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"Sooooo..." Izzy began, "How was you date?" She laid on her stomach propped up by her arms.

"I didn't go on a date, but I hung out with Fionn, and it was wonderful." I said putting my stuff down. I took off my shoes and sat on my bed.

"Tell me about iiiiiiittttt." She whined.

"Well we went to get ice cream and he refused to let me pay for mine, then we sat outside and talked. After we walked to a park nearby and we sat on the swings." I told her, sounding a little too excited. "Then there was a dog! and he told me about his dog." Izzy laughed.

"Then we laid down in the grass and looked at the clouds, we talked about stuff and now I'm back here." I shrugged, completely my story.

"It was totally a date." Izzy said bluntly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up." I groaned.

"You can deny it all you want but it is what it is."


That Sunday was a calm one. I called my mom and we spoke about what was going on at home. The annual hot air balloon festival was coming up. Every year my family helped out, I was upset at the fact that I'd be missing it this year. Last year I was sick and it was just awful walking around.

Izzy and I were currently getting lunch at a cafe. It was around 12 and it was pretty cloudy outside. Hopefully it didn't storm while we were out, I didn't have a raincoat on me.

"So are you gonna go on a second date?" Izzy asked me. We had sat down in a booth.

I rolled my eyes at the topic, "Izzy for the last time, it wasn't a date. Stop calling it that!" I sipped my water.

"To YOU, what if he feels different?" I hadn't really thought about it that way. Did he think it was a date? Did he like me? I liked Fionn, but I don't think I could do a relationship. I'm working and I'm so far from home.

"Got you there didn't I?" She smirked.

"Iz, I didn't come 3,000 miles to find a boyfriend. I came to work."

"Say what you want, but the heart has a mind of its own." I rolled my eyes at her cheesy remarks. We finished our meals and headed back to the hotel. Our stuff was in the car since we'd be going back to London for the afternoon. Tonight we'd sleep in our own beds, but get up at the break of dawn to return.

We all piled into Derek's car and began our long trip back.


We arrived in London around 4:00. Derek dropped me off first and then the others. I carried my suitcase up to my apartment and set it down while I unlocked the front door. Boxes filled with my things were scattered across the living room, waiting to be unpacked. I had slept on the way back home so I wasn't quite tired. I decided to unpack my kitchen things and make myself an early dinner.

After unpacking and eating I still had a quite a bit of boxes left to unpack. I moved onto my living room next. My apartment was carpet except for the bathroom and kitchen, so I didn't need a rug. I put out a few pictures and some wall decor. I lit the lamp and put it by the couch that was included in the apartment. The apartment came with a bed, a dresser, a desk, a small tv, a small table coffee table, downstairs there were washers and dryers that everyone shared. It was like living on campus all over again

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