Only one will die tonight

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"YOU ARE AN IDIOT!" Lily screeched as she whacked Sirius over the head with a pillow.

"Don't hurt me," Sirius whimpered.

It had only been an hour since Sirius had arrived in the Afterlife and Lily was already on a rampage. Regulus Black was sitting in the lounge downstairs with James having a cup of tea.

"ONLY ONE WILL DIE TONIGHT? REALLY?" She was targeting him will all of his mistakes surrounding Harry.

"Why can't you ask me something that doesn't relate to your son?" Sirius whined.


"I gave him a good two years!" Sirius protested.

"Yes, two years. TWO YEARS, Sirius. Two. Out of how many? A hell of a lot more to come. Why the hell did you have to be such a drama queen-" James snorted "-while you had him? Honestly, and I thought you'd be a little more...loving with Remus as well."

"I am not in love with Remus, Lily," Sirius said with a blush.

"You were," she shot back with an arched eyebrow.

"Okay fair point maybe I was when I was at school. Lily, I spent 13 years in a prison where they drain happiness out of you. I was left to question quite a bit. And that love was one of the many things I questioned and decided wasn't a part of me any longer. Harry was the main thing on my mind, and the dementors warped my thoughts into making me think even he didn't want me."

"Wait so are you or aren't you gay?" James checked.

"'The hell do you need to know for? We were having a heartfelt conversation here," Sirius retorted in utter shock.

"Yeah but I need to know whether to find you a man or a woman," James explained.

Sirius thought for a second, "Bi. But don't go galloping off, I'm not ready for a romantic relationship yet. I can't sit here and start kissing someone while Remus is sat there, alone and lost. The last marauder out there."

"Peter," James reminded him.

"Oh fine, James, I was trying to be poetic, soulful. You don't have to ruin it."

"You were being a drama queen," Lily grinned.

"Oh for god's sake!"

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