as he skipped around the girl.

"Sand Cable, that offer to shoot you still stands!"

From inside the house Rocky, Jenny, Bellamy, Trudy, and Elson watched as Sand scrambled to keep the piece of paper away from a furious Billy S. Korliss.

"You think he likes her?", Elson asked. Trudy just shook her head at her husband.

"Leave them alone. I'm surprised he even managed to make it as long as he did with that leg of his still healing."

Jenny snickered as she looked outside, "Well, she's got him now."

All of them looked out the window to see Billy sitting smack dab in the middle of Sand reading the letter as he tried to get away. Somehow she kept him down without stopping her perusal of the paper in her hands.

  Somehow she kept him down without stopping her perusal of the paper in her hands

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"Rider comin'!", Beck called from the barn loft where he was pitching hay down. Looking up the road, Billy recognized one of the six riders coming up the road as the boy she'd met out in the hills on when she riding to Cheyenne.

"William F. Cody, what are you doin' in these parts?", the blonde asked as they rode up.

"Well you said to stop by if we were around, so I thought we would.", Cody swung down off his horse.

Elson and Trudy came up to meet the newcomers, along with the rest of the riders at Devil's Gate.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet William F. Cody and his friends. Cody and I ran into each other in a gun fight back in the hills when I was headed to Cheyenne to stop Sand's trial", Billy explained.

"Pleasure to meet you Mister Cody, I'm Elson Ross and this is my wife Trudy. We run Devil's Gate station."

"The pleasure's all mine Mr. Ross, these are my friends from the Sweetwater station, Jimmy Hickock, The Kid, Ike McSwain, Buck Cross, and Lou McCloud."

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