Zach Dempsey - Stupid Tapes Pt. 1

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Author: barnespidey

Y/N once heard Zach and Justin talking about some tapes and when she asked Zach he only brushed her off with a "don't worry, love, 's fine". Whoever she asked about those tapes either looked confused or told her it's none of her business. She asked Zach multiple times about them, hoping he would break and tell her anything, so she would finally know what's going on, but he didn't. She noticed how tense he got whenever she asked him about them and how he's changed through the last few weeks. It was taking a tool on Y/N and their relationship, as the girl thought he didn't trust her and genuinely knew he was hiding something from her. And one day, Y/N decided enough was enough.
"Zach, I'm asking you one last time, what's going on with these tapes!" they were sitting in his car, heading for his house so he could help her with her biology homework, as he was a year older and amazing at it.
"I've told you so many times that you should forget about them and stop worrying," he replied calmly, though he could sense that Y/N wasn't going to drop the topic this time.
"Come on, Zach! You know you can tell me anything! I'm just getting really worried about you," she was trying to keep her voice rather low, not wanting to start screaming at the boy from the frustration that she was feeling.
He stopped the car in front of his house and turned off the engine, before turning to look properly at his girlfriend, "can we talk about this later, babe?" he looked at her with a raised eyebrow but with a loving look in his eyes, hoping it would work and she would just drop the topic. But, of course, she didn't.
"No, Zach, we can't! I'm so sick of all these secrets, you've been getting distant and if you don't trust me enough, then why am I even still doing this!"
Panic rushed through Zach's body as soon as the words left Y/N's lips, his eyes wide open as he grabbed her smaller hand in his, "Babe, come on, it's not like that-"
"Are you going to tell me what these tapes are all about?" she asked him angrily, looking right into his eyes, her other hand on the handle of the door of his car. WHen he opened his mouth, for a second she thought that he would, that he loves her more than some stupid secrets, but when he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then looked at her with those eyes, she knew.
She huffed angrily and shook her head before quickly opening the door and slamming it shut. Zach quickly did the same and went around his car to meet Y/N but instead of going towards his house, like he thought she would, she went in a completely different rdirection.
"Where are you going?" he shouted after her, and saw her stop and turn to look at him.
"Home, Zach," she replied with a broken voice, making Zach's heart ache.
"What-we just got here-hey, at least let me drive you back-"
"I'm fine, just-", Y/N sniffled and quickly wiped off the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve, "have fun with your little secrets, and please, don't call me."
Y/N was quickly walking away from him and didn't stop when he was shouting her name, she just kept walking. Zach run his hands through his hair, his mind running, heart aching. Were the tapes really worth it? Was he okay with losing the love of his life, the girl that made him feel all mushy inside and could cheer him up no matter what? He wanted to protect her from all the mess he has to deal with now because of those tapes, but what's more important is that he didn't want her to look at him differently after she hears what Hannah said about him. He truly cared about Y/N and didn't want to lose the girl, though it seems like he already did by not telling her anything. He let out a deep sigh and kicked the tire of his car, but he didn't feel better even in the slightest.
The next day Zach felt everyone's eyes on him, as he walked into the school without the short girl next to him, both smiling at each other, fingers intertwined. Everyone at school knew how much in love the two were, most of the girls jealous, especially since Y/N was a year younger and managed to catch his eye, and the same was with other guys who only wished they could take Zach's place. Y/N wasn't the most popular girl, she was quite shy and would call herself just average but with Zach being the captain of the school's team, she had deal with everyone watching whatever she was doing.
Zach always used to pick Y/N up before school and then drive her home, but they haven't spoke to each other since yesterday's conversation. It's not like he listened to her and didn't try to call her or text her, she just simply ignored all of his efforts.
"Hey, man, where did you lose Y/N?" Justin asked his mate while greeting him and by the tired look on Zach's face, he felt something was wrong, "You alright?"
"Yeah, I mean, we just had a bad argument yesterday and I think she kind of, uh, broke up with me," he sighed and smiled sadly.
"Was it about the tapes?" Justin asked, but suddenly the rest of their friends joined them so Zach only nodded to Justin and put on a fake smile and laughed at something Marcus has said.
Due to the age difference, Zach and Y/N had no classes together, but he had her schedule memorised and would leave his classrom as soon as the bell rang and sprint to where she had her classes but didn't manage to catch her throughout the whole day, and didn't even spot her during breaks or lunch. He tried texting her, hoping she would reply but she didn't respond to any of his messages.
His mind was somewhere else through the whole day, he only catched that Bryce was having another party that night but Zach didn't feel like going, and he had some studying to do.
Before they all went home he stopped Justin and Jessica and asked Jess to check on Y/N since Jess and her were pretty close friends. She promised him she would let him know how his girlfriend was feeling and then they left.
Then the evening came, Zach was in his room, with a biology book on his lap, his phone in his hand, with no texts from Y/N nor Jess. He unlocked it and went through some of their latest pictures, smiling a little to himself, before he closed it and went on snapchat. He was going through snapchats from his friends who were at Bryce's party, when he noticed Jess in one of them. He sat right up and looked through them all more carefully, finally managing to spot Y/N in the back, talking with Walker. Zach felt nauseous at the thought of Bryce being alone with her, since everyone else was wasted and was minding their own business. Although Zach wasn't 100% sure whether Hannah said on Bryce's tape was true, he knew Bryce was capable of touching girls without any permission from them.
The boy grabbed his car keys and run out of the house, the tires of his car making a loud noise as he sped to Bryce's house. As his heart was beating hardly against his chest, he was hoping he was just being paranoid for no reason, that he wasn't going to be late.
He jumped out of his car and went to the back of Bryce's house, where everyone was. Some of his friends started shouting and went to greet him but he just pushed through them as he was searching for Y/N or Bryce. It was definitely harder to spot his short girlfriend in the crowd of people, but he managed to spot Justin and Jess on the couch, who were basically trying to eat each other's faces.
"Hey!" he said loudly as soon as he approached the couple, making them look up at him with drunk smiles on their faces.
"Heyyy! My man!! What's up?" Justin laughed loudly as Jess was kissing his cheek.
"Have you seen Y/N?" Zach asked impatiently, desperately wanting to have you safe by his side.
"Uhhh, I think she went to the bathroom like, 5 minutes ago or something?" Justin wrinkled his nose and looked at Jess to see her nod her head as a confirmation.
"Shit," Zach cursed to himself and sprinted back to Bryce's house and jogged up the stairs to the bathroom, eyes scanning every corner he passed by.
"No, Zach-", was that Y/N's voice? "Stop-"
"Come on, won't you let your boyfriend have some fun?" Zach was fuming when he heard Bryce's voice as he made his way towards the voices. If he is doing anything to Y/N, Zach wouldn't like to be in Bryce's skin, cause he honestly wanted to snap his neck now.
"No, Zach, don't!" he stopped by the door when he heard his girlfriend's wasted voice coming from behind them and, luckily, the door was open. He wouldn't mind kicking them open if they weren't, though.
He saw Bryce's body pinning the much smaller Y/N to the wall, his hands on her body as she was drunkenly trying to free herself.
"Walker!" Zach yelled and marched at Bryce, grabbing the back of his t-shirt and yanking him away from Y/N and onto another wall.
"Hey, bro, chill! I wasn't-" before Bryce could say one of his pathetic excuses Zach punched him straight in the face with all the strength he had, causing Bryce's head to additionally hit the wall and he fell unconcious. Zach quickly turned around when he heard Y/N scream, scared by what she has just seen.
"Hey, babe, it's me! It's Zach!" You're okay!" he walked up to her and pulled her to his chest, hugging tightly.
"But I thought-you were-Oh my God!" she was sobbing now, holding tightly onto Zach's shirt.
"You're alright, you're safe now. I'm here," he tried to comfort her shaking body though it wasn't really helping. "Come on, let's go home." He took off his letterman jacket and helped her put it on so that she can cover herself, though she was wearing her dress.
He wrapped his arm securely around her and lead her out of the room, sending a quick glare towards Bryce's body, making a mental note to deal with him later.
Zach felt some eyes on him but he ignored everyone and just pushed through the people, wanting to get his girl out of this mess of a party and have her safe back home with him.

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