Chapter. 7

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  "You're not gonna hang me! You got nuthin' on me except for the word of a boy who hasn't even killed a man yet!", This had been going on since Rocky and the riders had brought the gang in.

   "Oh, can it will ya!", Sand yelled over the din, but to no avail. Finally Rocky stood, moved the water bucket over so it lined up with the cell, stepped back and swung his boot.

   "CLANG!", the bucket splintered against the wood, drenching the entire cell of outlaws with water.  The effect was immediate, silence reigned. 

   "That's better." Sand said with a heavy sigh.

  For the rest of the day the prisoners were quiet.  As the sun went down the night deputy picked up his gun and started the his walk around.  Sand and Rock went into the back part of the jail to make themselves supper.

   "How is that rider of Elson's doing?  The one that you found shot." Sand asked as he cut up bacon that he was throwing in a pan with some eggs.

   "Fine.  Tougher bugger.  That shoulder wound was nasty."

   "Ever figure out what that strange feeling was all about?"

  Rocky glanced away as he pulled out two plates and a set of cups, "Nah, it must have just been that day."

   "Mm-Hmm."  Sand had dealt with Rocky's gut feelings before and usually the younger man was spot on when there was trouble or something wasn't right.  This time however his brother was rather closed mouthed about it.  The two of them were about as close as siblings could be, having taken over the job of town Marshal and Deputy when their father was killed in the line of duty.  Missus Cable had died long ago from pneumonia, so all they had was each other and the Ross's.  Rocky and Bellamy had been all but raised together and were good friends.  After dinner was done they both sat nursing cups of coffee and dozing off.

 The sound of a cell door opening followed by boots on the floor jerked them both awake from their slight nap.  Rocky grabbed his pistol and ran through the adjoining door,only to dive off to the side as a gunshot echoed through the small room. The bullet made an odd sound as it hit. Turning  Rocky saw his brother topple forward from the bullet that grazed his leg. Together the 2 brothers returned fire, causing  the outlaws to run out the door towards the semi-lit street. The renegades caught up several tied horses, standing in front the saloon.  People heard the noise and came out to investigate only to be driven back by a rain of bullets. Before a return shot could be fired the renegades were gone. The night deputy, a man named Alfred Hale, appeared on the edge of the street looking alarmed.

   "What happened!?", Hale exclaimed in shock.

   "Not entirely sure Al." Rocky snapped then looked apologetic followed by worry for his brother. Running back inside he found his brother leaning against the door jam attempting to reach a bandana on a nearby chair.

   "Al, get the doctor. Rocky get a horse saddled and get out to Ross's, Elson can give you a hand.", Sand rapped out orders like a drill sergeant.   The other two men followed the marshals orders: a doctor soon arrived and horse hooves thundered out of town.

   The other two men followed the marshals orders: a doctor soon arrived and horse hooves thundered out of town

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    "Rider comin'!", Zack hollered from the barn where he was throwing hay in the dim evening light.   The halo off gold from the lights at the house and bunkhouse went out about 50 feet before the slowly growing darkness took over.  Into the cheerful light appeared a lathered up horse with a denim figure crouched low upon its back.  Lance waited patiently by his big grey, Flash, as the other rider galloped up, then threw him the mochila.

With a shrill whistle Flash launched unto a run, Lance swinging  up easily before they even cleared the light.  Zack walked out to see Sorrel moving stiffly into the barn.

   "Tough ride Sorrel?", the red head asked.

   "Oh, no it was like a Sunday stroll.", the sandy haired boy stated sarcastically.  Zack merely raised his eyebrows in question.

   "The mustang I head coming out of Shotgun Wells was hell on wheels to begin with. The first half of the run was mostly getting him lined out and goin' from a buck. By the time he settled in we'd made it to Craftsman Creek, which was way out of its banks from rains upstream, so I had to swim him across - he wasn't in the mood for a bath.  The rest of the trip was relatively easy until I changed out at Mornahey's. That horse came up lame part way through, leading to the longest walk of my life! Luckily I was able to pick up Rojo at the final change over.", his explanation finished just as a big black horse with Rocky astride raced into the yard.

    "Where's Elson!?!", the big deputy all but threw himself off his horse as he yelled at the boys.

    "The house.", Zack replied swiftly, before following Rocky into the house. Sorrel followed after taking care of Rojo. 

   "What's up Rocky?", Elson asked, curious about the commotion.

   "Gang escaped, Sand's been shot, and I need help." This all came out in a hard,clipped voice.

   "Do you know what way they went?", Beck asked from his spot by the stove.

   "West is all I know."

Elson stood and out his hat on, "Zack, Sorrel, Beck, Billy get your horses saddled.  Jay how is your arm?"

  Rocky looked like he was about to protest at her coming, but he closed his mouth quickly.

   "I'm ready to ride.", the girl brushed past Rocky to follow the others outside.

   "Sorrel take Dance, since Rojo was just on a run." Bellamy called out, "Dad whose up next on the run?".

   "You are, Ivy will be back tomorrow morning, then she's on short runs the day after. Hopefully we'll be back before we have to worry about whose next. Lance and Kyle will also be back tomorrow afternoon." her father replied, "Make sure you take your pistol with you."

  Bellamy nodded in acknowledgment. With out any more conversation they went outside to ready horses.

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