Chapter 19

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   "Yeah, I know somebody that headed up that way: our old school marm here in town.  Name of Lilly Everard.  She got a job up there teaching school, left about 3 months ago", the preacher was busy painting the outside of the parsonage when Sand and Rocky found him, "Funny though,  I talked to a family that was passing through town from up that way and they said that they hadn't seen her at all.  Their children went to school up there and never saw her once.  It was a good paying job, so I don't see why she would have left without even starting."

   "Thanks parson", the two lawmen returned to their office to ponder this information.

   "That's the fifth case of people disappearing up that we that we heard about today alone", Rocky was pacing back and forth in front of the desk.

  His brother nodded in agreement before sitting up, "Rocky I believe we need to take a little trip to Fortune."

  The younger man didn't say a word as he followed him out the door.

  Bellamy was not happy to be back in Malcomb's clutches to say the least

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  Bellamy was not happy to be back in Malcomb's clutches to say the least.  Her face and arms were now all bruised from the beating that the Sheriff had his men give her.  Lucky for her they didn't do too much damage or she wouldn't have been able to work.  The other girls wore pitying looks when they surveyed the damage.

   "I saw your brother out there Olive.  He said he'd help us if he could", Bellamy told the brunette.

   "Is he all right?  He wasn't in hurt or anything was he?"

   "Not when I saw him.  I can't guarantee how he'll be now that the guards caught him talking to me though.  I'm sorry if he gets in trouble for it.  I had no idea where I was going when I got loose, so I followed the road that took me to the mine.  If we can get a message out to them they can over throw those men covering them easy enough."

   "You are still planning on getting out of here then?", Melissa asked from over by there mirror where she was lacing up her dress for the evening.

   "Damn right I am.  They aren't going to let me go at the end of the week any more than the Devil is going to give up setting fires in Hell."

  Sadie drew herself up as high as she could, stating firmly, "Well I'm going to help you.  I'm tired of being pushed around and held prisoner by an evil little man and his henchmen." 

  Danika threw her arm over her shorter friend's shoulder, "I'll stick with ya."

  The remaining girls shared a look, then nodded in agreement.

   "We're in."

   Bellamy smiled at her new friends bravery, "Okay.  We have about one more day before Billy said she'd be back.  Hopefully she'll bring the cavalry with her.  When they get to town we will all get out of here."

  Back at Devil's Gate station the riders were gearing up to head to Fortune

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  Back at Devil's Gate station the riders were gearing up to head to Fortune.  Sorrel was staying back because he had a ride that day.  A couple of riders from other stations agreed to stay at the ranch to take care of chores until Sorrel got back.

   "Ride safe" Sorrel called from the door of the barn, "I'll be here when you get back."

   "Thanks Sorrel, you stay safe too."

  The group turned and loped from the yard.  That night they were gathered around a small fire drinking coffee and discussing their plan for their arrival in Fortune.  In the darkness beyond the ring of light from the fire a twig cracked.  Six guns cocked as they looked for the source of the sound. Ivy was on the other side of Beck and was hidden by the bigger boy.  She slipped away into the night without anyone noticing her disappearance.

   "Don't shoot, it's just Sand and Rocky", the Cherokee girl called out.

  Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, holstering their guns as they did so.

   "I'm guessing you're headed for Fortune", Sand squatted down to warm his hands.


   "We've got enough evidence to lock somebody up when we get there if you're willing to help", the Marshal informed them.

   "You bet your hat we'll help.  Bellamy's held up there isn't she", Zack had been on edge since Billy brought the news of the other girl's arrest.

   "Easy now.  We're gonna get her out.  I promise" Rocky assured him from his spot beside Jenny.

  Zack's face looked slightly more at ease with this.

   "Did the governor have anything to say about the disappearances?", Beck asked.

   "Yeah, it sounds like there have been several complaints over the last few years, but like I said, nobody's had time to check it out" Sand explained, "Up until a couple of months ago it was just one or two people here and there.  However the numbers have upped to about 15 a month recently.  Could be something's happened to cause that."

   "The oddest thing is is that nobody from the town seems to give two nickels about any of it.  People show up and disappear within days, but according to anyone in town it was no big deal.  Just moved on apparently" the younger Cable brother added.

   "That town gave me the heebie jeebies to begin with.  Only I didn't catch on until it was too late", Billy sounded remorseful.  The group kept silent, knowing that it was in a way Billy's fault that Bellamy had been imprisoned.  Granted she felt terrible about it, yet some of them, Zack especially wasn't going to forgive her easily.  After talking for a bit longer they all decided to go to sleep.  Lance put out the fire before laying out next to Kylie.

   "Good night everyone.", Ivy called softly.


   "Good night."

   "Night night."

   A few moments of silence followed before Billy asked out of the blue, "Do you think that trees have feelings?   Maybe they don't like us burning them for firewood."

  Jenny groaned, "Would you shut up and go to sleep?  Some of us have better things to do than question if trees have feelings!"

  Kylie started snickering, then Lance, and soon all of them were laughing under the blanket of stars at the ridiculous question.

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