The 4th Marauder: for those who do NOT like Snape

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[Ok, so sue me. I was young, alright. And one particular story highlighted Snape as redeemable, so I took that train and rode with it. But I get a shit ton of comments saying "uh no" when he was made a Marauders so this one is for you lot. So stick with whatever you want. Choose this one, or keep the other one as verbatim]

"Holy hell," James shot up like a bullet. He'd been leaning against an oak tree, asleep for the past few hours. Lily was watching Harry in his Charms class, and had been peacefully stroking his hair. They liked to relax in the afternoon like this: it reminded them of everything that could've been if they were still alive.

"Dream?" Lily carded his hair in her hands, smiling. James was good at dreams: typically he'd remember them well and tell her a story. Usually it was some kind of heroic adventure with the boys and sometimes her.

"Yeah....Snape..." James was blinking, trying to get a hold of it as he woke up, not to lose it all in his mind.

"Snape?" Lily worries - Snape has relatively recently come through the portal and has caused some disturbance. He hasn't come anywhere near Lily (Dumbledore, apparently, has warned him not to) but the Marauders have been on edge to go and do some harmful damage to him. Which he deserves for being a prat.

"He was a Marauder. We...were friends with him and made him one. Black...something. Blackdeer? I'm not sure. God it was weird."

"You aren't going to replicate that are you?" Lily would honestly prefer if they didn't. Severus was in her past, and he'd done such atrocities that she'd frankly rather never see him again. And they had eternity.

"God no. I'm quite happy with Fred being a Marauder," James winced, imagining it. Jesus, it was practically a nightmare.

"You're making Fred a Marauder?!" Lily exclaimed, smiling wide now. The boy had been hanging out with them more and more and seemed to match their energy (not to mention the fact that James geeked out about the fact Fred was here and Fred did the same, considering they'd both idolised each other at one point). And Lily has been expecting this, really, because it only makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't he become a Marauder.

"Yeah we're doing the initiation ceremony in a few days."

Ah yes, this was how it was supposed to be. Snape, vanished from their lives (deaths). The Marauders, back together again yet with an additional trickster to throw interest and variety in the mix.

Fred was the fourth marauder.

(It was all a dream - they then go on to make Fred the 4th marauder. Both geek out etc etc)

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