Blackhart: Part II

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"So Severus came back then," Remus casually brought up, picking his nails.

"Don't pick your nails, Remus, you'll ruin them," James advised, "Yes he did."

"And did you have a heart-to-heart with him?" Sirius said airily.

"Shut up!" James scrunched his face up in disbelief, "We had a talk. I apologised."

It was surprising how easily they had fallen back into their old routine of communicating. Sirius sat with one headphone in, listening to Muggle punk rock (he had had a withdrawal of music in Azkaban and was now filling that void) and Remus either doing some annoying habit or reading a book. James scolded Remus and they had some banter, whilst discussing serious matters. Remus had come through the veil a couple of days ago, and, although James had really wanted one of the Marauders alive to live with his grandkids for at least a bit, it was about time. Sirius hadn't seen Remus in over a year and he was starting to get antsy. Once the shock and excitement of seeing James had worn off he began to miss th he comfort of seeing Remus again. After all - He had been snatched away from life, Azkaban was his prison for over a decade and he was slightly bitter that he only got over a year of living real life before Bellatrix became a murderous cousin again. Not that she ever stopped. Sirius had craved Remus and it had been driving James insane. Both felt bad for feeling good about having Remus here, and they knew Remus was tearing himself up inside. Tonks, Tonks, Tonks. She was here too - followed him through and left young Edward 'Teddy' behind. He had been quiet for a while and then had started bantering back, after which raged into a lot of bro-time, chilling and talking. They didn't bring up the battle or Teddy - didn't want to rub raw wounds but Harry and Ginny were a topic that came up every so often.

"What did he think of that?"

"I didn't give him much time to think of an answer. Told him to keep his paws off Lily and left. He's not so bad, though."

"What d'ya mean, mate?"

"He spoke back a bit. We had a civil talk. We've both changed a lot - changed for good I hope. He seems easier to be around and I maybe am too? I was a git back then and I know now."

"Severus is an okay man," Remus butted in, "He ignored me mostly while teaching but he didn't insult me that much. In front of Harry a couple times but never anything serious."

"Except for that time when he revealed to the whole school that you're a werewolf."

"Not here, though," Remus winked, "I'm free from that hell."

"Lucky for us we can still be animagi if we want," James grinned.

"Three," Sirius frowned.

"What are you on about?"

"Three. There are three of us now."


"No girls in Marauders, man. Rule 1. And no kids, either. Harry needs to have his own gang."

"We need four members, four worked," Remus argued.

"I have an idea," Sirius' eyed glinted.



"No. I'm actually being serious," Sirius said up seriously and made a serious pose, straightening his back so that he looked more serious.

Severus frowned, "That is the worst impression of you I have ever seen." He was in passing and shook his head at the conversation, but needed to make a snide comment before leaving.

"Damn he took the words right out of my mouth," Remus cursed.

"That's why it would be perfect! He has the same dry sense of humour as Remus, he's not like Peter, he's different to us and that's what we need!" Sirius gazed over him as he walked out of ear shot

"Can we...think about this first?" James requested.

"No! Snap decisions are what we always used to go with back in the day, and that should be the way now too," Sirius defended.

"But.....I'm more reasonable now, I make decisions like that slowly."

"You've been with Lily too much, man," Remus commented.

"Oh yeah? And why's that? Why did my son have to grow up with his practically abusive uncle? Because our dear friend, a marauder I had trusted for years, outed us to good ol' buddy Voldy? D'ya really want to make that mistake again?"

"It's Severus, James, and you agreed that he had changed, that you had changed."

Sirius was right, not that James wanted to admit it. They should at least give him a chance.

"Moony? What D'ya think?" Sirius inquired.

"I'm not giving my opinion until you correct yourself."

"Ah, sorry, Remus. Habit. I forget you don't like it," Sirius shook his head.

"It's fine, just please attempt to refrain from saying it. I think we should go for it."

Sirius beamed and then looked towards James, who sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Fine I guess that means I have to agree then."

"Let's go, Marauder Threesome," Sirius jumped up and started to skip away.

"Never say that every again," Remus shouted after him as the pair attempted to catch up.

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