Newt Being the Little Spoon Would Include...

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These are so fluffy aCK

- When you first start sleeping together, you're the little spoon

- That is, until one night Newt has a terrible nightmare

- By request, you hold him in your arms for the rest of the night

- From that night on Newt was almost always the little spoon

- He loves feeling safe and protected in your arms

- You love how lil and squishy he is

- When Newt has bad days, he'll sleep facing you with his head tucked under your chin

- Same goes for you, but vice versa

- The first time you spend the weekend at your parent's house, your mom lowkey creeps into your room during the middle of the night to gawk at how cute you and your boyfriend look

- Newt's mother did the same thing

     -FFS Mrs. L/N and Mrs. Scamander give your child some privacy

     - I mean I know they're probably the cutest and most pure couple on Earth but jEsus

- Some mornings you'll wake up to find that Newt has shifted in his sleep so that he was now basically lying on top of you

     - His hair is lying in your face and it tickles your nose causing you to sneeze and wake him up

     - He blushed when he realized what position he was in

     - You giggled at his expression before cupping his face with your hands and kissing him

     - Occasionally but rarely, you wake up on top of Newt. That's how morning sex ensues.

- One time the heater broke in the middle of January

     - You and Newt stayed in bed covered by every blanket you owned and wrapped tightly in each other's embrace to produce as much warmth as possible

I'm sure everybody knows this, but just a reminder: Newt LOVES cuddling

I know there weren't many but I hoped you liked them!

A/N:  This might be first author's note, I normally just copy and paste what I post to Tumblr and be done with it, but this book has reached 15K reads!  I want to thank everyone that reads my imagines (even though updates can take anywhere from two days to a month)  You guys are the best!!

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