Chapter 14

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   "So how did you get the name Strange Horse?", Sorrel was riding beside the Indian as they made their way back to Lost Springs.

   "My mother was a captive white woman who my father took on as a wife.  I was raised as a Lakota and consider myself a full blood Sioux.  My father's people thought I was strange when my hair started to grow curly as I got older.  When it came time to choose my warrior name, my spirit messenger was a strange looking horse with a coat almost as curly as my hair.  I chose the name Strange Horse to honor him."

   "Oh.  That's interesting.", the Pony Express rider nodded thoughtfully, "What were you doing around here when we caught you?"

   "You are just fully of questions today aren't you?"

  Sorrel grinned at his friend, "Well it is a long ride back to Lost Springs."

   "I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell you: My brother is adviser to the chief Hunkpapa.  Our chief heard of the talk of how us Native Americans were being blamed for all of the attacks lately.  After meeting with the council of Elders he chose me to come and find out what I could, so perhaps we could stop whoever it was."

   "Wait, wait, your brother is adviser to the chief of the whole Hunkpapa band?!"


   "Wow.", Sorrel was amazed to say the least.  Ivy had been listening to their conversation and was similarly impressed.  She had guessed that Stranger was of fairly high status in his band, but she didn't expect it to be that high.  

   Coming down out of the hills they could see the outline of Lost Springs in the distance.  Picking up the pace, they made good time to town.

  Picking up the pace, they made good time to town

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   "Glad you made it back Stranger.", Sand greeted the riders as they reined up in front of the jail house.  The rest of the crew from Devil's Gate was inside the building along with the Sheriff of Lost Springs.

  The Indian nodded in response as he dismounted.

   "Anything out of Nichols?", Breck asked.


  After a quick discussion the group decided to split up, some of them going to catch some sleep, while the others spread out between the jail and the rest of town.  It was quite for the rest of the afternoon giving Ivy the feeling that it was merely the calm before the storm.  That night they all met up for dinner at the hotel.

   "We need to come up with a plan for tomorrow's trial.", Sand was seated between Rocky and Elson at the long table.  Across from him sat Ivy and Beck, one of whom was pushing her food around her plate, "I want Beck, Sorrel, and Stranger with Ivy at all times.  Rocky, Elson, Billy, and Jenny will help me move Nichols while one of you stays in the crowd.  The other two stay by the door where you can see out."

   "Zack and I will get by the door."

   "All right Bellamy.  I'm going to deputize all of you, except Ivy, for the day so you have some authority.  I'll give you two at the door shotguns, but don't go advertising 'em."

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