t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Fionn's POV:

I closed the door to Rosie's bedroom. Did I hear her correctly? Did she just say what I think she said? I didn't want to just leave her alone while she was in this state so I decided to stay. I grabbed a blanket and laid down on the couch.

Silence filled the air as I rested in the dark, the moonlight coming in through the window. Is that why she wanted to talk to me a few days ago? Was she finally going to tell me that she fancies me? I rolled over and sighed. I wish I hadn't agreed to the stunt. Rosie and I could be cuddled up in her bed but instead I'm here wondering if she'll even speak to me in the morning. I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest.

The next morning I woke up still on Rosie's couch. I got up and folded the blanket and walked towards Rosie's bedroom to check on her. I softly opened the door and poked my bead inside. There on the bed laid Rosie peacefully asleep with half the covers over her. I closed the door and walked towards the kitchen to make something for her headache since I knew she'd have one.

I found a kettle and put some water in it to boil. I heard a door open and another close. I walked towards the bathroom and heard Rosie begin to throw up.

"Rosie are you alright?" I asked knocking on the door. I heard the toilet flush and the faucet turn on. There was no response but I heard Rosie begin to brush her teeth. I walked back to the kitchen and turned off the stove since the water had finished boiling.

Right as I moved the kettle I heard the bathroom door open and looked up to see Rosie walking into the kitchen.

"Fionn?" She asked confused. Her eyes were squinted and she had her arms crossed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like shit." She walked towards the cupboards and grabbed a mug, pouring some of the boiled water into it.

"Thanks for boiling the water." She mumbled. She grabbed an instant coffee packet and stirred it into the mug. After she grabbed some honey and put it into the coffee. A weird combination, but I didn't say anything.

"Why'd you stay?" She asked.

"Wanted to make sure you were alright." We were both leaning on the counter, but on opposite sides of the kitchen. We stood there in silence, nothing but the sips coming from Rosie.


Rosie's POV:

I still had a pounding headache as I laid on the couch. After Fionn left I spent some time sleeping and trying to get out of my slump.

I didn't remember much of what happened last night, all I know is that I got drunk and Fionn had somehow found out and took me home. All this time I felt bad that I was rejecting him, but it appears he had someone all along. He didn't seem like the type of guy to cheat, but I guess I was wrong about a lot of things.

I didn't realized I was angry until I came out of my train of thought and saw I had squished my muffin together. I got up and cleaned the mess I had made.

I can't worry about him. From now on, no more love interests. Tomorrow was the wedding and I was going to have fun. Just me and my friends.

Jack's POV: (ooo wow mixing it up)

The lads and I planned to get dinner at a restaurant in town, we were just waiting on Fionn at the moment.

"Sorry I'm late fellas." He said walking in, a woman walking behind him. I instantly recognized her.

"Megan Macy?" Tom asked shocked. She just laughed.

"Hope you don't mind if I join you boys."

"Not at all!" Tom said.

"Lads I'm sure you all know Megan. My.. uh.. girlfriend." Fionn said, mumbling the last part. We all looked at hum with surprised looks on our faces.

"Girlfriend?" Harry asked. "But what about Ro-" Barry hit his arm.

"Yes, Megan and I are.. dating." I looked at Fionn, he seemed a bit uncomfortable as he said it. I shrugged it off and we ordered our food.

The rest of dinner I watched Fionn. Whenever Megan would get close to him or touch his hand he would try to move away. He rarely looked at her, it was strange. Megan had to leave a bit earlier than us because of some business. After dinner we all walked out of the restaurant and stood to talk a little longer. I pulled Fionn aside.

"Mate why ye' actin' so strange?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know you and Megan aren't together." His eyes widened at my remark.

"That's crazy! Of course we are."

"No, Fionn, you're not. I've seen the way you are when you really like someone. That in there? Was not it." He avoided my gaze and sighed.

"Look, you can't tell anyone. Please? It was Emma's idea and I had to go along with it. No one is supposed to know it's a stunt." He told me.

"Yer secret safe wit' me. But what about Rosie?"

"I think she hates my guts mate." A wave of sadness washed over him.

"She'll understand, tell her."

"I can't. Nina nor Emma won't allow it." He sighed.

"I'll tell her."

"No Jack. Please don't." He begged. "I'll get in deep trouble." I shook my head at the poor boy.

"Fine mate, I won't tell her, but you'll have to soon, or else ye'll lose her." And with that we walked our separate ways back home.

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