t w e n t y - o n e

978 17 4

A/N: hello i'm sorry i don't update as much a week but school seems to already be draining me and i'm working on college apps and stuff so ahhhh!! but it's the weekend and i'll try to write as much as possible. Also i'm having a bit of writer's block so i apologize if my chapter completely suck i'm trying my hardest, thank u.


Fionn's POV:

My agent Nina and I were on our way to meet with Emma, one of the producers of the film. She said that she needed to discuss something with me.

We pulled into the building parking lot and stepped out. I followed Nina into the office building and entered the lift and headed up to Emma's office.

Nina opened the door and we were greeted by Emma and two other people. I recognized one of them, it was Megan Macy. She was a British actress who was barely starting out but still pretty big in major films. Next to her, I assume, was her manager.

"Nice to see you both. Thank you for coming." Emma smiled.

I shook her hand and she introduced me to Megan and her manager.

"Fionn this is Megan, I'm sure you've heard of her."

"Nice to meet you." I said. I went to shake her hand and she gladly shook back.

"You as well."

"Yes, well, let's get right to the point." Emma began. "You see, both of you have new movies coming out soon and we need to start the publicity as early as possible to build up the excitement." I nodded.

"Now Megan is already a well-known star, but Fionn you're a pretty brand new face in this industry. We have made a plan to set you two up." I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. Was she asking me to date Megan?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I believe she wants us to pretend to be together so that the movies can get more publicity in the media." Megan said. She seemed sweet.

"Exactly what she said." Emma pointed out.

"I don't know about this." I said.

"Fionn I already agreed on it." Nina told me. "I think it's a great idea and it will really put you out there."

"I'm not quite comfortable with it." I admitted.

"Fionn it will be a breeze. You date for a few months then once the movies are released for a bit you two will "break up" and can go on with your lives." Emma said. I couldn't agree with it. Just yesterday I was telling Rosie I would try hard to make things work between us.

"May I have a word with Fionn alone outside for a moment?" Nina asked standing up. I excused myself and followed behind her.

"It's only a couple of months." Nina began.

"I don't want to, I'm interested in someone else at the moment."

"Fionn, as your agent I am here to make sure you get out there and get good jobs. You won't get them by staying under a rock." She argued. "Until your contract is up, you must agree to this." When I tried to speak she silenced me.

"You're agreeing to this." She walked back in and I followed.

"Fine." I told Emma walking in.

"Thank you. And one more thing." She said.

"You. Can't. Tell. Anyone."

Rosie's POV:

acquaintances { fionn whitehead }Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ