Guess who the Potions Professor is?

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James stormed up to Lily with an expression of loathing and anger.

"He's at Hogwarts!" James snarled.

"Who?" Lily asked, taking in a sharp breath, "You don't mean...Voldemort's not back is he?"

"No, worse," James growled, "Snape."

"At Hogwarts? What's he doing there?"

"Dumbledore has forgiven him, he's become a teacher, Potions Professor!"

"A teacher? Severus?"

"I do wish you wouldn't call him that."

"He was my friend."

"Was being the most important word there. And come on we all know he wanted to be just a little bit more than friends."

"Fine, fine."

They settled into a silence, mulling it over.

Lily couldn't fathom it, "A teacher? Sev-Snape? But...why?"

"Harry," James whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry. He probably wants to...mentally injure or something. It has to be to do with him somehow. He's your last living relative, and he, as sickening as it is to think about, loves you."

Lily chuckled, "Technically that makes him a necrophiliac. Obsessing over dead people."

"It's wrong though," James shuddered, "Him pining after you, years after your death."

"Well as horrifying as that mental image is, I do hope he has better intentions that to scare Harry. That would be a waste of a career in. Slughorn should still be there, he was excellent."

"Biased though," James grumbled.

"Yes yes, I'll agree with that. Who knows, maybe Seve-Snape will get sacked before Harry comes to school?"

"As long as he doesn't get killed," James shuddered again, "I don't want him here, not now, not ever."

"You want him to rule the world by becoming immortal?"

"Ugh, you know what I mean."

"Yes I do."

"Well, lets both keep an eye on him, see if we can catch what he is up to, then we'll be ahead of the game even if we can't help Harry or anyone...meh, eyes on Snape."

"At all times?" Lily asked, grinning. James grinned back, "No, of course not, you need to look at my gorgeous face!"

Lily pretended to look offended.

"And I need to look at yours every minute of every day," James finished softly. Lily, appeased, started to lean in. Their lips brushed each other's and they both gazed to smile at each other.

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