capitolo 15 :: esposto!

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Your supervisor slams a stack of papers on your desk, causing you to look up from your computer and raise an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Don Giovanna returns today and you're the only one who can be his escort."

"I'm always his escort. What are you talking about."

"No. Same car escort."

That's right, they asked for someone on the briefing yesterday. "Oh."

You look at the papers on your desk. "Okay, so why the papers?" And your supervisor crosses his arms. "You have to sign a couple of things. Get to it." And with that he leaves with a stack of papers as thick as a book to sign.

As you click your ballpoint pen, you roll your eyes. You had to agree to basically not even breathe in the same direction as him without his consent, and after you got out of that car, you had to act like nothing had ever happened.

After signing your life away you drop the stack of papers on the desk of your supervisor. "Alright. When do we go?"

"Lucky you. Tomorrow."

"Can't wait."
The boss' car was much different from your usual vehicle, as expected. It was much more, well, fancy, to say the least, judging by he heated seats and the bucket of champagne.

The driver had taken you all the way out to a private landing area a couple miles away from the city, lands that not even you had dared to venture, although, it was a nice change from the usual city setting. The car eventually parks in a vacant lot.

You watch private jets land in and fly out from awkward angles, as the tinted windows didn't allow you to see much. You take your time to adjust your outfit for the boss: tightening your ponytail and straightening your issued beret. Remembering the waivers, you put on some sunglasses and practiced not smiling.

That was when you heard a particular aircraft land close by.

"Okay. This is it," you whisper, sucking air in through your teeth, and giving one last smile. You sit straight and poise your rifle like told. "Don't talk, don't breathe, don't smile."

Muffled voices from outside the window.

"And I'd like it done soon, please, thank you very much."

"Your ride, Don Giovanna."

The door opens.

You close your eyes and look the other way as the boss gets in and sits across from you, trying not to make eye contact with such a powerful figure. As the car rolls away, you decide one little peek can't hurt.


"Okay. I'm gonna look at him really quickly. Okay. Okay. Don't let him notice."




You open your eyes and quickly have them shift to whoever was sitting in front of you and--

It all happens in a second. Three perfect blonde curls. Ironed dress shirt. Stoic resting face.

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