Marrying into the Family

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"Is it possible to protest events happening in real life until they stop happening anymore?" James asked rapidly at Lily.

", we would have done that with literally everything that happened to Harry, why?"

"Sirius and Remus are scaring me. They're um....going a bit insane." James kept tapping his fingers against things in quick succession, as though he was the one going crazy.

"Why?" Lily asked rationally. Sirius was always mad, but if James was describing Remus as the same then there must be something wrong.

"Have you been keeping updated on Teddy?" James queried.

"No? What happened? Is he okay?" She wasn't frantic, per se, but it was damn right close. She was almost as protective of Teddy as her actual grandkids. Her godkid, one could call it, was Harry's first child that he raised and therefore he held a special place in Lily's heart.

"Just...come and see," James sighed, leading her towards the group of people, where Sirius and Remus were writhing on the floor.

"No! No! No!" Sirius screamed. The people around him looked at him, concerned. It was as though he was going through a version of the Cruciatus Curse.

"What is the matter with Teddy, Sirius?" Lily asked.

"Teddy...he's breaking up with Victoire...." Sirius said.
Remus was sobbing into Sirius' robes. "Can't. My son...he has to end up with her. Must marry into the family."

"I have to say, Moony, I'm touched, but why?" Fred Weasley had sometimes joined them in their talking, no longer a bystander to this bizarre conversation.

"Marauders. Then we can be related. Sirius is married into the family way back and also through Scorp, so I need to be. Severus...well...he doesn't have a son or daughter, so that can't happen." Remus said through broken sobs.

"Actually I do." Blackhart said cooly. Everyone turned to stare at him as though he'd grown a third eye (he had actually, once, due to a Sirius prank, but that was besides the point).

Prongs burst into laughter. "What?! You nearly had me there, Blackhart. You are getting good at this."

"I wasn't joking. I have a daughter. Her name is Lily, and she is looked after by Mrs Darling, an old muggle friend of mine." Severus said sincerely.

"Wait, man, Blackhart, you have a whole story planned out? This is gooooood." Padfoot sat back, his tears stopped. Severus' storytelling could out rival the others. After his lies to Voldemort, he was pretty damn decent at it.

"Yes, Padfoot. But she is real. She is 13 now, and she is in the same year as Albus Severus."

For some reason, everyone immediately began to try and work out how to interweave her into the family.
"Okay, right. So. We have Fred, Albus or James, presuming she likes boys of course."

"She does - she had a boyfriend briefly, I remember, but no, I object. Albus - No way. He is with Alice. Don't even try."

"Fine. Lily will go with James, because I don't trust Fred." Fred Weasley 1 said "Hey" as a rebuke.

"Okay then."

"Can we see Lily Darling?" Moony asked.


Severus showed them a beautiful black haired girl. She was crouched by the lake at Hogwarts, setting a flower floating on it.

"Lily Darling! I remember her sorting!" Lily said excitedly.

Padfoot groaned.

"What now, Padfoot?" Black hart said snidely.

"Too..many Lilys. We have this Lily, and Mini-Lily Potter, and also Lily Blackhart!"

"That is true."

They sat in silence for a minute while Padfoot puzzled it all out, knowing there was some bet nagging at him, deep down.

"AHA! PRONGS! You owe me 50 of Lily's pies!" Padfoot jumped around excitedly.



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