Author's Note

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Thank you so much for giving my story a chance and I really hope you enjoy it. If you have any tips or feedback, I would love to hear it. Please make sure it's not rude or hateful. I am only starting out so there will be mistakes. I am from America so I did do research on British slang and stuff but if I get anything wrong please tell me so I can fix it !

Just some background info: basically this story is about a girl who gets to live in the UK for a year to help on the movie so she leaves her home in America. She falls for Fionn, and vice versa, but she's hesitant because she knows she'll have to leave soon.

Once again, thank you and enjoy!

UPDATE: i reread this one night and literally: what the fuck was i on. this is so cringey to me (well some parts) so i apologize in advance. it might just be bc i wrote it but like???? my  writing was so bad??? i'm currently editing it a bit to try and make it less cringey but idk if that'll worked. either way please enjoy!

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