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James shut his eyes in defeat as his best friend fell through the Veil.

Harry no longer had a godfather to look after him. The goofy, crazy but mentally-strong man was gone from Harry's world.

He should feel sad.

But all he felt was a feeling of riding glee.

After all these years, all these years, he would finally get to see Sirius again.

Tears began to fall down his face as Sirius arrived in the Afterlife. Lily wasn't there. She was the most understanding wife in existence - she understood that this was an experience that James needed to face alone.

As Sirius sat up and cast a glance around, he saw James suspended ahead of him, staring, staring.

James. James bloody Potter. His best friend.

They both sprinted towards each other and crashed into a hug, sobbing with joy.

"Sirius, Sirius, oh my god."

"Prongs," Sirius said simply, as though unable to believe it, "After all this time?"

"Always," James laughed, tears trickling further, "I will always be here."

"James, ah, where is Evans?" Sirius cast a glance.

"Where we stay, our 'home'. She-I had to make this journey alone."

"Of course."

James released Sirius, took one look at him and embraced him in another bear hug.

"James," Sirius closed his eyes, "Your son. He' strong."

Harry Potter, the boy who may have defeated Voldemort as a baby, but the boy who had been an orphan for multiple years, had not even two years of knowing he had a godfather who cared for him, who was so, so strong.

"Yes," James agreed wholeheartedly.

"James, I'm so sorry," Sirius cast a look to the floor.

"You are sorry?" James looked in disbelief, "You, the man who spent 13 years in Azkaban, accused of murdering muggles and a murder he wouldn't ever commit, are sorry?"

"I couldn't save your son," Sirius whispered.

"That was up to us. Our fault. We didn't write a will, our parents naturally assumed we would live longer and left our son to the Dursleys."

"No," Sirius shook his head with a pained expression, "No, not that. I shouldn't have been so careless with my life, James. I could've been still helping Harry now, I could be helping him defeat Voldemort."

"You could be," James agreed, "But would I want you to be? No, as selfish as it is, I'd rather have you here, with me."

"You watched...everything?" Sirius asked, eyes full of pain.

"No," James understood, "No I didn't watch you in Azkaban, Sirius, it would've tortured me almost as much as it did you."

"Thank you," Sirius mumbled.

"I'm so sorry you had to endure that. 13 years, because of me. I put my trust in Peter. I shouldn't have done so."

"Your son stopped me from killing him. I didn't want to scar him, his first ever memory of his godfather, killing a man. Your son is an incredible boy, and he will be an incredible man."

"Probably best," James said, "That you didn't kill him. I would have personally liked a shot too."

"I think Harry will as well," Sirius said pointedly.

"It's going to be a war isn't it?" James sighed, "Another war."

"I'm afraid it's already headed that way. Voldemort is gaining power, and well now the Ministry know of his re-existence and believe it, he will gain more. James, you know the prophecy."

"He will have to fight. To defeat him."

"He will," Sirius confirmed sadly.

"Not yet though. He has time before then, two more years in school," James reassured him.

"You think Voldemort is going to wait for him to finish school?" Sirius shook his head slowly, "No, Harry won't get to finish school."

"They still have some time."

"And we have forever. C'mon, I'm sure your wife has missed seeing my pretty face in person. Let's go find her," Sirius lightened the mood. They started to jog over to where Lily was, and James realised how much better this place would be with Sirius here.

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