t h i r t y - f o u r

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One Month Later

Fionn's POV:

I don't think I was ever a morning person until today. I woke up and couldn't wait for the day to end. Today was exactly one month since Rosie and I made that agreement. I had planned out everything for tonight. I wanted to make sure it was perfect.

There were only a few hours of the work day left, and they couldn't have gone by any slower. We filmed a load of beach shots today and it was absolutely freezing. It was only September but the weather here was only getting colder as the days passed.

Finally the day was over. I quickly changed out of costume and took a shower. I then texted Rosie.

Rosie's POV:

Meet me at the park down the street tonight around 7?

I looked at the text from Fionn and responded.


I looked at the clock and saw it was only about 6:23. I didn't know if Fionn wanted to just talk or if he wanted to go somewhere, so I just went down to the lobby and grabbed a snack from the vending machines.

I went upstairs and changed into some jeans and a sweater. Soon it was 6:50 and I began walking down to the lobby and towards the park.

The cold breeze hit against me as I strolled through the streets of Dunkirk. I looked around and remembered the last time I walked through here. It was when Fionn and I went on our first date. It was crazy to me that it was only a few months ago. Speaking of which, today the one month was up. I'm guessing that's why Fionn wanted to see me.

As I was walking up to the park I looked around for Fionn. I finally spotted a familiar head standing on a bridge.

"Fionn?" I asked. The figure turned around and it was, indeed, Fionn. He was dressed in a tux and had flowers in his hands.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Do you remember this spot?" He asked.

"Yeah it's where we went on our first date." I said smiling.

"It's where we had our first kiss." I felt my cheeks heat up. "Today is one month since we agreed to be friends and see how it goes." He handed me the flowers. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"This was the longest month of my life. " I laughed, he continued talking. "Rosie when I first bumped into you I didn't think you would make such an impact on my life. You are a wonderful person and I hate myself for ever hurting you. When you agreed to give me a chance I was so happy. You make me happy."


"Rosie, will you please be my girlfriend?" I smiled.

"I would love to." He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. It felt good to be in his arms once again. At that moment every awful thought disappeared. I didn't care about the distance anymore, I didn't care about the paparazzi. I only cared about this moment, right here. We were finally happy, we were finally together.

We were simply more than Acquaintances.

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