Chapter One

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Lola stumbled through the forest, her vision was blurry and she had a pain in her leg. Her dress was making it harder to walk but she didn't make an effort to fix it. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she was going to keep walking until she found it.

She walked for what seemed like forever until she hear noises. She hear plenty of noises all the time but this was different, they were people. She didn't know how long she had gone from hearing a voice besides her own, and didn't know if she should be thankful or scared.

The bleeding in her leg was getting worse, she had been running from what she assumed was an other and fell off a low cliff into a small body of water. She cut her leg on a jagged rock that stuck up in the water. She was losing a lot of blood and needed help immediately.

She got close enough to the noises to see what it was. There was a makeshift camp in a clearing, and there were people. Some were dressed in what looked like army uniforms and the rest in normal clothes. She suddenly felt very out of place in her dress, not that it mattered since nobody could see her.

Or so she thought.

A man in an army uniform saw her peeking out from one of the trees. He walked away from the other man in uniform he was speaking to and over to Lola. She was paralyzed in fear, she knew she should trust him, he was in the army, but she couldn't help but be apprehensive. When he got closer she was able to see his badges. He had an American flag and what she assumed was his name. Vosch.

Vosch looked at the girl, blood caked to her face, her hair a tangly mess, and a makeshift knife in her hands. But beneath all the dirt and grime, she wore a dress. The kind you find girls wearing at a prom, it was a light shade of pink and had been torn all over. But she was angry, she showed no fear. Vosch knew people would fear her, not because of her skills or her story which she undoubtedly had, but her expression. Her pretty princess dress didn't stop her from being a killing machine.

"Kid, what's your name"

Lola kept giving him a serious glare, and paused before answering him, as if she was wondering if this was even worth her time.

"Lola, Lola Mitchell"

Vosch turned slightly, unblocking Lola's view of the bus that kids were being put on.

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to head over to that bus"

Lola didn't look over to the bus and kept staring at Vosch. When she didn't reply immediately, he raised his eyebrows. She only cocked her head and gave him a sassy glare.


Vosch was getting aggravated but kept a cool head.

"Between you and me, your going to be a lot safer where the bus is taking you than out here. You also need some serious medial attention for that leg."

Lola hadn't noticed that the bleeding had only gotten worse. Her entire leg was coated in red, and her dress was beginning to stick to it. She pondered it for a while, this could be a life or death situation.

"Where are you taking me"

"Wright-Patterson, the safest place right now. High tech equipment and medical supplies"

Lola saw parents ushering kids into the bus which made her trust him a bit more. She hasn't seen anyone in a while either and it felt so comforting. These were people she knew wouldn't backstab her, and she longed for it.

Lola walked towards the bus, and Vosch followed closely behind. The color of the bus was beginning to fade but it was still the brightest thing in the camp. When she stepped on the bus, all eyes were immediately on her. Her bright dress stood out among all the browns and grays of everyone's clothes. She was making her way to the back when a tall blonde pushed past her in a panicked rush.

"Hey! Watch where the fuck your going"

She didn't have time to see the girls reaction as she kept walking towards the back, but she could only assume she was in shock, similarly to the rest of the bus. Her blank stare scared some kids but she didn't care, she needed to figure out a plan, what she was going to do.

Lola sat in the only open seat next to a whimpering boy. She couldn't help but give him small glances every time he sniffled. She wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright but she knew it wasn't. She didn't want him to trust her on that, but she couldn't help herself. She nudged him softly, and he looked up at her with big brown eyes.

Lola gave him a silent nod and held out her hand. It was a small gesture but the little boy appreciated it greatly.

"I'm Sam, who are you"


"Why are you wearing a dress"

Lola couldn't even wrap her head around the reason she was wearing the dress let alone tell another person why.

She paused before coming up with an answer she was hoping would shut him up.

"I didn't have any other clothes"

The bus started up, and kids were poking their heads out the windows, getting a glance at their parents before they lost sight of them in a cloud of dust.

944 words
The dress will all make sense later, I have a plan for that part. So Lola's on her way to base, and guess who's at the base!! Ben Parish!!

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