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It was a miserable day for James.

Birthdays. A thing to be celebrated, and yet, here James was, watching his son have his 5th Birthday....without his parents.

Harry had become accustomed to new fact that he lived in this place....yet, even after all these years, he didn't know where Mummy and Daddy had gone to. And where was Moony and Padfoo? They had gone, all with a green flash, as Harry remembered it.

Harry didn't get presents.

James was ready to kill Vernon Dursley.

He was not a suitable guardian for Harry.

He pretty much starved him and gave him no love.

He made Harry sleep in a cupboard, despite the extra bedroom that teased James by just being there.

They wouldn't even spare a sofa for the young boy.

Harry had woken up normally, gone to school normally (where his cousin tormented him) and gone to sleep normally.

Harry didn't complain.

It broke James' heart, and James listened to Vernon and Petunia's conversation saying that they would stamp the magic out of this boy, this nuisance.

Harry didn't complain, because Harry didn't know any different.

When he was in that cupboard - that blasted cupboard - he softly sung to himself.

"Appy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear Harry, happy birthday to me."

And with that, James strode over to the kitchen, and made a cake.

It was a bit mishappen, a bit non-cakey, but James lit the candle and sung.

We may not be there now, but we are here for you here, Harry.

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