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Currently, we were sat at a table by the bar and I was on my 9th shot of tequila. I wasn't drunk but I could tell that I was almost there. The music was loud so we had to yell almost everything. There was a dance floor in the middle and there was a Dj playing on stage.

"Let's dance!" Lindsay yelled. She quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. Charlie and Izzy right behind us. She finally let go of my hand when we reached the center of the dance floor. There was a large group of people also dancing. Disco Inferno by 50 Cent was currently playing. I wasn't sure what I was doing but I danced along.

We danced and danced until we got tired. We walked back to the table and rested for a bit.

"I'm gonna go get more beer. Who wants one?" I asked.

"I'll take one."

"Me too." I turned and made my way towards the crowded bar.

"Can I get three beers?" I asked the bartender and he turned around to grab the drinks. I waited patiently until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a familiar curly haired brunette smiling at me.

"Well fancy seeing you here." Harry said.

"I could say the same about you."

"Who are you here with?"

"Some friends from the crew. What about you?" I yelled over the loud music. The bartender returned and handed me the three beers.

"I'm with some castmates. Tom, Barry, Fionn, Aneurin, and Jack." He yelled back.

"Well it was nice to see you again." I gave him a smile and left back to my table. I set the drinks down and grabbed one for myself.

"I love this song! Let's dance please?!!!" Izzy begged me. "Sexy and I Know it" by LMFAO had just begun. "Please please please please please pleeaaassseeee?" I rolled my eyes at her and gave in. We walked over to the dance floor and began moving to the music.

As we were singing along to the crazy song, I looked around me at the people dancing. In the distance I saw Harry and Fionn dancing with two other guys. I'm assuming Fionn saw me because he smiled and danced over to where I was.

"Alright, now you're just stalking me aren't you?" I joked. It was extremely loud so he had to lean down to hear me.

"Can you blame me?" He said in my ear.

"Smooth talker aren't you?" I yelled, still dancing.

"Only to beautiful girls like you." His response stunned me. Thank God it was dark or else he would've seen me blushing. I didn't know what to say so I just kept dancing. When the song was over I walked back to the table alone.

"Iz you can't leave me dancing alone after you drag me out there." I took a sip of my beer. I'm pretty sure I was just about drunk.

"You weren't alone, you had pretty boy over there." She smirked.

"Fionn? He just came to say hi calm down."

"Whatever you say!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes at her. We decided to call it a night and headed back to the car. We were are basically drunk except for Derek. He was our designated driver.

We arrived at our hotel and after struggling to get into our room, Izzy and I managed to brush our teeth and change our clothes. I'm sure I only took off part of my makeup, but I was too drunk to notice. As soon as my face hit my pillow, I was out.


I woke up with the worst headache I've ever experienced. I squinted my eyes at the light coming in through the windows. I guess we forgot to close the curtains last night. I managed to get out of bed without falling off. Izzy was still sound asleep. I felt an uneasy feeling and hurried to the bathroom. I threw up and suddenly regretted all those drinks last night.

I rinsed my face and brushed my teeth with the bathroom light off. All the bright lights made my head hurt even more. I didn't feel like doing anything but sleep. I was tired and my head felt as if it was going to explode. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Charlie:

Hey there's breakfast downstairs if you and Izzy want to come down. xx

I replied.

Thanks, we'll see if we can manage to get ourselves down there.

I heard Izzy groan from her bed. "What time is it?" She asked getting up.

"11:29." I replied, my arm covering my eyes.

"I'm knackered." She said rolling back into bed.

"Charlie said there's breakfast in the dining hall." I got up and changed into a t-shirt and my favorite pair of nike shorts. I put in my sneakers and a covered my messy hair with a ball cap.

"Go on without me, I'm gonna sleep in a little longer." She mumbled. I laughed at her and went back downstairs grabbing a room key from the dresser and my phone. I walked out and into the elevator, I clicked the button for the main floor and the doors closed. Once the elevator reached the main floor I walked out and towards the dining hall. I spotted Charlie and Lindsay sitting at a table by the window.

"No offense, but you look like shit." Charlie said once I sat down. I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"Feel like shit too." He laughed.

"Lindsay wasn't too good herself this morning." I looked over at Lindsay who was drinking coconut water, she rolled her eyes.

"I'm better now." She told him.

"By drinking coconut water?" I asked her.

"It always works for me." She shrugged. I got up and went to get some coffee from the breakfast bar. I poured myself some and added some honey to it. This was a weird combination but it helped me last time I was hungover. I sat back down with my coffee and began drinking it.

"Is that just plain coffee?" Charlie asked looking into my cup.

"With honey!" I defended.

"You Americans are so weird." He replied. Lindsay nodding her head, agreeing with him.

"We're gonna head back upstairs, do you mind?" He said.

"Nah I'm good here alone. I think Izzy might come down in a bit." They nodded and left. I sat there checking my phone and sipping my coffee. About 10 minutes later I heard the chairs in front of me move.

"Now how could someone leave you here all alone?" I looked up to see Fionn with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"It's peaceful." I said sipping mine.

"Did you have fun last night?" He was now sat across from me.

"I'm sure if I wasn't hungover I'd say it was a great night, what about yourself?" I looked at him in front of me, he was wearing a green sweatshirt and some jeans. Glasses rested on his nose and his freckles stood out from the sunlight peeping in through the window.

He laughed at my response. "It wasn't too bad, wish I could have danced with you though" I looked down and fiddled my fingers to avoid him seeing me blush.


"Hey I don't quite know you, but I'd like to. How do you feel about hanging out later today?" I wan't sure what to say, was he flirting with me? Did he want to take me out on a date? I hadn't dated much, I was a shy person.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked him.

"There's an ice cream shop around the block that I saw last night, maybe we could hang there for a bit? Only if you want to, I don't mind if you don't. It's your choi-" He began.

"I'd love to." I cut him off. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'll meet you in the lobby, say, around 5?"

"See you then."

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