Chapter 12

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  Morning came all to quickly for the crew at Devil's Gate station.  Everyone was up before the sun even made an appearance working to get ready for the day ahead.  Elson, Jenny, and Billy saddled their horses in preparation while the others did chores.  The sound of a wagon from the direction of town heralded the arrival of Sand, Rocky, and the deputies.  Nichols sat in the bed of the wagon with chains keeping his movement to a minimum.  Very few words were exchanged as the 3 extra deputies climbed off the wagon with their gear allowing Jenny and Billy to tie their horses on behind and Stranger to get out.  Elson rode his big blue roan stallion alongside the wagon.  Trudy gave the girls hugs before they climbed on, something that slightly embarrassed them, but comforted them all the same.  Sand and Rocky received a kiss on the cheek, while Elson she pulled down to whisper in his ear before kissing him on the mouth.  Bellamy hugged her father, then stepped back beside Zack and Sorrel.  The group headed out, leaving a heavy silence in their wake.

   "Sand said that Ivy will be needed in two days.  Zack, Bellamy, Beck, Sorrel, Stranger, and Lance will go along with her.  Kylie will help me when she gets back.  Elson said that the quickest way to go would be cross country, staying off of the main trails.", the group nodded at Trudy's words.

   "We should all get some work done before we go, that way you won't have as much to do Mama.", Bellamy said.

  Her mother nodded before turning to go to the house.  The three deputies chipped in with the chores until supper time.

   "Do you think that Nichol's men will do anything tonight?", Zack asked as they all sat eating.

  Nobody had an answer for that, until a few moments later when a large group of horses came loping into the yard.  A rifle shot shattered the window and knocked over one of the lamps that sat around the room.  Flames spread to the curtain, creating a fiery glow in the room.

   "Get those other lamps out!", Beck cried as he crouched beside Ivy behind the table.  Sorrel and Stranger did as he said while Trudy quickly doused the fire with the coffee pot.  Soon the only light came from the sliver of moon outside.  More shots sounded in the night from the riders.   One of the Deputies lunged across the room to the rifles that had been leaned up beside the door.  Tossing them to whoever was closest they began returning fire. 

   "We're sitting ducks in here.  Most of the extra ammo is in the house!", Bellamy growled as her and Zack alternated firing out the window nearest to them.

   "I can get it." Ivy's face was angry now.  Nichols expected them to turn tail and run, but she wasn't going to do that ever again.

  Beck glanced at her, "I'll go with you.  Somebody get over to the barn if you can.  Go around by the corrals and keep low.  If we can get them in the middle of us we might have a chance."

  With that Ivy dove out one of the windows at the back of the bunkhouse, Beck on her heels.  The gang seemed to mostly be focusing on the bunkhouse, leaving enough of a gap for the two of them to sneak into the main house.  Across the yard a shout was heard, "Get those torches lit, we'll burn 'em out!"

   "Shit!", Beck glanced at Ivy who was cursing under her breath, "We need to get back now!"

  Unfortunately their luck was not holding as the riders realized that they made it to the house.  A group of them opened fire at the main house, shattering glass and chipping wood with every bullet.

   "You take this over to the bunkhouse.  I'll cover you from here.", Beck was firing steadily out the window as he said this.

  The dark haired girl nodded, pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, then sprinted for the back door.  Making sure he kept the men out front occupied Beck prayed that she made it.  When the shots from the bunkhouse began to rain faster he knew she was okay.  Sorrel and Stranger had made it to the barn hoping to prevent the torches the gang held from reaching the dry hay inside.  From the bunkhouse a cry was heard as a bullet found its mark.  The attackers were starting to dwindle as the Express riders brought them down.  Eventually the gang decided to cut their losses and try later as they turned and ran from the fire fight.

Homeward Bound: A Young Riders novelWhere stories live. Discover now