"I challenge you...to a sing off."

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It was an unprecedented event, many said, afterwards. As though it had been completely unexpected, but truthfully, Remus had been patiently waiting and was frankly surprised that they hadn't launched into it before he'd passed on.

"I challenge you to a sing off," James announced, and those 7 words was like drawing a wand against Sirius. As tempting as it was to insult Snape or poke fun at Peter.

Lily fully condoned this competition, and she was confident that Sirius would win. But it would be nice to see James beaten from his arrogance. Not that Sirius was that much better.

"Oh? So what do you us want to sing, oh great one?" Sirius taunted. Like watching Mercutio and Tybalt, Remus knew something bad was going to come out of this.

"Two words. Breaking Free." James smirked.

"You want to sing Zac Efron at me?" Sirius looked at him as though he was an amateur.

"I want you to eff it up, actually. I'm perfectly controlled when it comes to High School Musical singing."

"You fool. You can't SING High School Musical. You have to BELT it."

"Just start already," Lily tolled her eyes. No point in useless arguing. Neither of them could deliver this song to the standard expected, but it would sure as hell be funny.

A microphone appeared out of nowhere. James grabbed it.

"We're soarin', flyin'," His voice was holding steady for now, but wavering on breaking.

"There's not a star in Heaven that we can't reach!" Sirius had grabbed the other microphone.

Lily snorted. The lyrics were surprisingly relevant. After all, they were in 'Heaven'.

"If we're trying, So breaking free"

And so it went on. It got more and more painful as it went on, but Sirius was the least tone deaf. Remus, who had been surprisingly silent for the whole competition, had been roped into singing a chorus or two and had, thank lord, been rather restrained.

Lily didn't like to think that people would actually enjoy this, so was pained when people started forming a crowd around the trio. Remus quickly sat down, avoiding the attention, but for James and Sirius it was like sucking on a lollipop. It just fuelled their madness.

They finished Breaking Free and painfully launched into Toxic with confidence. This time it was a duet, however, as people seemed to like the Brittany Spears cover. Could it be called a cover if it was so spectacularly bad? Lily didn't know. But god it was funny, seeing the pair stagger around with microphones as though they were rock stars and didn't know every single word to the soundtrack of High School Musical.

And then, Imagine by John Lennon. James
knew it because Sirius constantly had it playing when they were at school. His one constant, even when it was punk rock season. Sirius' favourite song for 3am rambles.

And they started singing it, but then another voice joined them, one...unfamiliar.

There were murmurs and people looking around...who was it? Who was singing?

"Imagine all the people," the voice said, then revealed itself. Dumbledore! Dumbledore was singing John Lennon at them (with them?) and Sirius and James' singing died off as they stared at him in confusion. How the fuck did Dumbledore have such a good singing voice?

"Ah," Albus chuckled. "I always did love a good sing song."

"Dumbledore wins," Lily announced. It was just too unpredictable. Unprecedented.

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