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James and Lily both watched in horror as none other than Severus Snape entered the room.

What an ugly, evil git. He didn't stride straight over to the crying baby, oh no, he glanced at Harry with distaste before spotting Lily's body.

He then broke down and picked the body up, all whilst Harry was watching him.

"That sick git." James was disgusted.

"There's a baby there, wailing for attention, and you go straight to cry over my dead body? He's a baby, Severus, he needs to be looked after!" Lily told him, but of course Snape couldn't hear her. He continued to cry over her body until he left.

"I swear to god, someone has to kill that prat and then I can deal with him when he gets here." James cracked his knuckles.

"Bloody traitor. Severus Snape, I saw more in you." Lily scowled.

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