Chapter. 5

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"Elson, boys, what can I do for you?", Sand asked as he reclined in his chair. The four of them had ridden straight to the Marshal's office when they arrived in Devil's Gate.

"Jay Halliday hasn't made it back to the station. We think there's been trouble.", Elson informed him.

"What way was he headed?", the Marshal asked, pulling his feet off the desk.

"Three Crossings, then back again."

"Damn, that's around where that gang of renegade's was operating! I sent Rocky up to Plants switch station to see if they'd seen or heard anything. He should be back this evening.", Sand stated. "When he gets back, he should have some idea of what's going on out there. If Halliday makes it back before then, we won't worry as much."

Elson nodded, then left the office. The girls trailed a few steps behind, whispering among themselves.

"I don't have a good feeling about this.", Kylie muttered to the others. All of the riders cared about each other as family, even though they'd only known each other for a few weeks. Something like this was a bad sign that didn't go unnoticed.

"Unfortunately the only thing I can think of is to go out there ourselves.", Bellamy whispered back.

"Ivy, could you track her once we got to Plants?", Kylie asked the Cherokee girl. She merely nodded in reply and stepped onto her horse, Traveler.

"We'd best get some help.", she said quietly, "Some man power could come in handy."
   "I hope you mean just some extra hands, not that we need the boys to help because we're defenseless.", Ivy said wearing a slightly mad look on her normally gentle face.
   "Oh good heavens no! The extra guns will be good to have along! If it women were helpless I wouldn't have agreed to ride on the Pony.", the owners daughter exclaimed.

The three of them nodded, then followed Elson back to the ranch. Once there they called the remaining riders: Lance, Billy, and Sorrel, who'd ridden in that morning while they were gone, together in the barn

"We think Jenny's in trouble. She should have been back last night and she wasn't. Rocky is going out by Plants, but we don't even know if she's still there, so we're going after her.", Bellamy started to say, just as hooves pounded into the yard. Jumping up she ran and looked out the barn door to see Zack and Beck leading their horses into the corral.

"What happened?", she exclaimed.

"We just had short runs today. Only had to do the local deliveries, remember?", Beck informed her.

"Oh, yeah. Well good thing you're back, because we need your help. We're going after Jenny."

Both boys merely nodded and caught their regular mounts. Bellamy nodded and returend to the barn. Elson and Trudy had returned to town with the wagon to get supplies.

"Did you leave a note or something?", Billy asked as they loped away.


"Seems like we got away from there too easy. Awful coincidental that they decided to leave.", Zack said, wearing a suspicious look.

Bellamy shrugged, saying, "Well, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth then."


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